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My stomach turned.

The witch floated back to a shelf behind her throne. One of her tentacles snapped out to seize a jar. At once, she was back at my side, collecting a sample of my blood into the canister and then jamming it closed with a lid.

“For use later in a spell, sweet princess.”

Her clawed finger traced my cheek, and I batted her away.

She cackled. “Royal blood is most powerful.”

“Don’t touch her,” barked Gill, lunging forward.

Poseidon.I wanted to yell at him.Just stay still and stay alive, you stupid merman!

“Where’s my father?” I demanded. “I brought you the pearl. Now bring him to me at once.”

Faraall’s nasty fingers grabbed my jaw and squeezed so hard, I cried out.

“You no longer give the orders around here,” he said.

He painted his disgusting tongue along my lips. I struggled against him, but his grip was so strong. Unable to break his grip, I whacked him in the pouch below his privates. He hunched over and wheezed. That’d teach him to touch me.

One of his guards pushed me so hard I thumped into the wall behind me.

This set Nemo off, and his elbow cracked into the side of one mersoldier’s head. Fin joined the fight, yanking the trident from the guard to his right. He cracked the butt of it on the back of soldier’s neck. The soldier slumped to the ground. On the other side, Gill wrestled the two mersoldiers restraining him.

Time for me to join the fray. I snatched Faraall’s weapon and stabbed the mersoldier who had hit me right in the guts. He swatted me away with a punch to my waist. Pain sliced down my side. I thought he’d broken a rib. But I couldn’t give up now. My father’s life and my kingdom were at stake.

Someone snared me by my hair and yanked my head backward.

Faraall. His eyes blazed with hatred and a promise of death. Like the nasty slime he was, he bit into my neck and drew more blood.

I screamed and punched him between the eyes with the end of his dagger. He stumbled backward, clutching his forehead. A pink lump had sprouted on his forehead, making his left eye swell. That didn’t stop the look of utter contempt and malice aimed at me. He sprang at me with full force, pounding me against the wall. He twisted and dug his forearm into my throat, crushing my windpipe. I gasped for air and slashed at him, creating two deep cuts in his arm and torso, making a mess of the water between us. One good kick got him off me.

But another mersoldier awaited. He grabbed me and twisted my wrist backward. Splinters of pain shot down my arm, and I dropped the dagger.

Before the soldier could do more, Nemo moved in and stabbed him in the back.

Faraall and I lunged for the dagger at the same time. He punched me in the cheek. Blinded by pain searing my face, I staggered sideways.

For that, Nemo smashed Faraall over and over.

“I’ll kill you for that, soldier.” Faraall’s horrid threat rattled in my mind as they thrashed it out.

Two mersoldiers rounded on Nemo. Faraall smirked, no doubt thinking he’d won this battle. But when the soldiers thrust their tridents at Nemo, he swung Faraall at them, and they stabbed the commander in the side and tail.

The sea witch’s laughter echoed in my mind. This was all a game to her. Faraall was just a pawn to aid her in claiming the sea realm.

The mersoldiers’ expressions froze somewhere between shock and confusion.

The witch rubbed her hands together, still laughing.

The soldiers straightened again and tightened their grips on their weapons.

I left it to Nemo to take care of them. Ignoring the pain swelling in me, I growled. I’d never wanted to destroy something more than I wanted to ruin the witch and Faraall.

By the wall, the Faraall clutched at his weeping wounds.

In an instant, I snatched up his dagger and flew at him, weapon raised. He wrestled me for control, and I bit his hand. A firm grip squeezed my throat, strangling me. Now or never, I thought. I raised my arm then brought it down hard, jamming the dagger into his heart. Green flared in his wide eyes, and then the light fluttered and died.

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