Page 26 of All He Desires

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Chapter 10

“Didn’t you and that boy used to run around together, dear?” Mrs. Lewis leaned over to ask Eliza as they both watched in disbelief as Neil gyrated inappropriately around the dance floor.

“A long, long time ago. In high school.” That wasn’t the first time she’d been asked about Neil and her relationship with him, and Eliza knew that it wasn’t going to be the last.

The entire evening, whenever Neil caught a glimpse of Eliza he would point at her and yell, “There’s my girl.” It was the same thing he used to do in high school whenever he saw her in the halls or the cafeteria. He’d even do it playing football or baseball when he saw her in the stands. Back in the day, it had made her feel special.

But that felt like a lifetime ago. Everything was different now. They’d been teenagers then. Neil was the most popular boy in school and he never failed to melt all the girls’ hearts with his public displays of affection. His antics had always been met with a low rumble of “awws” and “how sweets” from the female population of their high school. Now they were adults at a black tie fundraiser in a ballroom at the country club. He was as drunk as a skunk and no one was amused, male or female. In fact, his shouting had garnered disgusted looks of disapproval from both genders, which she totally understood.

“Well.” Mrs. Lewis patted Eliza’s hand. “We were all young once. Let’s just hope your taste in men has improved.”

Eliza grinned as she nodded, but her internal voice was saying, nope. No improvement here.

She wished there had been. Her first husband had used her as a pawn in a chess game. He’d won and discarded her. Her second husband had more than just a wandering eye, he’d had a wandering penis. And it didn’t matter because she was in love with someone else the whole time. She was in love with a man that was unavailable, both physically and emotionally. He kept telling her and showing her as much, but her glutton-for-punishment heart just kept on chugging up Love Mountain like the Little Engine that Could.

This afternoon, when she’d bumped into Nate, literally, she’d almost had an orgasm, in broad daylight, on the sidewalk of one of the busiest areas in Harper’s Crossing. And then when he’d figured out who Farmer was named after well that had been game over, she’d had an emotion-gasm. Her heart had exploded with awe and love. Tears had sprung to her eyes and as much as she tried to pull it together, it was no use. Telling herself not to feel things at this point was about as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle.

By the time she’d entered the groomer to pick up Farmer, she’d realized that she was hopelessly, completely in love with Nate Holmes, and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it.

Her silver lining for the day, though, was seeing her handsome man after he’d had a bath and his nails clipped and hearing the sisters that owned Bones, Balls & Bellyrubs go on and on about what a good boy Farmer had been. They said he’d even helped a few of the dogs that had had separation anxiety from their owners. The dogs had been crying and he sat by them, worked his calm Alpha magic and they’d settled right down. After singing his praises they’d said that he was welcome anytime to just come hang out. Farmer had taken it all in as he’d sat tall, proudly wearing the brand new red and black, Bones, Balls & Bellyrubs bandana that they’d tied around his neck.

She might not have the actual bodyguard that she wanted, but she had Farmer.

“You know you don’t have to sit here and babysit me all night, dear.” Mrs. Lewis patted her hand again. “There’s plenty of young men besides Mr. Holmes, who I’m sure would love to fill your dance card.”

“Oh, no.” Eliza shook her head. “I’m good.”

There’s only one name she wanted to put on her dance card. Unfortunately, he was on the dance floor with his stunningly beautiful, brilliant, charitable, funny, cool, pediatric surgeon date. Not that anything would’ve been different if he was here dateless. He’d been avoiding her all week and was doing the same thing tonight.

He and Bailey had arrived just as the cocktail hour was ending and right before dinner was being served. She hoped that the people standing around her hadn’t heard her audible gasp when she laid eyes on him. He was wearing a black tux with a charcoal gray tie and the simple black mask he donned made him look like a cross between Christian Grey in Fifty Shades of Grey and Christian Bale in Batman. She’d seen him in a tuxedo as a teenager, but that memory did nothing to prepare her for the visual devastation seeing him in a tailored tux as a man would produce in her.

Neil was wearing the same tux, or at least one that was indistinguishable. When she’d seen her ex, she’d had no reaction. Neil was good-looking, obviously. He was tall with an athletic frame. Olive skin that complimented his dark hair and eyes. But, he didn’t come close to having the sex appeal that his brother had.

Nate had an air of authority. He was controlled. Measured. Dominant. Intelligence, strength and confidence effortlessly exuded from him. He walked into a room and the atmosphere changed. If she found out that actual molecules in the air multiplied or separated in reaction to his presence, she wouldn’t be the least bit surprised. It was magic. Or maybe it was just the pheromones he gave out.

Or maybe you’re just in love with him, her internal voice pointed out.

And it was right. She was in love with him. And it was miserable.

When they’d announced that dinner was served, she’d crossed the room to her table and they made brief eye contact. She saw a flash in his stare that, if it was anyone else, she would classify as heat, but since it was Nate she had to tell herself that she was most likely projecting her own feelings onto him. Then, before she could even enjoy it, bask in it, memorize it, it was gone. His eyes and expression were blank. No recognition. No acknowledgement. By the time she’d lifted her hand in a small wave he’d already looked away.

That was the first and last contact that they’d made all night. She’d hoped after they’d run into each other this afternoon, they were at least on friendly terms. But maybe her joke (that was so not a joke!) about her wanting him to see her in her lingerie had made him want to keep his distance. Maybe just like she wanted to avoid Neil, Nate wanted to avoid her.

Oh, no.

Was she Nate’s Neil?

No. She couldn’t be. That didn’t make any sense. She and Nate had never dated. They had never had any relationship besides friendship. Maybe that was it. Will wouldn’t feel like he had to check in with Chuckie. In fact (spoiler) at the end of Good Will Hunting, Will leaves without even saying goodbye to his best friend to go “see about a girl.” Maybe he still saw her as the Chuckie to his Will Hunting.

Whatever he considered her, his actions were telling her loud and clear that he was not interested. All week he’d literally been telling her he was not available. Her mind was listening, but her heart and hormones were doing their best elementary school impression of la-la-la-la-la I can’t hear you.

“Are you sure?” Mrs. Lewis tilted her head towards Eliza. “That dress sure would look good out there under those twinkly lights.”

Eliza glanced down at her dress and had to agree with Mrs. Lewis. Becca’s cousin-in-law Amber owned a dress boutique and designed most of what she sold there. She was making all of the bridesmaid’s dresses for Becca’s wedding and when Eliza had gone in for her first fitting, she’d seen this dress on a mannequin and had instantly fallen in love.

It was black and sleeveless with a high neck, sheer illusion bodice covered in subtle appliqué that would sparkle if the light hit it right. The chiffon skirt had a slit that went up to her mid-thigh and the back was bare, scooping daringly low. It was one of a kind and when Eliza had slipped it on, it felt like Amber had made it with her measurements in mind. Even the price tag hadn’t scared Eliza away. Of course, she hadn’t paid full price. Amber had insisted on a “welcome home” discount, which Eliza had tried to refuse, but to no success.

As much as she’d love to feel the chiffon brush back and forth against her freshly shaven legs as she swayed to the music under the sparkling lights, she knew better than to push her luck. Neil had no problem making a scene and not only would that be embarrassing for her, it would be associated with the sweet woman whose insistence on her husband’s retirement had been the catalyst for Eliza’s new lease on life. So there would be no dancing tonight.

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