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I cringe and feel strangely jealous. I want my soul to be tethered to Eva's.

"Why exactly did you do that?"

"I lose her in every life that she's had. I made a promise to her when this all began, that she would never be alone. I've broken it now more times than I can count. Sometimes centuries upon centuries in my life have passed before I find her. I don't even know how many lives I've missed where she's been all alone. When fate finally brought her to me in this one, I needed to make sure that I didn't lose her again. She's my queen…and my best friend," she says vaguely. "I had to find a way to keep my promise."

I'm frozen, my mind having a difficult time comprehending the clusterfuck of facts she just laid on me. Past lives? A Queen? I feel like I've gone down the rabbit hole and entered Wonderland. I move towards Lexi again, tempted to grab her and shake the answers out.

"Ok, I'm going to try and take the craziness you just laid on me and take it apart piece by piece. We'll start with tethering, what does that entail?" I spit at her, wishing, not for the first time, that I had Beckham's patience.

"I connected our souls using a spell," she tells me with a sigh, acting like this is everyday knowledge I should already have. "You use a piece of hair, or other bodily fluid, along with something that is precious to the person for the ingredients. After the spell is done, if it's worked, I can get a general idea of where the person is at if I don't know, among other things."

I don't even want to know how Lexi got Eva's hair, "bodily fluid," and belongings, or what 'the other things' entails. Hopefully it didn't involve creeping into her room in the middle of the night and watching her sleep, but I wouldn't put it past the witch. I suddenly get the image of her taking Eva's blood while she's comatose, and I cringe. I get the feeling that she's omitted quite a bit of details from what "tethering" actually entails, but I've got a lot of other things to untangle. I can research exactly what tethering is later on.

"Ok, moving to the next batch of craziness you dropped on me. What kind of other lives are you talking about?"

"It's a long story," she says grimacing. "And I can't really tell you very much. I don't even know everything, and she bound me that I wouldn't be able to talk about most of it."

"She bound you? Are you saying that Eva's a witch too?" I ask.

Lexi shakes her head, her eyes wide. "My Queen is much more powerful than a witch. Binding me was part of the magic she used to protect the land," Lexi starts, her eyes and voice taking on a dream-like quality as they remember whatever she's talking about.

"He had cursed it all, summoning magic so dark that even Eva, with the infinite power she possessed couldn't do anything to combat it. He took everything from her, had her under his thumb to the point that he controlled everything about her. He was killing the land. Draining it of its magic in an attempt to bind her to him forever. We found an ancient spell after months and months of searching. It required..." Lexi's voice chokes up. "It required a great sacrifice."

I'm standing in front of her now, gripping her shoulders. "What sacrifice did Eva have to give?" I ask, gritting my teeth.

Lexi promptly blasts me into the wall, sending sheetrock scattering everywhere, and I'm sure scaring the building's other tenants into thinking an earthquake is hitting New York City. All I can do is stare at Lexi in shock. She must be pretty confident if she's willing to blast an angel of my stature and power level. I stand up and casually dust myself off, refocusing on what's most pressing in everything she's told me tonight.

"That was your one opportunity to do that. I hope you got it out of your system," I tell her calmly, advancing towards her. I can see her eyes fill with a bit of fear at what I'm going to do to her, and I admire the fact that she is trying to keep a stiff upper lip despite the fact that she's shaking.

"Let's start again, and this time I promise not to touch you. We'll discuss all my other questions at a later date. Right now, you're going to tell me where Eva is and how I can get her back."

"I think you should call Beckham," she responds. "From what I remember, he will know pieces that I don't."

I'm confused. How would Beckham know anything more than I do? She must see the confusion written on my face and then she seems to get very uncomfortable.

"Not to get involved with the little competition you have going right now with the other dudes, but Beckham was her very first love. He was her fated match in Eva's first life."

Dread is spreading throughout my entire body. Fated match? That could be the worst phrase I've ever heard in my life. I know all about fated pairings, and I know that the thing about them is you only get ONE. Fated mates are so rare that it's not even a sure thing that you will find yours if you have one. Even eternal beings can go thousands of years without finding theirs. I've been so sure that Eva is my fated mate. Lexi has to be wrong. She doesn't know what she's talking about. Beckham would have said something at the very beginning if he knew Eva. He would have been a bit more angry about her dating Mason and I if she was his fated mate. I certainly can't even think about her with them without falling into an internal jealous rage. We'll call Beckham and get him over here and he'll set Lexi straight.

"Fine," I finally tell Lexi. "I'll call him right now and then you're giving me more answers."

Chapter 2


I'm in an alleyway, about to enter the club that Eva and Lexi went to the night before she disappeared to see if I can find out anything, when my phone rings.

"What!" I snap at Damon, annoyed that he's bothering me when I'm actually attempting to do more than sulk.

"You need to get to my place now, Lexi says she knows where Eva is."

I almost drop my phone.

"How does Lexi know?" I ask, thinking of Eva's airhead friend that always seems to be hanging around.

"Evidently the little red-headed devil is a little more than she seems," he says, sounding annoyed and suspicious at the same time. Damon's always hated red-heads. I'll have to ask him why sometime.

Focusing on my need to get to Damon's, I abruptly turn around and start jogging back out to the street where my car is waiting, the sounds of the club getting fainter the further I get away.

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