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“Yes. Marie seems to be handling the excitement pretty well, considering what she’s been through.”

They could hear her in the background laughing. “You tell my granddaughter I’m doing just fine. I haven’t had any medicine since last night and when it wears off, I can finally think straight.”

“She sounds good. Do you think we need to admit her to the hospital for observation?” Tanner asked the doctor.

“I think that’s not a bad idea. She might be a little dehydrated from what I can tell. How about we meet you at Cypress General?” Dr. Gill spoke low into the phone as if he didn’t want Marie to hear him.

“Got it.”

“Any trouble getting out of there on your end?” Dr. Gill asked.

“I wouldn’t call it trouble. More like an annoying complication. Ask the state trooper to hang out at the hospital with y’all for a few minutes until we arrive. We’re about fifteen minutes behind you.”

After Tanner disconnected the call, he spoke to Lisa. “Are you all right?”

“Yes. Thank you both. That was scary and weird back there, but I’m thrilled to see that Marie isn’t nearly as bad off as I was afraid she might be.” Tanner could hear the relief in her voice.

“You did a great job standing up for her in this. She owes you a lot for your part in making this happen.”

“And I owe all of you for putting yourselves at risk on our behalf. I’m so grateful.”

“We’re all so excited that Marie’s headed back to Cypress Bayou and that she seems pretty okay.” Carly leaned toward the center of the console and turned around to face Lisa while she spoke.

Tanner glanced over at Carly, his adrenaline still high. She returned his gaze and lifted her lips into a small, satisfied smile that hit him right in the feels.

“I hope she doesn’t freak when we ask her to spend another night in the hospital.” Lisa sounded a little concerned. “Plus, where are we going to take her when she gets out? Should I book a hotel or B&B in town?”

“Yes, she might not receive that news about another night in the hospital very well. But while y’all were pulling off this caper, I called my nana and asked if her old friend Marie might stay with us until we figure out what Carson’s done with her finances. We know she owned a house here in town at one point and then another in Leesfield. He’s got control of her accounts as her guardian.”

“What did Nana Elise say?” Tanner asked.

“She said Marie was more than welcome to stay with us until we figured out Marie’s situation.” Carly then turned back to Lisa. “Nana’s house is quite large, and she’s got plenty of room. She’s also invited you to come and stay with Marie so the two of you can get acquainted.”

“Oh, I couldn’t intrude on your grandmother. She doesn’t even know me.”

“Believe me, if Nana invited you, she means it. She doesn’t do things insincerely.” Tanner backed up Carly on that.

“Yes, believe it. And Nana can’t abide Carson and his kind. They’ve got a long-standing feud. You’ll do better with her in your corner.” Carly’s tone was kind.

“Thanks so much, Carly. It’s a shame my own family hasn’t been in my corner the way yours is. That reminds me, I need to call my husband.” She dug around in her purse for her phone.

Carly and Tanner shared a quick and meaningful glance. It was clear they’d been thinking the same thing by the slight alarm on Carly’s face. “I hate to ask, but do you mind holding off for a little while before telling anyone else about what’s gone on here? I want to report everything to Alan Litrell and get a sense of what Carson’s next move might be before this all blows up.” Tanner didn’t know Lisa’s husband or what his politics were, or whom he might talk to.

“So, I guess I shouldn’t tell my parents anything yet either?”

“No. Not yet. I’m sorry to ask this of you.” Tanner hoped he didn’t come across as overbearing. “This is going to be sensitive for the next couple of days.”

Tanner saw Lisa nod in his rearview mirror. “I understand completely. Marie’s safety is my main concern. And finding out what she knows about my mother’s disappearance. After everything we’ve done to get here, I wouldn’t want to compromise our progress.”

“Yes, Marie wasn’t locked up for her own good. Carson went to a lot of trouble to keep her from talking,” Carly said.

“At least he didn’t get rid of her—like permanently—so there’s that,” Lisa replied.

“What was Carson doing there? How did he know what we were planning?” Carly said out loud what Tanner was thinking.

“That’s something we’re going to have to determine once we get back.” Tanner had an idea about it but had refused to see the signs.

