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“Make me feel something, Thane. Please…” I begged, the words so easily falling from my lips. I was never needy, I hadn’t ever been allowed to be. But right now, I longed to feel his touch. I needed to feel his skin on mine, to wrap my arms tightly around him, to feel him consume me. To feel he was real, that they all were real. To remind myself I wasn’t all alone in the world even though it felt like it in that moment.

He scooped me up in his arms, carrying me to the room upstairs where I was glad to see there actually were no trees, setting me down on my feet beside the bed. He took my face in his hands, his beautiful blue eyes penetrating deep into my soul. I moaned in response to his feverish kiss, my body pulsing from the onslaught, my hands taking him in thankful ownership, working their way around his waist, up the sculpted form of his back and shoulders.

His fingers slid into the hair at my nape and pulled tight, cocking my head back roughly to force my gaze. “You’re not alone, Ella.” He paused, his eyes searching mine. “Don’t. Ever. Fucking. Leave us. We’ll find you every time. Do you understand?”

“Yes. Please…”

His mouth crashed back to mine, desperate orders spewed into our kiss… “You’ll stay. You’ll never leave. You’re mine, Ella.”

His large body overtook me, forcing me onto the bed. The sight of him crawling over the top of me sent my pulse racing in anticipation. The feel of his weight was intoxicating as he lowered his lips passionately to mine. I relished in the strength of his body, running my hands along his form, needing to feel all of him. My fingers squeezed and clawed at every perfectly defined muscle. My head screamed to push him away, to hate him, but at the same time, I longed for him. I yearned to forget the shitstorm I’d found myself in, or maybe something was really wrong with me since I couldn’t help myself around these Vepar.

Our kiss was hectic, intense. We consumed each other, reaching to the deepest recesses of our mouths, the need to brand each other mutual. Heated, our fingers working in a desperate urgency to touch. Our clothes came off in a whirlwind of hands, tugging and ripping each other’s shirts off, before moving to discard our pants. I gasped as he slowly, teasingly slid his hands up my legs, tearing my underwear from my body, eliciting my slight scream.

My gaze darted back to his, and I whimpered at the burning heat emanating from his stare as he slid his muscled form over the top of me, resuming his passionate kisses. Kisses that worked their way down my trembling body, pausing at my chest, my belly button, to tantalize every inch of my skin with savoring licks of his devouring lips and tongue.

“Thane,” I moaned as he spread my legs with a firm pull, my whole body clenching in anticipation of his sinful mouth, but desperate for him to fill it at the same time.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, kissing my thighs, teasing me with his tongue. “It’s like you were made for us. Such a delicate, perfect little human,” he sighed out. His words only heightened the sensations that I already drowned in. I needed to hear words like this.

My body bowed to his delicious mercy, and I panted as he continued his ministrations. I grabbed his hair, moaning with every touch. I pulled and urged the return of his lips to mine, missing the feel of them against mine. Everything he did felt out of this world, different but just as good as my night with Derrial. I wondered if it could be like this with any experienced men or were the Vepar just particularly good in bed?

Kissing was incredible, but I needed him inside of me. I pulled him closer to me, trying to signal what I wanted without breaking contact with him. Finally he moved to settle between my legs, his heat scorching hot against my sex.

“You’re sure about this?” he asked me, sounding almost like he was in pain as he paused above me.

“Isn’t it obvious?” I clasped his face and resumed our frenzied kiss. When he finally thrusted inside of me, our simultaneous moans echoed through the tangle of our lips. He felt euphoric, like he was always meant to be a part of me. Like I’ve been missing him my entire life.

He glided in and out with precision, his gaze never straying from mine. I was mesmerized by the intensity of the moment. I’d been so full of anger when I was with Darrial. Would it have been like this if I had let myself feel something?

“Is this real?” I whispered as an unwelcome tear slid down my face.

He thrust inside me one more time before responding, watching the tear’s descent. “This is the realest thing I’ve ever felt,” he finally answered in a gruff voice that almost sounded as if he was choked up. His words consumed me, and he continued to move in and out of me.

The strength of our connection was to die for, every nerve inside of me awakened at his touch. I bowed uncontrollably, moving in helpless abandonment as the pleasure heightened. Seated fully, he stilled, and lifted his head to stare into my eyes. His blue gaze searched mine. I was speechless. Breathless. The pure emotion reflected in his stare had me sucking in air. There was something there between us, something I couldn’t put into words, but I realized I wanted to hear it desperately. We stared at one another for what felt like an eternity until he finally closed his eyes, breaking the moment. When he opened them again, the words were gone.

He brushed his fingers along my forehead, pushing the strands of hair away. His lips started to move, and I pulled his lips back to mine before he could speak. Our bodies said what our lips couldn’t. I mewled into his kiss as his thrusts grew faster. My hips met his thrusts, measure for measure, needing him so deep inside me I wasn’t sure I’d survive otherwise. We were frenetic in our need for each other, desperate, unable to pull away.

He drew his lips from mine, and instead, he took mock bites out of my flesh across my collarbone. His hand slid beneath my back, pulling me closer. I arched my body towards him, my head falling backward as his lips continued to move down my body.

“Fall for me,” he whispered, and his words are my undoing. The sexy timber of his voice combined with the steady tempo of his thrusts sent me plummeting over the precipice. Screaming his name, I slid my hands in his hair, gripping hard, riding the overwhelming waves of pleasure, convulsing uncontrollably. His thrusts pounded relentlessly as I rode the ebbs and flows, in and out, deeper and deeper into my clutching depths, before he finally stilled above me. He gave a delicious groan as he peppered my face and neck with kisses.

Harsh breaths amid the grasp of each other’s arms, we awaited the slowing of our rapid heartbeats in euphoric silence. Sliding out of me, he chuckled at my elicited whimper, turning to his side on the mattress, pulling me with him.

“I’m not done with you yet, sweetheart,” he warned playfully, running his fingers gently along my sweat-slickened back.

“I hope you’ll never be,” I admitted shyly.

His eyes widened at my admission, and I worried for a second, I’d said too much.

“Good,” he replied, giving me a sexy grin. He wrapped me in his arms, lifting me up with ease, moving to stand. “Time for a shower.” He smirked, as he carried me to the bathroom, holding me in one strong arm, and leaning in to turn it on.

“Thank you for saving me,” I whispered to him as the steam from the hot water began to envelop us, making me feel as if we were in our own little world and the outside world and all of its problems didn’t exist.

“Always,” he answered.

It was a long, long time before we said anything else.

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