Page 74 of Not A Ghost
"I'll move him down to the bank first," Cain decided. "You two get the barbecue. We can push that into the chest cavity, strap the man closed around it - or as closed as possible - and toss him into the pond. It's not perfect, and pieces of him will come up, but it should be weeks before that happens."
"Let's do it," Dahlia said, reaching for the concrete half of the barbecue.
It wasn't pretty, and it wasn't graceful, but the three of them managed to get the job done. Together, Dahlia and Cain heaved the man's body as far into the pond as they could manage - burning a little vitality to make sure that was more than far enough. Nikki made a sweep over the picnic area, pulling grass and pinching dirt before she cast some of her spells. The blood burned away, leaving singed marks in its wake, and then all of them worked to kick that out, scuffing the ground enough that it wouldn't be easily noticeable.
All together, it took well over an hour. During that time, the edge of the bubble shimmered in the distance, making it clear they wouldn't be seen. Cain noticed. Nikki actually asked about it, but the knowledge of that shelter meant they had time to make sure they got this right.
"We need better disposal procedures," Nikki said when they were done.
"No, what we need is to make sure that the ghosts who decided to attack one of our own know that they will not get away with it again," Dahlia snapped.
"We need a meeting," Cain said. "Dahlia, can you use this bubble?"
"I think so," she said.
Cain nodded, the expression on his face making it clear he was working on a plan. "Nikki, you need to stay with Thane. He won't be safe for this."
"He needs groceries," Dahlia suggested. "Beer, at the very least. I'm pretty sure he's out of some other things too."
"Been a while since I went grocery shopping," Nikki said. "So yeah, I can do that. Why?"
Cain and Dahlia shared a look, determination in both of their eyes, but it was Cain who answered. "Because we need to have a little meeting with the eidolon."
"Roarke has to be there," Dahlia added. "I'll have the cross as proof."
"They think they can ignore the rules I set?" Cain asked. "Well, that was their last mistake. I will make sure they realize just how weak they are. If those fucking babies think that they - "
"No," Dahlia said, cutting him off. "This time, I think it's mine. We've been too nice, Cain. We tried to be civilized. They have no idea what risks they are taking or how it could affect anyone else, so appealing to their logic won't work. This? It was an attack on one of our own, and that'smyarea of expertise."
"It's time to choose who gets to live and who will die," Nikki said. "Yeah, I'll keep Thane out until you send me a text and let me know it's safe. Deal?"
Dahlia just clasped the woman's arm. "Thank you. If he's not around then I have no reason to hold back."
"Nor me," Cain agreed. "Let's show them why we're the mother and father of the eidolon, and what happens when spoiled little children get out of line, because I'll let you lead on this, Dahlia, but I'm done with being the nice guy."
"And that," she told him, "is why I love you, Cain. Let's go stake our claim."
When it was finished, Dahlia found Thane listening as Roarke vented about what had happened. There was a calm peace between the two men. An understanding. Seeing them standing together like that, Dahlia realized they'd become closer friends than she'd realized. She also thought they needed each other.
But they didn't want to linger in the park too long, and Dahlia refused to ignore what had happened to Roarke. This was supposed to be the place where she could finally be safe. That was why she'd built a community. She was the reason why everyone else had taken the risk of coming here. So she'd be damned if she simply ignored a group whose actions now threatened them all. And yet, when she told Thane she'd prefer he stay away from the apartment for a bit, he did not agree.
"I'm not about to give those assholes the chance to jump you," he insisted.
"Nor will I," Cain said, moving behind her protectively. "I also think I'm a little more useful this time than you are."
Thane's jaw clenched, making it clear he didn't like this, but he gave in and nodded. "Ok. Just know that if anything happens to her, I'm coming for you, and I'll do it with a clavum. You may be old, but that's not the same as unstoppable."
"It's very close," Cain countered. "Just take care of our witch, inquisitor. Dahlia needs you far enough away that she won't have to worry about acting like a demon."
"Groceries," Nikki said. "You need them, and I never get to buy them. I also used to be a very good cook, back when I had a need for it." Catching his wrist, she tugged him towards the truck. "And we need to go. I'm pretty sure your fancy Words won't keep us from being caught eventually."
"You're with us," Dahlia told Roarke, gesturing towards where Cain and Nikki had come from.
Cain immediately pointed out his car. Dahlia grabbed the cross from Thane's truck, and the group split. As she passed through the edge of the bubble, only half braced for it to either burn or push her back, Dahlia realized just how well that spell worked. Behind her, the area looked completely normal, with no sign of Thane's truck, him, or Nikki, and certainly not of the mess they'd made of that picnic area. It looked just as peaceful and quiet as the rest of the park around them.