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"I'll be right there," I tell him, clicking off before he can get another word out. I'm desperate to find Eva. I feel like a junkie who hasn't gotten his last fix. I jump in the car and gun it, going far faster than any speed limit. My ability to persuade will definitely come in handy if a cop tries to stop me.

Despite the traffic, I make it in thirty minutes. The elevator seems to take forever, and I wish for the millionth time that I had wings like Damon to get me where I need to go. It would be much faster. I burst through the doors as soon as they open and see Damon and Lexi screaming at each other.

"Wow, guys, what's going on? I thought Lexi knew where Eva is?" I ask. Damon's always been a little high strung, but he usually doesn't threaten girls.

"This witch, or should I say bitch, is withholding information about Eva and I've had enough," he says. His face is turning purple with how angry he is, and I wonder how long they've been fighting. I notice that the apartment is in disarray, with a large piece of the wall in the living room punched in with debris everywhere.

"I've told you a million times, I can't tell you everything asshole! I'm not physically able to, it's part of the spell!"

"Well at least tell us who has her," roars Damon.

She opens her mouth to answer. But whatever she wants to say is cut off before it can make an appearance and she starts making a little gagging noise. How interesting. It looks like she's under some kind of binding spell to keep her from giving out certain information. I guess I will have to add how to undo binding spells to my ever-growing list of things I'm trying to uncover about the mystery that is Eva's disappearance.

I give an exasperated sigh, we might not be able to get Lexi to tell us everything but maybe a little finesse will get us at least a little information. I give Damon a reproving stare and motion him out of the way.

I watch Lexi as she begins to pace back and forth, muttering to herself under her breath. I clear my throat. "You were saying…" I tell her, letting the frustration seep into my voice.

"I thinkhehas her," she says tentatively. This gets my attention.

"Who is 'he'?" I ask.

She looks at me annoyed.

"I know you can't give us his name, but surely you can tell us something about how he knows Eva," I tell her calmly, letting a little bit of my persuasive abilities leak through my voice to settle her down. It must work, because the angry lines across her forehead soften. What replaces the anger on her face is a look of utter uncomfortableness. I start to get nervous butterflies in my stomach, knowing that I'm not going to like her answer.

"Her husband," she answers tentatively, taking a few steps away from Damon and myself. I trip over air at her words and fall on my ass. That was literally the last thing I thought would be coming out of her mouth.

I look over at Damon. He looks like he is about to finish what he started and destroy the rest of the apartment, along with Lexi. He takes a menacing step towards her and I hurriedly stand up and grab his arm before he does something drastic like rip off her head, getting rid of the only information we have on Eva's whereabouts.

I clear my throat before I speak carefully. "Eva's married?" I ask, my voice a weird mix of emotions.

I can't tell whether I'm just angry or have suffered a mortal wound and am now dying. Has everything Eva told us been a lie? Had she really been escaping a bad marriage? For some reason the news that she has a husband feels like an old wound that has been reopened. The pain feels deep like I had managed to scab it over.

Damon lets out a groan that sounds like I'm feeling, more hurt, than anger. Lexi is still looking at us like we are wild animals that are about to attack.

"She was married to someone else in her first life with you," she says very carefully.

"First life?" I ask, feeling dazed.

Obviously, this is all news that Damon has already heard as he growls in frustration and yanks away his arm from the grasp I still had it in.

"Not to ruin the dramatic effect you have going that is forcing us to get everything out of you only after begging, but I think you're forgetting that we're still waiting for you to tell us where Eva is. I could care less about her husband. I'll wretch her from his cold, dead corpse if I have to. She obviously didn't want to be with him and husband or not, she's mine now."

I give a little noise of disapproval and he looks over at me and rolls his eyes.

"I guess she's a little bit of his as well," he says reluctantly.

Lexi nods, and seems to gather herself. She walks over to stand in front of me and I frown at her, not knowing what she's going to do.

"Beckham, I need you to remember," she whispers, placing her hands on my temple, and mumbling a few words I don't recognize under her breath.

I feel warm all over for a moment before my brain starts seizing, like I'm having what I imagine a stroke feels like. I fall to my knees and begin to yell in agony, but still she holds on to me. I can faintly hear Damon yelling in the background until there's a loud bang, I assume from her magically throwing him against a wall.

A litany of images begin to float through my head.

I'm a boyplaying with sticks with friends in a stone courtyard when I look up and see the most gorgeous girl in front of me. She's dressed perfectly with gold hair tied back in a white ribbon and sparkly slippers that look like they've just been shined. I look at my own shoes covered in mud and immediately feel self-conscious. I'm not good enough to be in this angel's presence. She waves in my direction and I look around, sure that she must have waved to someone else behind me since I've never met her before. There's no one there however. The boys around me have stopped and are staring at her with awe as well. She begins to walk over towards our group, her eyes staring straight at me still. I gasp when I see the mud splashing on her perfect outfit from the rain we had earlier. The maid that is accompanying her gives a little tut of disapproval but doesn't make a move to chase after the girl. She splashes through the mud towards me and holds out a hand.

"I'm Eva," she says, holding out a now mud-covered hand.

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