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“Just wait until you get hitched and pop out some equally gorgeous babies. MyI told you so’swill be endless.” She smirks.

“Now that’s funny.” I shake my head at her, pushing to my feet. “I’m starving. Do you want something to eat?”

“No, I actually have to get going. I’m meeting Mom and Shari for lunch. I just wanted to stop by and make sure you weren’t dead, but once I saw Harris here, I couldn’t leave until I knew what the hell had happened.” She scoots to the end of the couch before standing. “But if you want to join us I’m sure my mom would love to see you,” she offers as I follow her toward the door.

“Thanks for the offer but I think I’m gonna hang out here today.”

“Uh huh. Sure you are.” She gives me a knowing look as she pulls open the door and steps into the hallway.

“I’m serious, Hannah.”

“I hear ya,” she sing songs. “Just remember what I said.” She starts humming the wedding march as she does a slow walk toward the elevator.

“You are no longer my friend,” I call after her.

“Whatever. You love me and you know it.” She laughs, throwing me a wave over her shoulder before disappearing around the corner.

I close the door behind her and collapse against it, resting my forehead against the hard wood.

Visions of Harris flood my mind. The sight of him coming undone beneath me in the car will probably go down in history as one of my top memories of all time.

There was something so consuming about knowing he had never been with a girl like that before. That I was giving him a first he had never experienced. It made me feel sexy and powerful in a way I never have before. And while I have only ever had sex with one other person without one, my ex-fiancé whose name I refuse to think of right now, there was something incredibly special about sharing that moment with Harris.

When I agreed to this bet just ten short days ago, I never dreamed this is where it would lead. And even though I know that it can’t last, I have to admit that I’m really enjoying myself. And it’s not just the sex. It’s Harris as a whole.

He’s surprisingly sweet and caring. He makes me feel wanted and special. And he makes me laugh. God, does he make me laugh. I swear I’ve never laughed with someone more than I have with Harris. Well, except maybe with Hannah but that’s different.

I’m startled out of my thoughts by the sound of my phone ringing. Pushing away from the door, I cross the room to where the device is vibrating on top of the kitchen countertop. I smile when I seeMOMflashing across the screen.

“Hey, Mom.” I feel like it’s been weeks since I’ve spoken to her or my father, even though I just spoke to both of them on Wednesday.

“Blue.” My mom’s voice sounds strained and I immediately know something is wrong.

“Mom, what is it? What’s going on?”

“It’s Dad.” My heart drops into my stomach. “He’s in the hospital. They think he’s having a heart attack,” she chokes, fear the clearest emotion I can hear.

“What do you mean they think? What happened?”

“I don’t know.” She sniffs. “He was out working in the garage this morning. I came out to bring him a cup of coffee and found him on the ground. He was conscious but having trouble breathing, so I called 911 and they took him away in an ambulance. He’s with the doctors now but I don’t know anything more.”

“I’m going to get on the first flight I can. Just stay calm and call me as soon as you know anything.” I wait for her to agree before hanging up the phone and making a mad dash into my bedroom to pack a quick bag.

I don’t really think about what I’m putting inside. I start shoving random clothes into the duffel, my heart pounding and my mind racing.

Please not Dad.

It’s all I can think.

Not my dad.


By the grace of godI was able to get a nonstop flight to Clearwater later that evening, spending the entire three-hour flight an absolute nervous wreck. It wasn’t until I stepped into the hospital and saw my mom that I felt like I could breathe again.

She informed me that it was in fact a heart attack but it was mild and they would be putting two stents in his heart tomorrow morning in hopes of preventing a more severe one in the future.

I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared in my life. I hadn’t been able to think about anything else except getting to my dad and making sure he was okay.

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