Page 32 of Rekindled Love

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“ were in that hospital bed... unconscious... and I didn’t know what to do. What would I do if I never got to see your smile or hear your laugh again.”

He took both my hands in his, “I don’t plan on leaving until I’m ready. I’ve still got so much to explore with us, so I don’t plan on dying just yet.” He smiled. “Now, am I crazy or did you tell me that we would watch The Notebook?”

Oh, wow. He heard all that? “Yes, I did. Can’t believe you remember that. I didn’t think you could hear me.”

“So I’ve got it in. Wanna watch it with me?”

Without answering, my head met his chest as he pressed play. There was nowhere else I’d rather be than here with him.

Chapter 15


The wreck changed mylife but perhaps gave me the much needed time to be able to reflect on my life. When else besides weekends would be able to snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie at two in the afternoon? Her head on my chest made me feel overjoyed, knowing she was right next to me.

The movie was a sappy one, and I’ll admit some tears made an appearance, but the best part was just spending time with her. Her hair smelled like lilies, and her skin brushed up against mine felt like satin.

“So, what do you want to do now?” she asked me, gazing into my eyes as if searching for an answer.

“Wanna watch another movie?” I asked, but honestly my body wanted nothing more than to kiss her from head to thigh. Her expression showed how disappointed she was in my reply.

“I was thinking more along the lines of this,” she said, moving into my lap. “Does this hurt?”

Her lips were on my earlobe, grazing it with her teeth, “No.”

“What about this?” Her soft lips were kissing my neck. I felt it twitch, awake and ready.

“Cam... are you sure you want to do this now? I’m not in tip top shape here, and I’ve always fantasized about giving you the time of your life.” I pointed to my arm and leg. “I can’t exactly fuck you the way I would love too.”

Her smile reached her eyes, wide and sexy, “Really? This is exactly how I imagined taking you. With me in control.” She kissed my neck again. “You moaning in my ear with ecstasy as you slide in and out of me.”

What was it with her and making me hard on the spot? Her dirty talk was better than anyone I’ve ever met.Talk dirty to me. Instead of opening my mouth to reply, my right arm was up her shirt, trying to unhook her bra.

“It can be tricky with one hand. Let me help you.”

Already I wasn’t living up to my expectations, and it was humiliating. Camilla’s eyes sparkled as she pulled her top off over her head, and then took my sweats off for me. “Are you sure you want our first time to be like this? We only get one first time?”

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