Page 38 of Merciless Heir

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Exhaustion and soreness settle in my limbs and suddenly, this day feels like it’s been sixty hours long. He knows my family history better than most, and I know his concern is genuine. We may not be blood, but Yulian would take a bullet for me. In fact, he has taken several.

“I got this. Trust me. And don’t go telling my brothers. The last thing I need right now is to hear their opinions on my life.”

“I don’t gossip with your brothers.” He frowns. “But do me a favor and don’t let her pull a gun on you again.”

“Fine,” I agree. “I can promise you that.”



I’ve really done it this time.

My heart races like crazy as I throw myself onto the bed. Holy shit! What just happened? The gun, the sex, the deal with the devil, all of it. It’s a miracle I’m alive right now.

Turning a gun on Andrei has to be the stupidest thing I’ve ever done. I cringe at the thought. Way to nearly get myself killed.

But that’s not what happened. I know Andrei could have overpowered me, taken and turned the gun on me. Even as I ran away and refused to admit defeat, I knew I was as vulnerable as a butterfly dancing around a snake, but I would not go down without trying.

That’s not me, or at least that’s not the woman I was when I was brought here over three weeks ago. I’ve changed and today was the proof. Not just my daring escape attempt, but what came after.

The sex.

Oh my god, the sex.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I turn my face into the pillow, still flushed from the pleasure he gave me. It might just be the shock, but I feel euphoric, still high on everything we just shared.

Andrei broke down my defenses with every kiss, with his fingers, his tongue, his cock and with his declaration that he can no longer fight this pull between us.

Arousal tugs at my core, as visions of Andrei’s head thrown back in ecstasy flood my brain. I’m far from sexually experienced, but I know what Andrei and I shared is rare. My first time was with a guy I dated briefly in high school. Our fumbling in his dark bedroom was pleasant at best, but nothing like the feel of Andrei deep inside me, stretching me, making my toes curl and my eyes roll up inside my head.

Our connection is all-consuming. I don’t have the strength to turn away from him, even knowing at the end of all this he’ll still send me to Oleg. I made a deal with the devil, and I intend to honor it.

Even though it’s insane, I feel a misplaced sense of loyalty to Andrei. He’s protecting my dad, and weirdly, me too. Once he kills Oleg, I can go back to my life, my father, and start again not indebted to anyone.

A soft knock on the door has me sitting up in bed. Is it Andrei?

“Come in,” I say softly, hugging my knees to my chest.

The door inches open and Piper's head peeks around the corner. When she sees me in bed, she steps into the room, gingerly closing the door behind her.

“You okay?” Her eyebrows pull together, and concern pours from her as she makes her way towards me.

My blood freezes. What does she mean?

I tilt my head to the side, trying to get a handle on what she knows. We were well-protected in the trees, but could she have seen something?

When I don’t respond, she hurriedly continues. “It’s just that I overheard something. Not that I was eavesdropping purposefully!”

“What did you hear?” I say, my insides wound tightly.

“Andrei and Yulian talking. Did you shoot Andrei?”

“I did.” I lower my head to my knees. “It was an accident.” Sort of.

“Whoa, and he didn’t… get angry? Hurt you?”

Good question. I suppose the stunning pleasure that I took on his leg was his form of twisted retaliation. Punishment in the very best form.

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