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“Fine. What’s your name? Or is that off limits too?” she asked.


“Is that your real name or just giving me a very common one?” she questioned.

“I spell mine differently. M.I.K.A.L.”

Her eyes widened. “Like the Mikal Cross, the magician?”

“The one and only,” I replied, holding my empty beer glass up. “How about another?”

She grabbed my glass and returned with a full one. “So you said this is a love issue. I take it you’re in love?”

“Wow. How did you guess?” I said sarcastically.

“I’m not one that you want to piss off, Mikal,” she warned, arms crossed.

“Why? You won’t serve me anymore or charge me twice as much?” I asked.

“Because I know your name because my best friend is Trisha Bentley. Does that name sound familiar?” she smirked.


What were the odds that with all the bars in the state, I had to stop at the one Trisha’s friend owned? “Let me guess. You’re Penny.”

“The one and only,” she said, quoting me.

“Great.” I got up and pulled a twenty out of my wallet and placed it on the bar.

“Wait, where are you going?” she asked.

“Home,” I replied.

“Mikal, you really shouldn’t leave.”

“Why is that?” I asked, not really caring what she replied.

“Because I’m the one with the answers to questions that you’re hesitant to ask Trisha,” she said.

I raised a brow. “You’re her friend, not mine. Why would you be willing to help me?”

She smiled. “Helping you is helping her.” Penny patted the bar in front of the seat I’d just got up from. “Let’s start over.” She extended her hand and said, “I’m Penny Watson, best friend of the woman who is absolutely crazy about you, but didn’t know how to tell you. And you are?”

The man who can’t believe he’s playing this game.

I shook her hand. “Mikal Cross, the man who is absolutely crazy about your best friend and didn’t know how to tell her.”

Penny grinned. “See. You already look like you’re in a better mood.”

Damn, she’s right.

Just knowing that Trisha had been battling the same issue as me, helped a little. “Great. Now we know that Trisha and I are poor communicators.”

“I wouldn’t say that. I know for a fact that Trisha is one of the best communicators I know. But love muddles things.”

“You got that right,” I replied, sitting down.

“So you admit that you’re in love with Trisha?” she asked.
