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Twisting around in my seat, I watched the three of them get to their feet, shaking off the sleep. Derrial looked my way. “When you see us returning, have the ship running and ready to take off. If guards or anyone spot you, leave. You can pick us up later.” He closed the distance between us, cupping my cheeks and staring at me like he wanted to say so much more but struggled.

I nodded and held onto his hand, leaning into his touch. “Part of me doesn’t want to let you go.”

The corner of his mouth twitched, but he never smiled, just held onto his hard veneer. “I’ll see you soon.” Yep, he was still pissed.

He turned and Corran was standing behind him. He crouched near my seat and plucked free a strand of hair caught in my eyelashes. “You’re so brave, Ella, and I want nothing more than to keep you safe.” He wasn’t wearing his glasses much in Veon, and I missed them. He looked nerdy and kind of cute in them. Kissing the back of my hand, my insides melted, and he left my side as well.

Thane gave me his cheeky grin and leaned over, his lips grazing mine. His musky scent washed over me, and my body responded, nipples tightening.

“I’ll be back.”

Goosebumps pricked down my arms, and not even his sexy words could put at ease the unrest in my gut. All three guys stared at me, and I wanted to say so much more, tell them despite everything, they’d grown on me, gotten under my skin, crawled into my heart. I was terrified that something would happen to them and I’d lose them.

“We won’t be long,” Derrial promised, but how did he know that? He just said it to make me feel better, but my stomach churned. It ached at seeing them leave.

I watched them traveling through the woods like shadows before vanishing out of sight. Then I slouched in my seat and scanned the grounds while I waited.

And waited.

And waited…

The sun descended and over two hours passed. The food I gave my dad had knocked him out, and he slept like a baby. I worried for him, but I also knew that now that we were together, I’d do anything to help him get better.

I waited some more.

Still no sign of the men.

My knees bounced, and I jumped to my feet, tired of sitting back. I paced to the rear of the ship and back. What if they didn’t return? What then? I would sit in the ship until someone found me? I doubted this was a shuttle I could fly back to Earth, or even then, how could I leave without my mom and knowing if the three Vepar were alive?

Panic rose through me like an exploding volcano, and all I pictured were the three of them dead, bleeding out as I sat here waiting when I could have done something. Anything to help.

I searched the compartments in the ship for a weapon, for anything to defend myself because I had enough of sitting here.

Manuals and tools were all I found, so I collected a screwdriver, gripping it in my hand. If anyone got too close, I’d jam it into their throat. A glint caught my attention from deeper in the drawer and I pushed things aside to pull out a knife that looked a bit worn. It was probably used to cut cords, but it was perfect for me. I tucked it into the deep pocket of the dress and headed outside.

The wind had picked up and it buffeted into me, shaking trees with pink and orange and green leaves around me. For a world that looked so beautiful, everything here was deadly and wanted to kill me.

Steeling myself, I hurried forward, hiding in the shadows, until I emerged from the tree line and stared out at the familiar building. The same one I’d run away from after being used as a lab rat. My breath raced, and I trembled hard. I surveyed the open land between me and the compound. No one around… and no sign of my three Vepar. I had to cross the open ground and pray no one saw me. My heart squeezed painfully.

I had to do this.

Nothing but silence surrounded me, so I lowered my head and ran for my life across the yard. I targeted the rear of the building, figuring there was less chance of being seen. My pulse was thudding in my veins, and I kept expecting an alarm to sound.

Bursting to the back door, I stopped and pressed my back to the wall, gasping for air. When no one rushed out after me, I scrambled toward the door only to find it slightly ajar. I pressed a hand to the handle and pushed it open, my other hand falling to my pocket with the knife.

Inside, a guard lay sprawled on the ground, his nose bloody and lip busted. He wasn’t moving. Yep, the guys had definitely come this way, and they must have switched off any sensors since no one had detected this guy. This looked like a delivery and storage room, so I stepped around him and cut across the room filled with shelves and boxes. I grabbed a white coat hanging on the wall and pushed my arms into the sleeves, then pulled the coat tight around me, noting it said “janitor” in Vepar on the pocket. I pushed my long dark hair over the title, and figured I looked close enough to pass as a doctor if anyone took a quick glance my way.

With my heart running a marathon in my chest, I pushed past another door and entered a white hospital like corridor, the antiseptic smells strong. I looked left and right and headed to where the location looked familiar from when the doctors rushed me out of here. The men would have had to go this way too. Hardly anyone was around which left me unnerved.

A voice came out from up ahead, and panic strangled me. I rushed into the closest room and shut the door in silence. The room was empty with nothing but a metal frame for a bed and light pouring in from the window. My skin pricked, unable to shake that horror movie feeling.

Footsteps faded outside, and I crept back into the hall, finding a man in a similar white coat as me. He was marching to where I’d come from seconds earlier.

I slipped out and ran in the opposite direction, my breath ragged and rushed.

“Hey, stop!” A male’s voice yelled from behind me. My insides froze. I shot a glance over my shoulder, to see a guard, tall and broad, with a spiky black horn.

I burst into a sprint away from him, my hand diving into my pocket. I gripped the blade, my body shuddering.

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