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"I did think it strange, that's why I gaped at the door as He left at first because I was so caught off guard," I murmur, thinking about His unlikely behavior.

"He left because that bastard knows I can't do anything to you, even if I wanted to."

I stare at him puzzled, not understanding. Is it because he's stone?

"He castrated me. I'm a fucking eunich. He literally tore everything away from me, just because I was talking to a girl He was after when we were teenagers. So yes, My Queen, I know better than most the consequences that come with Him."

I stare at him gaping, tears pooling in my eyes. His face gentles. "My point was not to make you feel sorry for me. My point was to tell you your secret is safe with me. I will do everything in my power to prepare you for the fight to come. You are planning on fighting correct?"

I nod at him fiercely, still too overcome with emotion to speak properly.

"Then let's get you flying."

I wake the next morning, my heart heavy but eager to learn more from Lexington. I dreamed again last night, but the details are hazy. As usual, they leave me with more questions than answers. Gwenny knocks on my door and brings me breakfast as I get ready for another day of flying lessons.

Aiden is unusually distracted as we walk to the tower again. So distracted that he didn't ogle the tight leather pants I found hidden in a drawer in my monster closet. We get to the door of the tower and he stops suddenly.

"Have you been sleeping well?" he asks me intensely.

"Perfect," I say in a somewhat strangled voice.

"You would tell me if anything was wrong, right?" he continues, grasping my hand so tightly that it's uncomfortable.

"Of course," I tell him, alarmed by his behavior.

"Okay good, " he says. "I'm sorry my darling, there's just been some trouble in the outer territories and I'm feeling stressed. I didn't mean to take it out on you."

"Can I help you with anything?" I ask, a little bit too eagerly.

"Just learn your magic and your flying…and give me a chance," he adds quietly. "That's all I need from you."

With those parting words he gives my hand a squeeze and leaves me to walk by myself up the steps of the tower to where Lexington assumedly waits for me.

Chapter 12


I'm exhausted. Every step is a struggle. The harsh terrain makes it even more difficult to keep up with the group. We've apparently come during the rainy season, and they don't call it that for nothing. I trudge after the rest of the group, the mud sticking to my boots and making me feel like I'm wading rather than walking. Lexi cast some sort of spell to repel the rain since it hasn't stopped falling the last couple of days, but the spell can't protect us from the mud that the rain has created.

I thought being on tour without Eva was miserable enough, but evidently, I was getting more of an energy boost from the crowds than I thought because I feel like I'm steps away from death right now without it. I haven't said anything, but I can tell that Damon and Beckham are well aware that I'm not myself by the worried looks they keep casting towards me. With how the trip has gone, I'm almost flattered that they're actually worried about me. If I bite it, it's one less person in competition for Eva. I mean they'll still have the rest of the male population, and probably most of the female ones as well…and now I'm rambling. Evidently psychosis is a symptom of hunger as well as extreme fatigue and lethargy.

I'm paying too much attention to just trying to take my next step that I don't notice that the group has stopped in front of me. I end up running into Beckham who glances back at me annoyed before turning back around to pay attention to the frantic Liu in front of us. He's gesturing frantically at Damon who, as he has for most of the trip, looks like he wants to kill him. As my energy has waned, so too has a lot of my supernatural strengths like good hearing. I have to strain to try and pay attention to what Liu is so upset about.

"We have to stop here. We can't go any further."

"Why would we do that?" snaps Damon. "Do you see any vampire infested fortresses around here?"

"This land doesn't feel right. We can't go any further," Liu responds in a panic.

Damon turns to look at Beckham.

"Can you please do something about this?" he asks.

Before Beckham can open his mouth to compel him, Liu suddenly pulls his long hunting knife out of his belt and stabs Damon in the stomach before turning and sprinting away. I'm too shocked at how much Damon is bleeding to even think about going after Liu.

Beckham is the first one to get to Damon. He pulls the knife roughly out of Damon's stomach, which garners a glare from Damon. It's a less effective glare than usual since Damon is wheezing with pain. Liu must have got him in the sweet spot. I'm not overly worried about Damon since he's very hard to kill, but I am worried about the copious amounts of blood that he's spilled all over the ground. I'm not quite sure if theJiangshiare as sensitive to blood as normal vampires are, but I really don't want to find out.

"Where are the bandages?" I ask urgently, digging through my enormous bag.

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