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One day Bella arrived home to find her father sitting on her doorstep. Although she’d wanted to run in the opposite direction, there had been something about the expression on her father’s face that had stopped her. It made her remember how dearly she adored him.

“I’m sorry for just showing up on your doorstep, but you won’t take my calls,” he’d said, his eyes full of sorrow. She hated seeing her father sad. It always reminded her of losing her mother and the grief and sorrow that had hovered over her family like a dark cloud for such a long time afterward.

“I really didn’t think we had much to discuss.” Her voice had been crisp and cold.

“Oh, Bella. I’m so sorry for the way I reacted to your news. My only excuse is that I felt so disappointed. I know I was wrong. I knew it the moment I saw your face. And I’m terribly ashamed of myself. Ever since your Mom died I promised myself that I would go to the ends of the earth to raise you and your sisters.” His shoulders shuddered. “I think I did a pretty decent job, but I was always full of worry about getting it right and making sure the four of you were healthy and happy and on the right track.” He twisted his mouth. “An unexpected pregnancy wasn’t supposed to be part of the plan.”

Her lips had quivered as she’d met his gaze head-on. “Things happen in life and we deal with them. Isn’t that what you always taught us?”

He’d nodded, with tears sliding down his face. “Yes. I did teach you that. I’m so sorry I couldn’t live up to my own code of honor. I’m so ashamed of myself.”

Bella had fallen against his chest and he’d cradled her in his arms and told her how much he loved her. “I’m sorry, Bella. It’s just hard to want things for you and to see something like this happen. I shouldn’t have lost my temper. I promise I’ll love my grandchild more than my own life. Please forgive me for the hateful words I used.”

And she had forgiven him. It hadn’t been easy, but Bella believed in mercy. Her father had done so much for her throughout her life. He didn’t have a selfish bone in his body. His entire life had been comprised of sacrificing for his four daughters. She was willing to extend him an olive branch. She’d loved him for a lifetime. How could she really turn her back on her baby’s grandfather?

That had been weeks ago. Things had been smooth sailing between them ever since.

Bella sat down in the chaise in her bedroom. She was sipping a cup of hot ginger tea and reading one of her favorite Love Inspired books set in Love, Alaska. She was feeling way more relaxed than she had in months. Although her heart yearned for Heath, she knew that the most important thing in her life was her unborn child. She was going for her first sonogram in a few days and she was still deliberating about finding out the sex of the baby. It didn’t really matter to her! There was so much anxiety with being pregnant. Every time she felt a fluttering in her stomach she was reminded of the life she was responsible for bringing into the world. It was scary realizing how much could go wrong. No matter the circumstances, Bella wanted this baby so much. She already loved the little bean more than words could ever express.

She needed to be honest with Heath. He was going to be a father. No matter what had happened in their relationship, he needed to know the truth. If she hadn’t been so sick for the past few months she would have told him earlier. The pregnancy had been high risk due to her being diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum during the first trimester. The condition, which resulted in excessive vomiting, had left her bedridden and unable to gain any pregnancy weight. She felt extremely grateful to be past that particular hump.

She let out a sigh and took another sip of her tea. The time had come for her to cont

act Heath and tell him the truth. Her pregnancy crisis was over, according to her gynecologist. Bella patted her stomach. “Hello little one. You’re a tough customer, do you know that? You’re my little fighter.”

The unexpected ringing of her doorbell gave Bella a start. She practically jumped in her chair. Her heart was hammering inside her chest. Who in the world would be at her door at this time of night? A quick glance at her clock on her bedside table showed that it was almost nine o’clock at night. She stood up and walked over to her window, then pulled back the curtain and peeked outside. Her pulse quickened. It was Heath!

She let go of the curtain and stepped back from the window. Why was he at her door after all this time? Did he know she was carrying his child? Was he here to confront her? Or had there been some sort of emergency with his family?

Bella let out a ragged sigh. No matter how she tried to convince herself that she was over Heath Donahue, she knew without a shadow of a doubt that he still held her heart in the palm of his hand.

“I’ve always been a fighter. Fighting for what you believe in is important. It’s the Donahue way. We never give up.”

Jude Donahue

Chapter Two

Heath was standing at the doorstep of Bella’s pink Victorian house. He could see her white Jeep parked in the pebbled driveway. There was no question about it. She was at home. A tight feeling spread across his chest. Adrenaline began to race through his veins. He rang the bell several times, waiting as patiently as he possibly could. Much to his frustration, she didn’t come to the door. He looked up at the window on the second floor and saw the curtain move. She was inside! He knew it now for certain.

“Bella! Please open the door. I need to see you,” he called out.

He began to bang on the wooden door. He was pounding so hard it rattled. The sudden urgency to lay eyes on Bella didn’t really make sense after all these months, but it felt like something primal deep inside of him was urging him on. He needed to see her!

“I’m not leaving until you talk to me.”

Suddenly, he heard a muffled voice from inside.

“What do you want, Heath? It’s late. Why are you banging on my door like this?”

“Because I need to talk to you and you aren’t answering my calls or texts.”

“Now you want to talk to me? After shutting me out for months?” Her voice was raised.

He pressed his forehead against the door. He wasn’t good at laying himself bare. “Bella. Please let me in. I really want to see you. I need to talk to you.”

“This is ridiculous. It’s over. We’re over.”

“I’ve been getting help for my depression. I was diagnosed with PTSD. I’m better, Bella. A lot better.”
