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“I’ll explain when I see you. Roark’s in twenty minutes?”

“Yeah, I think I can make that happen.”

“Great. I’ll see you then.” I disconnect the call as I reach my car.

Sliding into the driver’s seat, I take a deep breath and slowly release it. You would think having found out I’m not pregnant would make breathing easier. So why is it that the weight on my chest feels like it’s even heavier now?

It only takes me ten minutes to reach Roark’s, a small little pub a couple of blocks from the office. I find a table located in the far corner of the bar area and order both Hannah and I a drink.

By the time she arrives fifteen minutes later, both glasses are empty and I’ve already ordered two more.

She smiles when she sees me but it instantly fades when she gets close enough to get a good look at me. I hadn’t thought to check myself in the mirror, but given the amount of crying I’ve done today I’d venture to say I probably look like a hot mess.

“Blue.” She extends her arms to me the moment she reaches the table, somehow knowing it’s what I need.

I stand, prepared to give her a quick hug and move along, but as soon as her arms are wrapped around me, I completely fall apart.


Three hours and severaldrinks later, Hannah and I are still sitting at the same table, attempting to solve all of life’s problems over stiff cocktails. I wish I could say that opening up to Hannah about everything that’s happened over the last couple of days has made me feel better but it didn’t. I still feel just as lost and confused as I did earlier today.

But I got everything I wanted, right?

“So I have a question.” Hannah sways slightly in her seat, causing her to giggle.

“Which is?” I smile at my best friend, the buzz of the alcohol making the action a lot easier to stomach.

“Are you sure you’re doing the right thing by letting Harris go?”

And there it is. The question she’s probably been wanting to ask since I recounted how I ended things with him earlier. Damn liquid courage.

“What do you mean am I doing the right thing?” I slur. “Have you met the man? He’s arrogant and cocky. Not to mention he’s a player.”

“You sound like you did before the bet.”

“Well, my time with him didn’t make the facts of who he is any less true.”

“Are you sure about that? Because I think we both know you don’t actually think of him that way.” She sips her drink. “Did you ever stop to consider that maybe it’s easier for you to see him that way than admit how you really feel about him.”

“Not you too,” I groan, face-palming my forehead.

“Just hear me out.” She holds her hands up in front of herself. “You’re my best friend and I love you. You know I would never steer you wrong. So for once in your life I need you to listen to what I have to say and keep an open mind.”

“Okay,” I agree when she looks at me expectantly.

“You are one of the best people I’ve ever known. But sometimes you can be seriously dense.”

“Tell me how you really feel, why don’t you?” I snort.

“You’re so hung up on this idea of love being a bad thing.”

“Because it is,” I grumble.

“No, it isn’t. If you let it, love can be one of the most incredible things in the world. There are so many people out there searching for their person, myself included. Looking for someone to love us. Someone we can love in return. Someone to share our lives with. And meanwhile you have this incredible man standing right in front of you, professing his love to you, and you’re too stubborn to admit you feel the same.”

“Hannah,” I start, but she cuts me off.

“No, you said you’d hear me out, so listen. While it would be easier for me to sit here and tell you exactly what you want to hear, as your best friend I can’t do that. I’ve tried to bite my tongue and let you figure this out on your own, but now that you’ve royally screwed everything up, it’s time for me to intervene.” She gives me a pointed look. “Harris loves you, Blue. He loves you.”

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