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“What movie did everyone pick?” I asked with a smile. Eric grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him.

“We got tickets for Captain America,” another guy answered.

I once again pulled myself from Eric’s grip and walked towards the ticket stand. “How much do I owe you,” I asked. A chorus of voices answered that I didn’t owe anything. I tried to smile sweetly at them and walked into the theater.

Damon had managed to sit by me with Eric on my other side. Damon passed me the bucket of popcorn and I dug in. I was pretty sure that movie theater popcorn was my new favorite food. As the movie started I leaned forward excitedly. I could feel eyes on me but I didn’t care if I looked stupid. During the movie Eric had moved his hand right above my knee. I moved away uncomfortably. I really didn’t want him to try and make a move in the middle of the movie around so many other people, or to even make a move at all. He seemed to get the hint.

Damon was a sweetheart and made sure I had a steady supply of popcorn and my Sour Patch Kids throughout the movie. He whispered corny jokes to me about certain parts of the movie and laughed at all the same parts as I did. As we exited the theater after the show I was bouncing slightly. I had loved it. I overheard one of the other guys asking Damon what one of the actors was like in real life. Of course Damon would know the actors. I remember reading that he did Hollywood movies himself. He was of course way better looking than anyone that had been in the movie, and I was sure that his movies did well as I couldn’t imagine any girl or even guy not wanting to see him on a big screen.

Once we got back to campus everyone continued to hover around me chatting among themselves and asking me questions. After a while, Damon seemed to give them a look, and they reluctantly said goodbye and wandered off. All that was left was Damon and Eric. Both were glaring at each other and not budging. Not wanting to be alone with either of them, I said goodbye and attempted to hurry off. I heard Eric swear and then he hustled up to me.

“Can I see you for breakfast again tomorrow?” he asked.

I wasn’t ready to potentially lose my only friend on campus so I reluctantly agreed. He once again grabbed my hand but this time pulled me into a long hug, kissing the top of my head. I finally pulled away and began walking again to my dorm. I heard footsteps behind me and knew that Damon had followed us.

“Eva, wait,” he called out.

I stopped and reluctantly turned around to face him. He was just so beautiful. And it sucked that he had been so sweet and charming at the theater. It would be much better for me if he was a jerk.

“I would like to see you again, preferably as soon as possible,” he said smiling.

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” I answered.

“Why?” he asked, puzzled.

“Well, you’re Damon Pierce,” I answered. “And I don’t think that you would be good for me.” He looked at me thoughtfully.

“You’re oblivious aren’t you?” he asked. “I should be thinking the same thing. I don’t think there’s a guy on this planet who would be good enough for you Eva Taylor.”

I didn’t know what to say to that. It had been ingrained in me that I was a horrible person, undeserving of being loved, and I didn’t see how I could compare in any way to him.

“Just give me a chance,” he asked softly.

Staring into his eyes I was tempted to give in. However, I mentally reminded myself of the need to stay away from guys like him and shook my head no. Without another word I ran into my dorm, leaving a shocked Damon Pierce standing behind me. I opened up my dorm door and locked it behind me. Leaning against it, I cursed my actions. I had to be the biggest idiot ever to have said no to him. Feeling depressed I got into bed and tried to fall asleep. I was restless. My mind churning with the events of the day. It was hours before I finally relaxed enough to fall asleep.

That night I dreamed.I was walking in a strange land, a land that fulfilled all definitions of what paradise would be like if it were real. A land that seemed strangely familiar to my heart. There were rolling green hills as far as the eye could see, dotted with an abundance of trees laden with various kinds of fruit and flowers. Gurgling streams flowed here and there, flowers in colors I couldn’t even describe blooming up all around me. Music was everywhere, tickling my senses and wrapping me up in its haunting melody. The air smelled sweet and fresh, untainted and so different from real life. I meandered slowly along one of the streams for awhile, admiring the colors and enjoying the warm breeze that teased my hair. I sat down underneath a tree, closing my eyes for a moment in relaxation. When I opened my eyes I gasped in shock. The landscape now resembled the pits of hell. The air was dark and foreboding, filled with the scent of sulfur and ash. I could taste the smoke in the air. Trees had been replaced by burning piles of rubble and my soul mourned the destruction of the paradise I had just now discovered. Instead of music, screams filled the air, sending shivers down my space. I heard something behind me, turned around…

I sat up in my bed, my body drenched in sweat, and a feeling of unease enveloping me. My dream stayed just out of my grasp, feeling both familiar and out of reach at the same time. Eventually any recollection of it disappeared for good. It was hours before I was able to fall asleep again.

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