Page 81 of Finding Time

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So, Of Course, I Laughed


MikaelaPrattwasenjoyingthis. I was pretty sure Jessica Harding was, too, but at least she was concentrating on flying the Orion, whereas Pratt was simply staring at me and smirking.

The Vehicle clanged and clunked, and something was ticking behind the pipes overhead, but we were all trying valiantly to ignore it.

"He's going to get someone killed," I said, stifling a yawn. It was getting harder and harder to keep my eyes open, but I was determined to fight it. You don't fall asleep in front of Pratt.

"You would know all about killing, eh Slugger?" Pratt demanded.

"I can't believe she killed Sergei Ivanov," Harding said, speaking about me as if I weren't even there.

"Maybe she didn't. Maybe it was Fawkes."

"I bet it was," Harding said. "Mouse couldn't hit the side of a barn at ten feet."

"Did you lie to Director Anderson, Slugger? Did you think he'd forget all about you not being a qualified doctor if he believed you were a hero or something?"

Pratt leaned forward and stared down at me, waiting eagerly for an answer.

I was trussed up on the floor of the module. They'd used handcuffs and denied me a seat. Considering how damaged Orion 2b was, I didn't think flying without a seatbelt was a good thing.

"You can thank me for saving RATS anytime now," I told the bully.

"I'll show you my thanks," Pratt said, unbuckling from her seat and standing up.

She was a big girl, Mikaela Pratt. Amazonian, I think they'd call her. And she wore larger-than-average sized boots, so when her foot connected with my stomach, it freaking hurt. I curled up into a little ball and tried to breathe through the pain; black spots appeared before my eyes; sweat coated my skin. I thought I might vomit but fear of what she'd do to me if I messed up her shiny shoes had me swallowing the bile back down again.

"Buckle back up, Mikaela," Harding ordered. "I'm not sure if I can control this beast. Why the hell did he have to send us back in this one?"

"'Cause that dickhead Hoffman stole Orion 0 and we can't fly it, anyway."

"According to Jack."

"Yeah, according to him. He could be lying."

"Jack wouldn't lie."

"You wearing those rose coloured glasses again, Jess? I thought you'd have got over him by now."

"There's no need for me to get over him. Once we drop off this bitch in her own time, he'll be free of her influence."

"And you two can pick up right where you left off." Pratt waggled her blonde eyebrows at me.

"That's the plan."

"It's a stupid plan," I told them.

"Shut up, Slugger, or we might be tempted to put a bullet in you when we kick you out of this machine."

"Jack will come back to me," Jessica said staunchly. "He just needs to forget about you."

"Ever heard of absence makes the heart grow fonder?" I asked sweetly.

"Ever heard of a knuckle sandwich?" Pratt growled, punching a fist into the palm of her hand. "Watch yourself, Slugger."

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