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I tentatively touched his hand. He wasn’t a mirage. It really was him.

It was my father.

A siren blared, and I flinched. Shouts and voices rang from outside, but I couldn’t move.

“Dad.” My voice squeaked, but heavy footfalls rushed in behind me.

“We’ve been found!” Derrial barked. Strong hands wrapped around my waist and ripped me from my dad, our hands slipped apart.

“No,” I cried. “Put me down. Dad.” I bucked and fought.

“Silence,” Corran snarled in my ear. He spun me around and we were out of the room. My heart splintered and tears drenched my eyes as he forced me away.

“My dad was in there; we have to get him out.”

But no one listened to me. Corran ran through the woods, holding me tight against his side, and in seconds his black space cruiser shimmered into sight. The door slid open and we rushed inside. I glanced back to see Derrial and Thane running toward us with a horde of Khonsu charging after them like a pack of animals.

Fear shackled through me when Corran hauled me deeper into the ship and pushed me into a tiny room before the door slid shut.

I burst forward and slammed my fists into the door. “Let me out. We can’t leave my dad behind. Can you hear me? Please, Corran. My dad.”

Tears fell and I slid to my knees. When the tiny vibrations beneath me started, I knew it was too late. We were taking off and we’d left my father behind.

I wanted to die knowing we’d left him behind with those savages.

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