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"Where to tonight Lexi?" Max asked in a smooth, rich voice.

"Let's try Riot tonight," she told him. "Poor Eva almost got mobbed at Covet the other night, so we should probably stay away from there for awhile," she explained.

Max nodded and began driving away from the school. Lexi pulled a bottle of champagne out of a bin that was built into the back of the car that I hadn't noticed. There were two glasses attached to the bin, and she quickly and efficiently poured some of the champagne into both before handing me one.

"To a friendship to last the ages," she called out as she clinked her glass against mine.

I thought that was a sweet sentiment since we had only been friends for a few weeks. I felt so comfortable with her already, it was almost like we had been friends for far longer. We sipped our champagne, and gossiped back and forth about different things that had happened during cheerleading practice. I noticed that she seemed to be intentionally leaving out any talk of Damon, Mason, or Beckham. She mentioned how Lane had been calling her everyday, but she didn't go any further. I leaned back into the cool leather of the seats and listened to her chat about a hot guy she had met in her Chemistry class. She was getting to the part of the story where they had made out after class in one of the hall closets when Max pulled up to large warehouse looking building that had a line stretching around it.

"We're here!" Lexi cried excitedly, stopping in the middle of her story and downing the rest of her drink. I followed suit and waited for Max to get to our door to let us out.

"Do you want me to come inside?" Max offered to Lexi as she stepped out of the car.

"No, we'll be fine," she said, sounding amused at his question as she pulled me out of the car, and started towards the nondescript entrance of the building.

I eyed the building warily. Although there were a lot of people milling around, it didn't look anything like Covet had looked. It just looked like an abandoned warehouse with its shiny sheet metal looking roof and the colorful graffiti all over its walls. Lexi was still dragging me behind her as she marched up to the door.

A large bald man that towered over both of us was standing there dressed in all black, with a headpiece in his ear. The imposing looking man took one look up and down my body, and then moved aside to let us in. I smiled tremulously at him as I nervously followed Lexi into the dark entrance where I could hear the faint sound of music pulsing as I walked farther in. There was only a blacklight to light our way down the narrow corridor that was covered in neon graffiti, just like the outside.

We had been walking for so long in the corridor, that I was beginning to think that Lexi had brought me here to kill me, when we finally reached another door where another imposing looking man with an earpiece was standing. He too took one look at us and opened up the door next to him to let us through. A blast of humid air that smelled of fog and sweat hit me as I walked through the doorway. We turned one more corner, and found ourselves at the top of a metal balcony with stairs leading down to an enormous dance floor packed with people. The techno beats pulsed around me, and I saw that everyone looked like they had been streaked with the same neon graffiti paint covering everything else, creating an effect where everyone glowed under the black lights that were shining down on the floor. It was a completely different feel from Covet and I instantly loved it.

Lexi squealed and waved to someone she saw by a bar off to the side of the room. She immediately started to once again drag me down the stairs. I struggled to keep up in the heels that I hadn't gotten used to walking in yet.

"Isn't this great?" she yelled back at me, dancing along to the beat that was playing as we walked.

"Yes it is!" I yelled back, trying to be heard over the music.

In truth I was very much out of my element. There was a strange feeling in the air, something that gave me an almost heady feeling, like I was actually sucking in pure energy when I breathed instead of the smoke that I saw swirling around me from the fog machines that were pulsing out particles every few minutes.

Lexi led me to the bar, and yelled out something to the bartender who looked at me with interest before turning around to grab whatever Lexi had asked him to get us.

"What did you order?" I asked, starting to relax a little now that we were mixed in with the crowd rather than staring down at them from the stairs.

"Their house shot," she said excitedly. "You're going to love it."

Someone on the other side of Lexi asked her something and she turned away from me for a moment to answer. While she was distracted I took the opportunity to people watch. I moved a little with the beat from the song the DJ was currently playing. I hadn't heard it before, which wasn't surprising since I still had a lot to catch up on from my time in the attic, but it was very catchy. As I people watched, I noticed that there was something strange about the people around me. They all were just a little too attractive. More like the guys, than normal people. I also saw that the air above the dance floor seemed to be almost sparkling.

I moved my eyes quickly away from some couples who were getting a little too close for my comfort, but I couldn't stop staring at most of the people I was seeing on the dance floor. A lot of them were unearthly beautiful in a unique way. Many had distinctive hair in colors that you usually didn't see like pale pink, or ice blue. I also noticed that many of them seemed to be almost glowing. I wondered if that was just because of the black lights and the reflection of the light off the paint that was streaked across many of them.

Lexi had turned back towards me and handed me a shot. The bartender was standing by; I suppose to see what I thought of it. I eyed it dubiously.

"What's in it?" I asked Lexi, and the bartender too by extension.

"A little of this, a little of that," he answered, smiling wickedly.

Lexi threw it back and I followed suit figuring if it didn't kill her, it wouldn't kill me. It was super sour, much more so than the other drinks I had tried, and I winced.

"Did you like it?" the bartender asked eagerly, obviously not able to read my face. I gave him two thumbs up while inwardly grimacing.

"Whoooo," called out Lexi, shaking her shoulders and obviously feeling whatever we had just drank.

"Let's go dance!" she cried, grabbing my hand and once again yanking me forward. I kind of felt like a rag doll tonight with all the tugging that was happening.

We walked through the throng of people, getting felt up and pushed against as we passed by. Like usual, the majority of the people stared at me as we passed by, something that I just needed to get used to. I could feel the strange energy even stronger in the crowd. I couldn't help but suck it in, feeling pleasure course through me as I did so. Lexi was watching me almost eagerly as I did so, and I blushed from her rapt attention. She laughed at my expression and started dancing. I followed suit, letting the distinctive melody guide my movements. I glanced around me as we moved, and soon became uneasy at what I was seeing.

There was a couple nearby embracing. I hoped it was my imagination, but the guy, a dangerously handsome blonde, was nuzzling her neck. I looked a little closer and saw a flash of what looked like a fang. The girl made a faint sound of gratification before seeming to fall closer into the man's body. My eyes widened, and I grabbed Lexi as I noticed similar couples doing the same thing all around us.

"What's wrong?" she said as I gripped her tightly.

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