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"They'rekaches," he tells me in a tone that's the most worried I've ever heard from him.

"Today would be a very good day for your powers to work," he tells me.

I silently pray to whoever up there is listening that my powers will actually work. One brave, particularly ugly creature approaches Aiden. Its sharp teeth resemble giant knives, with the exception that they are covered in copious amounts of green goo that appears to be actually steaming.

"Is there something I should know about their teeth?" I ask, gesturing frantically to the green drool that just dropped to the floor, promptly creating a hole in the floor.

"Yes, don't let them bite you," he tells me simply, concentrating on slicing the head off of the creature in front of him. "Their bite is poison, it eventually spreads throughout your entire body, even if it's just one tooth that nicks you."

I move my hand quickly away from one of the little beasts that's approaching from the side of us. They've now filled the room completely, and Aiden and I are having to stand back to back in order to keep them in our sight.

I shoot a volt of electricity at the one approaching, and it disappears in a cloud of ash. This doesn't seem to deter any of the others. In fact, it seems to inflame them at the audacity we have to dare to kill one of them. The screeching grows into a crescendo, almost like they are giving a war cry before attacking.

Attack us they do, suddenly, and all at once. Aiden's movements are practically a blur as he cuts through them with his broadsword while somehow simultaneously shooting black ropes into others. I'm using my lightning to defend the masses in front of me, creating dark black spots where nothing is left of the creatures but a black mark on the floor. The room smells of burnt flesh and I try not to gag even as my eyes water from the horrendous smell.

Despite the hundreds I know we have slain, the room doesn't seem to be clearing. If anything, it looks fuller than it did before as thousands of the creatures, which oddly resemble the Gemlins from the movie I watched as a child, continue to stream into the room.

A sense of the inevitable settles upon me as I see that we have become separated, and Aiden has become surrounded a few feet away from me. I continue to shoot electricity in a circle around me, beginning to get dizzy from the movement and the overpowering, horrendous smell of their fried carcasses.

The creatures somehow become even more confident, and I'm horrified to find out that they can jump when one jumps onto my leg, opening its mouth to take a giant bite of it. Not thinking, I grab it by its large ear and toss it against the wall where it hits with a loud thud.

They begin to jump more in earnest until I'm having to try and zap them out of the air before they can land on me. I can't take my eyes away from the mass that's continuing to surround me, so I can't check to see if Aiden's making any progress. Attempting to hear anything through the din of the creatures' screeching, I'm relieved to hear the swish of Aiden's blade signaling that he's still alive.

I hear him suddenly roar out and then increased squeals from the creatures as he assumedly begins to wade his way through them.

"Eva, above you!" he yells.

I must have lost my concentration for a moment trying to check on Aiden, because when I look up, I see that a few of the creatures have been climbing across the huge wooden beams that frame the top of the room as decoration. They begin to drop from the ceiling, like dive bombers honing in on their target, in this case the target being me.

I hit a few of them, but the distraction of having to defend myself from above now too is just the opening the ones surrounding me on the floor have been looking for. I can't defend myself from all sides, and Aiden is still trying to cut his way through the hundreds that have surrounded him.

"Evaaaa," he cries as I feel the first sharp bite break the skin on my leg. A burning heat stems from the bite. I can feel it rapidly making its way up my leg. I throw the offender off of me, but there's ten more that jump on me from below. At the same time, a few others land on my shoulders from where they've continued to fall from the ceiling. At least five manage to bite me before I can blast or shake them off, and I feel my movements becoming sluggish. The burning heat seems to be coursing through my entire body, and I can feel my heartbeat beating hard to try and overcome the poison. It feels like my heart's ferocity is actually making the poison spread faster though.

My wounds are leaking the green goo from the creatures' mouths, and I can feel the same burning on the outside of my skin where the goo has dripped, as I do on the inside where the poison continues to circulate through my body. My heart seems to be giving up the fight as it has dramatically slowed from its frantic pace and is now struggling to keep any blood pumping at all. I'm too weak to burst out any meaningful strikes and my sluggish movements do nothing to help toss the creatures off of me who are now freely swarming me.

"Eva," Aiden cries, and in my haze I realize that he peculiarly sounds more angry than he does sorrowful at what is happening to me. Maybe he's angry at himself for not being able to protect me like he promised.

I sink to my knees. My whole body feels like fire. I almost expect to burst into flames. I can't help but scream as the pain builds until I feel myself losing consciousness as my body tries to protect itself. The sound of my heartbeat finally fading, along with Aiden's snarl is the last thing I hear before everything goes dark.

Chapter 17


I've been down here for what I think amounts to a couple of weeks. It's hard to tell since the meager amount of light that finds its ways through the bars that cover the small windows in this hellhole never seems to change much thanks to how heavy the cloud cover must be outside.

It's a strange thing, but my body is actually feeling better than it has in months despite the regular, daily beatings that I receive from the prison guards. Because I'm finally with her.

After having a little fun getting high off of my incubus blood, the Jiangshi must have been underHisinstructions to carry me to the prison where I've been languishing ever since. Thankfully, the idiots put me in a cell near Eva, and my healing abilities have slowly returned as I regain my energy from finally being near her. Every day four or five guards come and beat the living shit out of me, and the next morning when they return, the bruises have perfectly healed.

My body may be healing, but my heart feels worse than ever. Although Eva could stop traffic on her worst day, right now may be her worst day. She's thin, so thin that I'm not sure if she's been fed since disappearing. Her skin is pale and covered in dirt and grime. Her hair hangs in strings down her back, a much darker shade than usual due to the filth she's been forced to live in.

A guard comes in twice a day to tube some kind of potion down her throat. He doesn't send aJiangshi, but some other kind of supernatural creature. I'm guessing Fae due to the similar energy readings I'm getting between him and Beckham, and I guess Eva, although her readings are far stronger than both even in her current state.

Henever comes in to check on her. I hate that I still don't have a better way to identifyHimbeyond fucker, asshole, etc. I've tried charming the guard, but after he failed to even look at me I saw that he was wearing some sort of earplug.Hemust know what I am then.

My strength builds every day, and although they aren't feeding me at all, the energy that Eva has given me has allowed me to slowly regain my strength enough to start plotting our escape. Hopefully the incalculable age of this pit of misery has weakened the chains I'm bound up in enough that when I'm full I can break them and get us both out of here. I'm just not quite there yet. I've tested the chains every day and they haven't even cracked a bit.

It's agony to see Eva like this. I feel more helpless now than I have at any other time in my life. I keep praying that she will somehow wake up, but most of the time she doesn't even appear to be alive. I just have to assume that because the guard continues to come and put the potion down her throat, she's still with me. I can't comprehend a world without her. I knew I was in love, but it wasn't until she disappeared that I realized that it's far deeper than love. Billions of people have fallen in love over the course of the world's existence. What I feel for her can't be tied down by such an ordinary term. I haven't said anything to the others, but I've come to the conclusion that she's my fated mate. Lexi's witch prophecy be-damned. You don't feel this overwhelming obsession, this I can't exist without this person, if it's just ordinary love.

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