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At that moment I remember that I've been consorting with someone who actually is a dangerous creature. Someone who can literally suck out an immortal being's life force if he so chose.

I appraise how I'm feeling. Surprisingly, I feel energized. I'm hot all over, and my body wants nothing more than to finish what we've started.

"I feel fine," I say.

He seems to glow even more. "I didn't mean to feed, but somehow unconsciously I was," he explains excitedly. "And it didn't even affect you. You are as powerful as they say." He gives me another fervent kiss, practically vibrating with energy.

I smile at his happiness, but a small part of me wonders if he will only be attracted to me now because he can feed off me without hurting me. He seems completely different from the bitter man from just moments ago.

Just then, I hear footsteps coming from down the hall. They're clipped and moving briskly towards my room. It's Him.

"Go," I mouth to him, motioning towards the window. He hears the footsteps as well and hurries away. He stands up on the windowsill and turns back to me. "Will you be alright?" he mouths silently, worry written all over his face.

"Just go," I answer, giving him what I hope looks like a reassuring glance. He disappears over my window ledge and his parting words carry over the breeze. "Goodbye My Forbidden Queen."

I just manage to rip my eyes away from where he has disappeared, and finish smoothing out the bed, when the padlock is undone, the door is thrown open, and He appears.

"The guards say that they heard a male voice in your chambers. Where is he?" He roars, scanning the room and beginning to look behind things.

"Where is who?" I respond calmly. "As you can see the room is empty," I tell Him, motioning to the room around me.

He continues to search and finally gives up when He sees that the room is really and truly empty. He walks over to me and glares down at me, grabbing my chin.

"Your only option is me and I suggest you remember that or there will be consequences," He says in a silkily evil voice, full of possession and anger.

I say nothing but continue to stare back at Him resolutely. He lets go of my chin roughly and strides out of the room, slamming the door behind Him and locking it once again. I can hear Him screaming at the guards as He walks back down the hallway. I sink to my knees, shaking with adrenaline. What have I done?

Chapter 11

There's a knock on my door the next morning, rousing me from the deep sleep I was in, notwithstanding the dreams I keep having. I blurrily call out for the intruder to come in and Aiden walks through the door, practically bouncing on his toes with excitement.

"Get up, My Queen," I have a surprise for you. I sit up in bed, the covers sliding down my body. I'm still tired, but I'm also excited at the prospect of a surprise. As I get out of bed I hear Aiden give a small groan. I look at him questioningly and see that his face looks pained, but his eyes, his eyes are burning with lust and desire. I follow his gaze as they drift down my body and realize that I'm wearing a basically see through negligee. There's almost nothing that's not incredibly sexy in the wardrobe that I've been provided here, and my head hurt so badly after practicing yesterday that I grabbed the first thing I felt in the drawer without looking at it. Obviously, I need to change before I allow people to walk into my room.

He takes a step towards me and I freeze, wondering what he is going to do. He continues to walk until he is standing a hair's breadth away from me. He places his hands lightly on my hips and seems to sniff my hair. I can feel how hard he is, and I take a deep breath, wondering what is going to happen next. After all, he claims that he was my husband once. Surely, we've had many a scene like this. His left hand starts to trail up my side. Not for the first time I notice how handsome Aiden is. I could have chosen much poorer in the husband department. He's leaning in, our lips an inch apart…

"Eva!"comes a voice, seemingly from inside my head. It stirs me from whatever trance I've found myself in and I take a step back, almost knocking the both of us over with the suddenness of my movements.

"I'm just going to go freshen up," I tell him shyly, hurrying to my bathroom and closing the door quickly. I lean against the door and take a deep breath. That was…intense. Also, it seems that I'm officially going crazy now considering that I'm continuing to hear voices inside my head. This is an interesting development.

I take a deep breath to try and shake off the weird feeling I have after that encounter. A part of me is attracted to Aiden, I wanted him to kiss me yesterday. However another part…another part feels like there's something off between us. Like our pieces will never match up. I hurry and wash my face and slip into the tights and accompanying blouse that I managed to wrangle out of Aiden. No way was I going to continue to wear a dress to practice magic. I should really introduce the kingdom to the benefits of Nike.

Aiden's still in the room when I emerge. He's holding the still full glass that Gwenny puts the sleeping potion in that I forgot to throw out the night before.

"You didn't drink your potion last night," he says in a voice that is trying to be bland, but misses the mark. I'm not sure why he and Gwenny think it's so important for me to drink it. I'm sleeping fine, I'm recovering my energy just fine, so what is it?

"I was so tired last night that I didn't need it," I explain while pulling on my boots and studiously ignoring his watchful gaze.

"Did you sleep alright?" he asks, and for some reason the question feels deeper than that, like he's fishing for something.

"I slept like a rock," I reply cheerfully. He searches my face for a moment before giving me a false grin in return.

"That's good. I still would like you to keep drinking it though even on nights when you're tired. It has energizing properties that will work well with your training," he explains casually. I nod at him in agreeance, and he walks out of the room to leave me to finish getting ready. He leaves me with an uneasy feeling though, and despite the fact that Aiden has done nothing to cause me to mistrust him, I decide that I'm not going to be drinking that sleeping potion anymore. Crazy dreams notwithstanding.

I'm happy to have another few minutes to myself as I pull on my boots and tie my hair into a braid. Aiden is intense, and I feel confused and conflicted every time I'm with him.

He's waiting in the hallway, talking quietly with the guards he has assigned to me. The talking ceases as I emerge from my bedroom. He flashes me a wide smile as I walk towards the group, and I give a sigh of relief that the awkwardness of the earlier moment seems to be forgotten. I again resolve to try harder with him. I'm sure our relationship took time before and we just need time again for me to discover what was magical about the two of us.

"Shall we eat breakfast before the surprise?" he asks me, giving a little smirk once again at how excited I get at the word. My returned memories made very clear to me that I haven't had very many good things happen in my life, and Aiden must know that since he can't seem to get rid of that knowing smirk he has every time he uses the word "surprise".

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