Page 66 of Merciless Heir

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Daniil, Leo, and I drop the weapons in front of us and raise our hands in surrender. We’ve done some damage. At least half of the soldiers are dead, though I don’t doubt that there are more of them outside of this room. We’re outnumbered and without weapons.

“Leave her, Oleg.” I implore him. “I’ll give you whatever you want. Just don’t hurt her.”

His cruel laughter rings out. “I’m getting exactly what I want today. The pleasure of ending the Kozlov bloodline. I’ve made it my life's mission to destroy your family, just as your father destroyed mine. But first, I thought you could watch me have a little fun.” Evil glints in his eye and I have a terrible feeling that I won’t like what’s coming next. Oleg turns to one of his men. “What’s taking them so long? Go bring the girl to me.”

His words slice through the air like lethal shards of ice, as I realize who he means. I exchange a look with Kira, who appears as alarmed as I am. Shit, that means Georgia is on the property, and not being held off-site like I hoped.

I’ve never felt so helpless in my whole damn life.



“Oh, fuck.” Jake’s voice is barely audible, but I hear the unmistakable note of panic.

“What?” I say, though it’s hard to speak with the rag in my mouth.

“Shit, this is really fucking bad,” Jake repeats, panic rising in his voice.

His words kick my pulse into high-gear and I spit the rag out of my mouth.

“Jake, what’s happening?” My voice is cold and commanding. Kira’s school friend is nice enough, but he’s in way over his head. Something bad is happening, and I have to deal with it, judging by Jake’s level of hysteria.

“I… I don’t know. A bunch of black SUVs have pulled up to the back of the building, and guys in dark military fatigues are entering the building.”

Fuck me. Black army fatigues are the Antonov guards’ signature uniform. “Jake, you need to untie me right now. These are Oleg’s guys, and shit is about to get serious.”

Jake slips the blindfold off of me and releases my arms and legs.

I join Jake by the window, our backs flush to the wall as we spy the action below. Just like he said, several black SUVs are parked haphazardly around the back entrance, as if creating a barricade, and a few armed men stand outside as guards.

“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.” Jake paces the room, his breaths coming out in heavy pants.

Fear claws up my throat. How did this all go so wrong?

My mind races with all the various scenarios and possibilities that may present themselves. All of them are bad. But still, I need to do something.

“Jake,” I say sternly. When he doesn’t settle, I grab him by the arm. “Listen to me,” I hiss. “This is really serious. We need to warn Kira. You need to radio her about what’s happening.” From what Jake told me earlier, we are on the third floor of the building and Kira and the Kozlovs are on the main floor.

He stares at me blankly. “Radio?”

“How are you communicating with Kira?” I ask, my nerves steadily rising.

He sighs and buries his face in his hands. “We weren’t supposed to need a radio. I can text her—”

Gunfire pierces the air, chilling my bones.

“No. Don’t do that,” I say, dropping to my knees and pulling the video feed out of the wall. “We don’t want anyone to know we’re here. We need to move now,” I say, grabbing Jake by his shoulder.

“What? Where would we go?”

“You will hide, and I will find a way to help them.”

Before we can move, the sound of heavy boots thumping over concrete carries towards us. Jake and I exchange a look, his expression one of frozen horror.

“Give me your gun,” I demand, palm splayed open. “Please tell me it’s actually loaded.”

“I don’t know. I’ve never used a gun before.”

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