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Corran was talking frantically to the other two. "What if she finds out we knew?" he asked, his voice soft like it pained him.

What if I find out they knew what?

Thane answered him sternly, "She’s never going to find out. There would be no coming back from that," he explained.

"It would be better for us to be upfront about it,” argued Corran. "We should just explain our reasoning, how we've changed since then," he continued. "I'm sure she would understand if we just explain."

Derrial laughed. "When has she ever been reasonable?" he asked sarcastically.

I bristled at his tone. I felt like I'd been very reasonable about everything considering the circumstances. They were the ones that were completely unreasonable about everything.

Now I was even more suspicious about what they were talking about.

"It's not like we knew for sure that her parents had been taken, at least not at first," Derrial continued.

I sank to my knees. My heart felt like it was being squeezed to death. Were they talking about what I thought they were talking about? Had they known this entire time where my parents were?

And they had done nothing.

Just let them go through who knows what with the Khonsu?

Thane was right, there really was no coming back from this.

"That's the least of our concerns right now," Thane finally said after a lengthy pause when all of them seemed to be thinking.

“You’re worried that the procedure was successful?" Derrial asked.

They were talking about me getting pregnant in the lab, and my heart shuddered.

“You’re not?” Thane barked.

"Corran, what do you think the chances are that they were able to get it figured out? Is there a way to tell,” Derrial asked, ignoring Thane’s question.

"Not this early," Corran replied. “It will take at least two weeks for the hCG to be strong enough to be detected," he explained.

"Do you really think that they were able to work it out, how to do the implementation successfully without you?" Thane pressed.

"My team was very capable, and they had all of my work. So they should have been able to do it."

He sighed.

"I had hoped that it would have dissuaded them when they found out that I had taken the compound before I left. But now I'm not sure that any of them would even have cared."

This was so much to deal with. Not only could I be pregnant, but I also apparently could still die because of said pregnancy. And my parents had been captured by the Khonsu and had been here the entire time. Once again, how was this my life?

"We need to give her the compound just in case," said Derrial sternly.

“The compound had to be administered at the time of the implementation," Corran added. “It would be too late for that. But she should be fine with our blood sustaining her. That acts the same as the compound because we’re her mates."

“Then we have a fucking problem since our blood is no longer compatible with hers,” roared Thane. He was so loud that the walls shook.

“What the hell do you mean?” said Derrial. “How is that possible?”

“Up on the mountain, when I was saving her…”

“You mean when you were fucking her brains out in front of the Khonsu?” interrupted Derrial dryly, making me blush at the memory because it was a pretty apt description.

“Fuck you,” Thane snapped, annoyed. “This is serious. I bit her while we were having sex...and it made me really sick.”

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