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"She actually has class after this," said Damon stepping around me, and taking my elbow from Eric to start leading me out of the room.

"Sheactuallycan speak for herself Damon," Eric snapped at him.

The rest of the football players were watching the scene with trepidation. I was sure that they didn't make it a habit of starting problems with Damon. Damon stopped walking towards the door and turned. He glowered at Eric, holding eye contact with him until Eric finally looked away. Damon then took my hand again, and we proceeded to walk out. I looked back. Eric was staring at Damon with so much hate that it put a shiver down my back. He would need to be dealt with soon. At the very least his attitude towards Damon needed to stop if we were going to stay friends.

The rest of my first day of classes passed uneventfully. I liked my second class just as much as my first. I was interested in psychology and why people behaved the way they did, and thought the class would be a great introduction to the field. Damon was waiting for me outside of class and again walked hand in hand with me to the lunch hall. I got the usual stares, with the addition of some jealous glares from various girls we passed by, but besides that we were left alone. My third class was my most fun class of the day surprisingly. I had always hated math, but Lexi kept me laughing the whole time and surprisingly seemed to be really good at Statistics, always knowing the answer despite not seeming to be listening at all.

After class, Lexi and I walked to cheerleading practice. I tensed up as we got closer to where the team was gathered. I was sure there was going to be repercussions from Selena for the attention I was getting from Damon and Mason. I was sad that something I had been so excited about had already become something that gave me so much anxiety.

The fallout started as soon as Lexi and I stepped foot on the field. Selena had decided to freeze me out, and had gotten a lot of the team to follow suit. Lexi muttered curses at them every chance she got while I tried to ignore the fact that most of the girls were acting like I didn't exist.

We were practicing a pyramid routine when the next part of Selena's plan went into action. Coach Ryan had put me as the flyer even though it felt like I was too tall for the role based on YouTube videos I had been watching of routines. We had practiced this routine a little bit the week before, and everything had gone off without a hitch. This time however I had butterflies in my stomach as we started.

Selena had a huge grin on her face when she looked over at me, like she knew something that I didn't. It was hard to concentrate as her devious grin reminded me of the one she had flashed me at Damon's the other night when she was butt naked and on her knees. As we approached the part where I was hoisted to the top, I saw her give a nod to someone below me. All of a sudden the hands gripping my ankles let go, and I toppled towards the ground. Right before my face crashed into the ground, what felt like an invisible cushion seemed to appear in front of me, and my descent stalled. After a second I fell again, but this time only from an inch away, so I wasn't injured at all.

I laid there for a second in shock, listening to the girls yelling back and forth. I had no idea how I was going to explain what had just happened to the team. I couldn't even explain it to myself. I should have had a broken leg or worse. I sat up slowly. Lexi had gotten to me first, freaking out hysterically and patting me down.

"Eva, are you okay?" she said, her voice catching with emotion.

"I'm fine," I said reassuringly, pretending to stretch out my arms and legs to check for injuries.

Coach had run over to me, talking quickly into a walkie-talkie in her hand. She stopped suddenly in shock when she saw me moving around.

"Never-mind," she spoke into her handheld. "Eva, how are you feeling?" she asked.

"I'm fine," I said again. "I hit some girls on the way down so it broke up my fall," I told her, trying to think up a plausible excuse for what had just happened.

After seeing that I was okay, Coach seemed to get furious, immediately turning around and yelling at Selena and some other girls for their "carelessness." Selena was looking at me like I was the one who had done something wrong, but her friends around her looked shaken up. Weirdly it didn't appear that anyone had seen me stop right before hitting the ground. Surely they would be saying something about it right?

Lexi grabbed my hand and helped me up, brushing dirt off of me.

"Are you sure you are really okay?" she asked me again searchingly, staring at me as if she could see my secrets.

I smiled in response and gave her a side hug.

"Perfect, it wasn't that far of a fall."

Lexi didn't seem convinced, but luckily let it go. Coach didn't seem to be over what had happened, and called an early end to practice. I strode off the field with Lexi, aware of a dozen girl's eyes on my back as I walked away.

Chapter 14


I waited outside of Eva's dorm room for her to get done with practice. I could tell she wasn't used to having a phone since she seemed to never have it on her. Mason and Beckham had both been texting me throughout the day wanting updates on how Eva was doing since she wasn't answering their texts and calls. I had begrudgingly given them short answers, jealousy rippling through me as I did so. I had decided that I was going to attempt to play nice. Mason's speech and the depth of his feelings had softened me somewhat. Additionally, Eva would definitely be turned off if I let the raging jealous idiot inside of me show, so for now I needed to act relaxed.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, I saw Eva walking with Lexi towards me. I immediately knew something had happened. Lexi looked near tears, and Eva had a very serious look on her face. I jogged to meet them.

"What happened?" I demanded.

"Your ex happened," said Lexi with a glare.

I groaned internally. Selena was going to be one of the biggest mistakes that I had made in my very long life. But looking back, how could I have prepared for someone like Eva? I couldn't have even imagined someone so perfect existing in the world, let alone that she would like me.

I took Eva's hand and pulled her towards me, smoothing the hair back from her face.

"I'm so sorry baby," I said quietly.

"It's not your fault," Eva said fervently. "Some people are just awful and nothing can change that."

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