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"Stop, Beckham," she said softly, tears gathering in her eyes. "You were actually going to give us a chance weren't you? But then you met her."

I didn't know what to say, and my silence must have said enough. She put a hand on my face, seeming to be memorizing it. "Vanessa, I still value our friendship immensely. I don't want to lose that." I said meaningfully.

"Beckham. I can't be friends with you anymore, at least not for a long time. It hurts too much. I've been living for the moments I've been able to see you for the last three years. I haven't dated. I haven't even been able to look at another man. Please just do this for me. If you can't love me, please just leave me alone. But I should warn you…a girl like Eva is going to break your heart."

I stared down at her and finally pulled her into a hug, brushing her forehead with my lips. Vanessa had been there for me for all the craziness of my career and had been a good friend. But Eva…I knew with my whole heart that she would eventually become my everything. I would lose everything at the chance to be with her if I had to.

Vanessa stood on her tippy-toes and kissed me on the side of the mouth before turning to leave. Knowing what I needed to do, I pulled Vanessa to me so that she was facing me, and looked in her eyes.

"Vanessa. You are no longer going to have romantic feelings for me, and from this moment on I will not even be a thought to you. You will forget that we were ever friends. You will return to your home and feel at peace."

I didn't want to add the part about forgetting we were ever friends, but I felt that it was safer than running the risk she would continue to want to hang out with me and would fall back in love with me. I watched as Vanessa's pupils dilated.

She looked confused for a moment before shaking her head and looking up at me with confusion.

"Sorry, I must be a little bit drunker than I thought. Hope I didn't bump into you too hard," she said.

"No problem, it's a crowded room in here."

She looked at me for another moment before smiling and saying "Bye!" in a friendly voice. I watched her walk away, a little bit of sadness welling up inside of me at losing such a good friend.

Mason and Eva had just walked up the stairs after Vanessa left. "Ready to go?" I asked them. Mason looked a little upset and Eva looked pensive.

"Let's go," answered Mason gruffly.

We went to find Tommy to say goodbye. He whispered something in Eva's ear that made her blush before Mason pulled her away from him, giving Tommy a clap on the back before walking away. I saluted Tommy and turned to walk away as well.

"Beckham," said Tommy, calling after me.

I turned to look at him in question.

"She's not a girl you let slip away," he said.

For someone who seemed drunk ninety-nine percent of the time, I couldn't deny that he knew what he was talking about. I nodded my head and headed out after Mason and Eva to where the limo waited for us.

Chapter 6


Beckham's house was exactly what I would have picked for myself…you know, if I had millions of dollars at my disposal. His home looked like it belonged more in the Hamptons than Malibu. Beckham called it a "beach cottage" but it was almost 7,000 square feet. It was made out of white stone and dark brown wood beams, and it had a huge lap pool with an accompanying pool house. It took up a few acres of the beach, giving Beckham the privacy he wanted when he wasn't on location. Everything was white inside with light grey ash wood floors.

I stared around in amazement. Every place I went to in my strange new world was better than the one before. There was a moment of awkwardness when Beckham asked where I was sleeping. Mason looked at me with hopeful eyes, but I just couldn't stay the night with him, especially in Beckham's home. My skin felt electrified from the continual touching both had done all throughout the night. I had gone from unwanted touches from Mr. Anderson that disgusted me, to having three men that lit my soul on fire touch me constantly.

I felt overwhelmed after the visions that I kept seeing, or whatever they were, and needed some time alone to go over everything. Mason looked disappointed but gave me a sweet kiss before letting Beckham show me to a guest bedroom.

The bedroom that Beckham brought me to looked like something out of every girl's fantasy. There was a giant gold mirrored headboard on a king size bed, covered by a lacey white duvet cover.

"This doesn't look like a man's room," I laughed as Beckham showed me around.

He flushed.

"My designer made a few bedrooms that would appeal to a more feminine taste," he explained.

There was a giant window seat with a fluffy white cushion and gold pillows that looked out towards the ocean. There were black and white cursive quotes in gold and black frames all around the room. My favorite one was a quote from Helen Keller that read "Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all." The room was utter perfection.

He showed me an ensuite bathroom with a large separate tub and another fancy shower that had so many knobs, I wouldn't know what to do with it. I oohed and ahhed at everything he showed me until we were done with the tour, and Beckham was hovering by the door.

"Thank you for letting us stay here," I said awkwardly. "Your home is perfect in every way."

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