Page 64 of Daddy Commands

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‘You’ll see, Little one. Plus, I’ll show you how arealbiker rides.’ Then he leaned in. ‘Just do me a favor and don’t tell Wolf I said that. Don’t want him getting all angry and refusing to serve me liquor.’

‘Don’t worry,’ said Sophia, ‘your secret’s safe with me.’


They rode in tight formation — a column of steel and leather, speeding towards its goal with unerring accuracy.

Wolf rode behind Baron, who rode behind Rainer. The noise was tumultuous, a roiling wall of thunder that peaked and fell as the riders switched gears and revved their engines. It felt good to be out again. No, it feltgreat.

In the early days of the club, there had been multiple ride-outs a year, with groups of bikers organizing huge cross-country trips, as well as more regular, annual rides. Before the tragedy at the hospital, The Drifters MC had taken part in a yearly toy drive which had included a ride through the streets of New York.

Since being kicked out of their territory, though, the MC had only been on a few, much less ambitious rides. For years, it had felt as though the club was on life-support. Hopefully, this raid would be the defibrillator shock they needed to get the blood pumping again.

This ride, right now, felt like a time-machine. Wolf was instantly transported back to that feeling of freedom and possibility that he’d had as a young man. When you sat astride a motorcycle, and ripped down a highway with your brothers, it felt like the whole world was yours for the taking.

They were two hours away from the city right now. The Death Division lab was well outside the city limits — they didn’t want to have to deal with inquisitive eyes. From everything Marcus had said, this drugs lab supplied the majority of the income for the rival club. If they managed to shut it down without too much collateral damage, it would be a major success.

They accelerated up a long, hill, and when they finally reached the top, the landscape stretched out ahead of them like a vast, green carpet. Rainer motioned that they should stop, and all the members of the club pulled over to the side of the street.

‘There,’ Rainer said, pointing to a squat, gray block in the distance. ‘That’s the target.’

From here, it was tough to make out any details. The structure looked just like an innocent warehouse, surrounded by the dark foliage of inky green pine trees. If you hadn’t known that it was a drugs factory, you’d have probably mistaken it for a lumber mill.

As he looked at the warehouse, he felt his heart rate pick up.

‘Come on,’ Wolf yelled. ‘Let’s get going. Time to show the Death Division that you don’t fuck with the Drifters!’

A cheer went up, fists punched the air, engines sounded. All was good with the world.

Shame it wouldn’t last.


From the outside, it didn’t look like much at all. The entrance to the club was down a dank alleyway in one of the only parts of Brooklyn not yet touched by gentrification. There was almost no indication that it was here — and that was probably by design. If the neighbors knew that there was a kinky playspace for Bigs and Littles hiding in plain sight, no doubt there would be calls for the place to be shut down.

‘Brooklyn Baby Bunch,’ Sophia read the words from the discreet sign.

‘That’s it, honey,’ Marcus said.

‘I can’t believe I’ve never heard of this place before.’

‘Frankly, neither can I.’

Sophia watched Marcus and Jock — who had come to look after her too — secure their bikes with a heavy chain. ‘Would have been handy to have a place to come to over the years,’ she said. She was doing a pretty good job of hiding her nerves. She could feel her anxiety growing, though.

Sophia identified as a Little, but had almost no contact with the age play community. What if the other Littles here thought she was faking it? What if she played wrong? What if she made some kind of horrendous mistake and was kicked out forever?

‘You never came across it on Google?’

‘Nope,’ she replied. ‘Never really had much money. Wouldn’t have been able to afford to pay for… a play session? Is that the way it works?’

‘Pretty much,’ Marcus said. ‘But knowing the people who run this place, I’m sure that they would have helped you out with that. There’s nothing that Nanny Rae wouldn’t do for a Little in need.’

‘Nanny Rae?’

‘You’ll meet her in a second, no doubt. And don’t let her sweet looks and kind temperament fool you — that woman has hidden depths.’

Hidden depths. Seems like everyone Sophia met these days had hidden depths.

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