Page 7 of Please Daddy

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I was only there for strict business purposes. It’s not like I was there to mingle and make merry like the rest of them. I was there to deliver my documents, and that was it. Should have left as soon as I did that, I guess, but I needed a short break before the four-hour drive back home.

Addison is still screaming. Jesus, this girl has some set of lungs.

‘There ain’t anyone for miles around,’ I tell her. ‘It’s just you and me, sweetie. Screaming ain’t gonna help.’

I’m not sure those words reassure her like they’re meant to.

‘What are you doing here?’ Addison asks, pouting. ‘Did you follow me or something?’

Really, I know the poor girl is half scared to death, but I can’t help laughing at this. ‘I was already here when you arrived, Missy. Now how would I follow you when it was me who was here first?’

My smile isn’t reciprocated. But at least Addison has stopped screaming now. We’re making progress.

‘I take it your sister hasn’t told you,’ I said. ‘About our arrangement.’

I damn near kick myself for using that word. Arrangement. It’s a little too close to the bone in this scenario. Wedohave an arrangement. And it’s far more ‘arranged’ than I’m about to let on to this frightened girl right now. If she knew just how arranged we really were, I have no doubt she’d start screaming again.

I barely know her, but I don’t like the idea of her being scared. Poor thing.

Addison looks at me, puzzled, her hands on her hips. ‘What are you talking about? What arrangement?’

‘Why don’t we go inside and talk about this? There are skeeters out here as far as the eye can see, and I bet you’re not wearing any bug spray right now.’

‘I’m not going intherewith you.’ She points at my cabin. ‘This was supposed to be my retreat. My forest hideaway. My private spa.’

Okay, I know it’s brutal, but I can’t help chuckling again. Herspa? Who does this lady think she is? The queen? Anactualprincess.

‘This is my home, darlin’. And your sister has arranged for you to stay in it with me for the next six months.’

Addison’s jaw drops all the way to the forest floor. ‘Me? Staying with you? For six months? Like… roomies?’

I might be a big tough guy, and I might be capable of some very big, bad things, but I feel a heat rising in my throat, onto my cheeks, and I hope I’m not blushing. I’m pretty sure I don’t ever blush, but who knows? I’ve never been in a situation quite like this before.

I’ve never shared my home with anyone, either. Let alone a chick as hot as this. Talk about a roomie with a view.

I know Ishouldn’tbe attracted to her. Not when this entire mission — me and her — our reason for being thrown together is strictly business.

But when I saw her at the party last night, standing on the balcony, in that tight, black dress, showing off her full, perky tits, her grab-me-now hips, her tight, thick ass… I could barely keep it together. The sight of her made my shorts grow tight in a split second. And then, the way she’d flicked her long, wavy blond hair back and forth, pouted with those sweet, glossy lips, and then looked at me with those defiant green eyes, full of outrage and contempt… I knew I was in for one hell of a ride. She was hot as hell, and feisty as a fiend. Innocent too, with a real streak of cuteness. Talk about a dangerous combination.

I mean, I’m ex-military — I worked in a bomb disposal unit in Iraq and Afghanistan —and evenI’mnot capable of dealing with a combinationthatexplosive without getting a little flustered. Even with myspecifictastes.

Seeing her today, without any make-up on, in just a plaid shirt and jean shorts so short and tight they could restrict a person’s blood flow, and her hair scraped back in a messy ponytail… she’s even more beautiful than when she was all dolled up. I love seeing a girl stripped down to her basic elements. And I’dloveto strip this little sweetheart down to something even more basic, given half the chance.

Time for a cold shower soon, Finn…

There’s something about her that’s setting my Daddy radar off like nothin’ else though. I’m sure it’s just in my head, and it’s probably just the setup — the fact that it feels like I have to look after her for six months — but I’ve got this overwhelming urge to coddle her, to soothe her, to make her feel comfortable.

‘Yeah. That’s right,’ I reply. ‘Roomies.’

I don’t want to piss the poor girl off any more than I already have done, but actually, it’s more like she’ll be myguestthan my roomie for the next six months. Calling her a roomie implies this’ll be her home as much as it is mine. I built this damn cabin with my bare hands. My blood, sweat and tears has gone into every darn joist of wood in this place. Addison will be my guest, and I’ll make her comfortable, make her feel at home here, but make no bones about it… this place ismine. And mine only.

Addison looks around the forest, scratching her head, from confusion rather than a bug bite, I’d wager, but if she doesn’t get inside soon, she’ll be hosting a dinner party for half the blood-suckers in the area.

‘Why would Violet do this?’ Addison asks, heading toward my porch. She uses this cute little voice, like she’s almost on the verge of crying, although I’m sure she’s not.

That’s it, sweetheart. Keep heading in that direction until you get inside my cabin. Don’t make this difficult for me.

She pauses and turns back to look at me. I don’t say anything. I know I can’t rush her to go inside. It’s important she takes this at her own pace. It’s important she feels as though these decisions are her own. She’s having enough forced upon her right now without me trying to control her every damn move.
