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I blushed and looked down, a little bit ashamed for having eavesdropped so much.

"But yes, my background is a little bit of a mystery. I seem to remember back for at least a thousand or so years it seems, but I have no idea where I came from, or what I am."

"And Mason thinks that we could be the same?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yes. Mason has the ability to read energies to a certain extent. Every living thing emits some kind of energy, but those of supernatural origin emit energy on a different frequency. Mason can tell the difference between all of us."

"What is Mason?" I asked. "Does he know?"

At my question Beckham tensed up a bit.

"That's not really my story to tell," he said, looking decidedly uncomfortable.

I wondered what Mason could be that would be a big enough deal that Beckham didn't feel comfortable telling me himself. I decided to let the matter drop since I had about a million other awkward questions I wanted to ask.

"Do you have any special skills?" I asked, wondering if I had something similar since I could be the same thing as him. Beckham again looked uncomfortable.

"My gift seems to be that I can be…persuasive," he answered, looking away from my gaze.

"Persuasive. What exactly do you mean by that?" I asked uncertainly.

"I mean that I haven't met a single person…or supernatural, who doesn't do exactly what I tell them," he answered, with a very serious face.

I thought about what that meant for a moment. I couldn't imagine that kind of power. If I had something like that I could have avoided so much of what had happened in my life. I pulled my knees up closer to me and wrapped my arms around them. So far it seemed the only "superpower" I had was the ability to heal from extreme abuse. A rush of jealousy flooded me.

"I don't have anything like that," I said, a little bit of pain leaking through my voice. Beckham again stroked my face and leaned in close.

"You haven't turned 18 yet have you?" he asked.

"No," I said, confused at the question. "I turn 18 in three weeks."

"For most supernaturals, their powers don't truly come in until they turn 18," he explained.

Immediately a rush of hope flowed through me. Not that I had ever dreamed of having superpowers or anything like that, but the idea that I could have something to make me not so vulnerable and weak was infinitely appealing to me after everything that had happened in my life.

Beckham's phone went off suddenly, causing me to jump a little bit. He picked it up and read whatever text had come in.

"I'm sorry to end this conversation, but Mason is back at the house waiting for us. Your flight is going to leave soon."

I looked around at the beautiful place Beckham had brought us to and felt a rush of sadness at the thought of leaving it…and Beckham.

Beckham helped me stand up, and we picked up the food and blanket and started to walk towards the stairs that led up to the car.

"We need to actually go swimming next time," he said, grasping my hand as he led me up the stairs.

"Next time?" I asked.

I couldn't help but feel a little hope at his words. Beckham didn't say anything until we finished climbing the stairs. He turned to me.

"Eva, I feel like you are everything I've ever been looking for in my life and didn't know that I needed. It wouldn't be possible for me to let you go."

I felt tears glistening in my eyes at his statement. I felt the same way. That he was somehow my "home." My thoughts turned to Mason and Damon. Although my feelings for Beckham felt more familiar for some reason, what I felt for them was just as strong. Beckham must have read the indecision in my face.

"I'm not asking you to make a choice now, I'm just telling you that if there's a race for your heart, I'm all in and I'll never not be all in."

He took one last step towards me, and softly grazed my lips with his. It didn't feel like a first kiss I realized. It felt like he had been doing that for all my life. Beckham's phone went off again with a text from Mason asking if we were on our way yet. Beckham finally led me to the car. We were both silent on the way back to his house.

Chapter 9

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