Page 13 of Merciless Heir

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I hate this man with a burning rage. It boils up from a place deep in my soul.

In theory, I hate Oleg more, but Andrei is almost worse because he knows better. He knows what this will cost me. Now he’s acting like he’s my savior, when really, he could just let me go, and help my father and I get to safety with no strings attached. He’s a gazillionaire. It would be nothing to him. And yet, he’s using me in the most heartless way possible.

But when he’s this close—so close I can feel the heat emanating off of him, every hard line of his pressed against me—my body misinterprets lust for hate. I’d dance on his grave if given the chance, yet I have to fight the urge to lean into him and press my face into his corded neck. I’m seriously messed up.

My nipples tighten beneath my dress, and my eyes keep on falling to his shapely lips. This would be much easier if he was as ugly on the outside as he is on the inside. But no such luck.

I need space from him before I do something I’m going to deeply regret. And the best way to get space is to poke the bear.

“How do you know you can trust me?” I taunt. “I can reveal your dirty little plan to Oleg, and then what? When I’m in his home, you can’t control me.”

His hand rises and cups the back of my neck, holding me in place. His face draws closer until I can feel his breath on my cheek. So much for space. “I don’t think you would do that. You're much too smart to play with fire.” He drags a thumb over my lips, making me shiver. “If you think he’s a better option than me, you are sorely mistaken. I may be ruthless, but I don’t make it my business to hurt innocent women. Oleg deals in human trafficking and prostitution, an ugly world that he’ll force you into when he is done with you. And despite that, he’ll still kill your father, because killing brings him joy.”

I recoil instinctively, trying—and failing—to put distance between us. “You’re just saying that to scare me.”

“If I wanted to scare you, I could tell you stories that would haunt you for life. I’m leveling with you—I need your help, and you need mine.” His fingers trail down my throat, stopping just under my collarbone, brushing his thumb over the bone with a barely there touch. I clench my legs together, but refuse to show him my desire.

“You leave me with no choice,” I spit.

“I’m glad you see it my way.” At my acquiescence, he finally steps back, giving me room to breathe. “I am your best option. Unlike Oleg, I make good on my word and I don’t hurt women and children. I will protect you and your father, but I expect you to keep up your part of the deal.”

“This is insane,” I mumble under my breath, but deep inside, I know this is a losing battle. My father’s safety is all that really matters.

My chest tightens at the thought of my father and how worried he must be about me. How worried he’s been for weeks.

That’s when I came home to find Oleg’s henchmen dangling my father out of our apartment window. It was their third visit, and we still couldn’t pay back the loan. The first two visits left Dad’s legs mangled. This visit would see him pay with his life. Until I stepped in. I pleaded. I begged for mercy for my only living relative, the man who raised me single-handedly. Oleg sensed my desperation. He had me where he wanted me.

For so long, it was just me and my father against the world. He did the best he could to raise me when my mother died. Pulling double-duty as mother and father—attending every dance recital and school play that I was involved with. He was the one that had to take me bra shopping and figure out how to French braid my hair. It couldn’t have been easy, but Dad did his best, trying to keep the restaurant going while raising a child on his own.

He may not have been perfect, but he’s always put me first, and that’s why when he needed my help to run the restaurant, I put my dreams aside and dropped out of school. It’s why I agreed to work for Oleg. Dad begged and pleaded for me not to do it, but it was either pay with my freedom, or Dad pays with his life. The choice was clear.

Now I’m back in the clutches of a powerful man—a powerful gangster, no less—and I’m still bargaining for my dad’s life. So be it.

My lungs feel so tight I can barely breathe. “What if I fail?” I voice the terrible thought that has been stewing in the back of my mind this whole time.

His mouth flattens into a straight line and his eyes glint with ice. “Failure is not an option.”

With that, he turns and heads for the door, putting an end to our discussion.

If I thought I was in danger by simply working for Oleg, I’m in a much worse position now. One Bratva leader is using me as a pawn to play another. I have a horrible feeling that his plan won’t end well.

Which is why I can’t let myself go through with this suicide mission. I have to find another way to save my father and myself.

I’ll play his games for now and let Andrei think I’m willing to go back to Oleg’s house of horrors. But the first chance of escape, I am out of here.



The next morning, I’m woken early by the sounds of someone moving through my room. I crack an eye open to find a staff member laying out coffee and pastries for me. It’s a weird sight, someone in my space tending to me as if I’m royalty or something. I’ve never experienced luxury like this, and although I don’t hate it, I’ll gladly leave it all behind when the time comes.

Before leaving, the maid informs me Natalia will be here in fifteen minutes to escort me to a meeting. She doesn’t say it, but I assume it’s with the Kozlov brothers. I shower and then head to the walk-in closet stuffed with designer clothes. Bypassing all the Prada and Gucci I choose a simple white linen peasant dress.

After dressing, I brush my hair but don’t bother with make-up. I want to look young and innocent. I’m twenty-two, so it’s not all that hard. These men are hardened bratva and they probably don’t have beating hearts in their chests, but I want them to have to face reality. They’re asking a young woman to risk her life.

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