Page 9 of Merciless Heir

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I shake my head. The accommodation might be five-stars, but I’m still a prisoner here, and I won’t be dazzled into complacency.

Emerging from the bed, I wrap myself in a robe that Natalia is holding out for me. She motions for me to sit in a chair at a small table in the corner. Loading up a plate on my behalf, she places it in front of me along with the promised cup of coffee, then goes back to make one for herself.

Everything looks incredible. I don’t even bother trying to make small talk. I dive right in, savoring every bite.

Natalia grins at me. “What do you think?”

“It’s amazing,” I say between mouthfuls. I’ve never tried Russian food before, even when I lived at Oleg’s house, and I’m pleasantly surprised, but I don’t want Natalia to think a tasty meal is enough to make me stick around. “But I miss cooking for myself and my dad. I really miss my father.”

“Of course,” she responds sympathetically, but says nothing else, making me wonder how much she knows.

“So,” I ask carefully, “what kind of work do you do here?”

She bites into a piece of pancake and chews thoughtfully. “A bit of everything. I take care of administrative work for the Kozlov family and help to run the household. And now Andrei asked me to take care of you.”

“Why? I won’t be here long, and I don’t need to be taken care of.”

She tilts her head. “We’ll see.”

I don’t waste my breath arguing with her. It’s Andrei that I need to convince… or more likely, escape from.

“Fine,” I say, crumpling my napkin and pushing my plate away. “So what’s your deal? How did you come to work for a deadly gang of mobsters?”

She gives me a patient smile as she regards me through the steam of her tea. “After their mother died, I was brought on as the boys’ governess, helping to raise them. Now that they are older, they’ve kept me on to serve in another way. Their business dealings are no concern of mine, and neither should they be yours,” she says, with a pointed look.

A million questions dance on the tip of my tongue: What happened to their mother? What was it like to raise future mafia kings? What led to the Kozlov/Antonov feud? But she heads me off at the pass, placing her cutlery down beside her, and saying, “If you’re finished with breakfast, I can show you around the property, and then—”

“What!?” I shake my head, unsure if I’ve heard her properly. “I’m not being chained up in this room?”

She shrugs. “That depends on you. Act like a guest, and we’ll treat you like a guest. Act like a captive, and we’ll treat you like one. Andrei was clear that we are to make you comfortable.”

Comfortable! What the hell does that mean?

Freedom is comfortable. Being kept against my will, not so much.

But Natalia reeks of loyalty, and if she’s known the Kozlovs most of their life, she’s immune to the darkness of this world. She’s sure as hell not going to help me, so I am going to have to help myself.

“In that case, sure, I’d love to look around.” Figuring out where we are is the first step towards making a run for it.

Because it went so well the first time.

“Great.” Natalia looks pleased. “I'll let you get ready for the day. A maid has put away your clothes and you’ll find a fully stocked bathroom at your disposal.” Natalia delicately folds her napkin in front of her and stands before heading for the door.

This should be interesting.

* * *

I spend the morning alone with Natalia, roaming around the incredible property. Well, not entirely on our own. Two guards trail behind us from a polite distance, their presence inconspicuous, but never forgotten. We start outside, where the sprawling property is surrounded by woodland. Beyond the pool and grand terrace, there are tennis courts, a hot tub, a vegetable garden, and a flower garden.

In the early June warmth, the gardens and trees have come alive, and the grounds have a magical quality. I swear I can smell the tang of salt in the air, as if we are by the ocean, but when I ask Natalia about it, she ignores me and continues the tour.

Beyond the greenery is a helicopter landing pad and a tower that I imagine comes with heavily armed security guards—a stark reminder that this isn’t some peaceful wonderland. I wonder if this is to keep prisoners like me in or intruders out. Likely both.

Inside is equally impressive. Natalia shows me the private movie theater with leather floors and plush couches and a state-of-the-art gym, which certainly explains why Andrei is built like a Navy Seal.

Natalia looks at me expectantly as we come to a stop in front of giant oak doors. “Are you ready for this?”

“Sure, as long as it’s not where you stash the weapons or a freaky sex room, I’m fine.”

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