Page 10 of His Dancer

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My eyes bulge from my head, and my tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth. Every time my mind lets me pretend everything is okay and casual, he does something to remind me it's anything but. All I can do is nod because what else is there to possibly say? If I needed a reminder of how wrong it is to be attracted to him, that was it.

He jerks his head in a get-the-fuck-out motion and releases his grasp on my thigh. With fire beneath my feet, I jump out of the vehicle with my clothes in hand and rush into the dorm, not even glancing backward once.

Thankfully, a girl is coming out as I’m going in, and I slip past her, only feeling marginally safe once I reach my room. Closing the door behind me, I twist the lock into place and let out a ragged breath.

Looking at Libby’s bed, I find it empty and trapeze over to my own bed, slamming down onto the hard twin-sized mattress. I’m happy to be alone, especially after what just went down. Now I just have to find a way to avoid Ace altogether, but something tells me it won’t be that easy.

* * *

I spendall night tossing and turning in bed, so when I wake up the following morning, I’m as grouchy as a bear. Class is in an hour, and I somehow managed to crawl out of bed, take a quick shower, and make a cup of coffee. Once presentable to the world, I grab my bag and head out to my first class. As I walk out of the dorm, I hesitate, wondering if he’s out there, waiting for me to show my face.

Fear slowly worms its way down my spine, and each step I take feels weighted. I have to force myself to walk through the door and outside.

“Everything is okay…” I mutter to myself while walking down the sidewalk toward my first class of the day. Everything is going good until I round the corner and run face-first into a huge muscled wall. The air wheezes from my lungs, and I almost trip over my own feet, trying to backpedal away from him.

Shoving his hand out toward me, I think maybe the man is trying to help me till I see the angry expression on his face and notice the sleek device in his hand.

“Take it.” He shoves the phone into my hand. “Ace wants you to have it. It’s a gift. Keep it on you at all times.” There’s a profound warning to his voice, and I don’t even attempt to give him the phone back. I’d like to make it through the rest of the day alive.

Nodding, I swallow my response down, and he brushes past me without saying another word, leaving me to stand there with my mouth gaping open. I don’t even have a second to gather my thoughts because the phone I was just given starts to ring.

Thinking isn’t an option because my brain is mush right now. Pressing the green answer key, I bring the phone to my ear.


“I see you got my gift.” I can picture the smile on his lips as if he was standing in front of me right now.

“You didn’t have to … I don’t need this…” I stumble over my words.

“But you do, and you can thank me later. Tonight at dinner.”

“Dinner?” I squawk.

“Yes, dinner. This evening. I’ll text you the details, and Cara … remember what I said. Don’t tell anyone anything … or else.”

The line goes dead, and I pull the phone away from my ear, staring down at the black screen. Another warning sign I should not get involved with this man, but what choice do I have? He’s not asking, he’s demanding, and I’m just afraid enough with a smidge of curiosity to give in.

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