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“Where’s your housekeeper? There’s usually a continental breakfast spread in the mornings.”

“Uh, it’s her weekend off,” I say, trying my best to get across just how exasperated I am by his presence. Ever since Ava became a frequent houseguest, I’ve been giving her the weekend off as Ava likes to cook for us.

“Look, I’m sorry about barging in; I didn’t know you had a girl over.” He doesn’t even look at me as he continues to open every Tupperware dish from my fridge.

“How’d you even get up here, anyway?”

“I have codes? And a key?” he says as he pulls out the rotisserie chicken Ava made us last night and pulls a wing from it. “Who’s the ho?” He nods toward my room in reference to the girl who just happens to be his baby sister. “I’m surprised she’s still here. Usually you want them out before breakfast.”

My blood boils hearing him say something so disgusting about Ava, but it is how I’ve treated women in the past. “She’s not a ho,” I growl as I’m unable to keep the anger out of my voice, hearing anyone talk about Ava like that, even if it is my best friend. “And… just…someone.”

“Someone you met… what--last night? Because I know you, and you haven’t mentioned that you’re seeing anyone. Which means you had to have just met her.” He shakes his head. “I’ll give it to you, you do find the best pussy. I didn’t see much, but that looked like a fine pair of legs wrapped around your back.”

“OUT!” I scream, unable to listen to any of this shit pouring from Tucker’s mouth.

“Wait, what? Dude…,” he says, clearly surprised by my outburst as I’ve never reacted this way to any of Tucker’s crude comments about the women I’ve slept with before.

I try to calm my rage, remembering that he doesn’t know anything about the woman upstairs, and more importantly that he’s going to be just as angry when he finds out. “You want to get brunch?”

He raises an eyebrow at me and runs a hand over his face before dropping a wing back onto the plate. “You’re acting really fucking strange, dude.”

“I just…I want to see her out, and I need you to not be here.”

“Oh, come on, I can’t meet your ‘lady friend.’” He puts his hands up to indicate air quotes. “Oh God, it’s not a prostitute is it? Dude, I know you work a lot, but you’re a good-looking guy; you shouldn’t be paying for sex. God, J, this is why you need to just move back to Philly, and you and I can take over the pussy population.”

I sigh for what feels like the millionth time. “It’s not a prostitute, alright? So why don’t I meet you at the spot around the corner?”

His eyes light up immediately, and I know exactly why. “With the blonde bartender?”

“Yep, and I’m sure she’s there.”

“Done. I’ll meet you there in…” He looks at me, waiting for me to give a time. “You going to fuck your secret girlfriend upstairs again or what? I realize I probably prevented you from getting off.” He puts his Wayfarer Ray Bans over his eyes and pulls on his coat. “Tell me-- how hot is she?

You got a pic?”

“We can talk at brunch, alright?”

“Whatever, I don’t know why you’re being so secretive. I don’t like it, douchebag. Oh hey, I’ll text Ava and see if she wants to meet us, since you two are damn near besties now,” he calls over his shoulder as he heads out the door.

A few minutes later I hear Ava padding down the hall, and I can see the irritation all over her face as she enters the kitchen. “God, I had no idea my brother was such a douche.” She rolls her eyes. “Oh my God, are you a douche?!”

“No, Ava.” I shoot her a pointed look.

“You guys just talk about women like we are nothing.” She shrugs.

“You know it’s not like that.”

“Oh? I was a ho, a prostitute, and good pussy,” she says, listing off all the things Tucker said about her. “That’s great hearing those things from mybrother.My parents will be so proud.” She rolls her eyes, and before I can tell her just how different she is than any other woman I’ve ever dated, I hear my door open. Before I can think, Tucker is walking back through it.

“I left my wallet--” he says as he looks up from his phone and is rendered speechless at the scene in front of him. “Ava?” He looks at her for a second as if he’s not sure that she’s in front of him.

“Hey, sis, what are you--” he starts, and it’s clear he hasn’t exactly put two and two together yet. Ava’s eyes are wide, and all I’m doing is bracing myself for impact. Tucker looks at me for a second and then back to Ava, and it clicks. “Ava!?!” he growls, and he’s immediately on the move toward us.

Ava, who knows he wouldn’t even think about laying a hand on her, but I’m sure isn’t totally clear about what he’d do to me, steps in front of me and puts her hands out. “Tucker, stop!”

“MY FUCKING SISTER, YOU SON OF A BITCH?” He moves around Ava and approaches me from behind. “You fucking cocksucker, I will kill you,” he growls. “There aren’t enough women in New York you have to go fucking around with my sister? The way YOU treat women?! I know I’m no saint, but I also have enough respect for you to stay the fuck away from the women in your family!” He pushes me hard against my chest, and I fall a few steps back, but I’m grateful Ava isn’t directly behind me.

“Tucker, it’s not like that…”

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