Page 70 of Doc T (Macha MC 1)

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Bodies rushed this way and that, no one talking directly to her but rather at her. Childish cries and manly hollers overwhelmed her already short circuits. She sank onto the floor, bringing her knees up to her face, and covered her ears with her hands. Tears snaked down her cheeks as her body shook.

“Isa?” Doc crouched down and lifted her chin. “Dammit, baby, I’m sorry.” He scooped her into his arms and barked orders at two prospects. She couldn’t understand what they were saying. His heat enveloped her, and she buried her face in his chest. Despite being safe for the time being, panic crept in and overtook her weary body.



Sittingand not doing anything quickly wore on Doc’s patience. Reaper ordered him to stay with Isa, but he felt out of touch with his brothers. They needed him just as much as she did. He stopped pacing the bedroom and sat in the chair near the window. Her steady breathing calmed him momentarily. She’d passed out and slept through dinner. He wasn’t sure if he should wake her or let her stay in dreamland.It’s safer there.

After their fight at the bar, he hadn’t wanted to speak with her until he could figure out what the hell he was doing. He’d never wanted something deeper with a woman, but he did with Isa. It scared the living daylights out of him.

He typed a message to Rubble on his phone. The sergeant at arms wouldn’t answer; he was too busy making sure their club was ready for an attack. Doc bounced his left leg up and down, eyes fixed on the tree line. The lodge was secure and even offered several tunnels in case of dire emergencies. Still, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was about to change his life.

“What time is it?” Isa asked, sitting up. Her voice was groggy with sleep, and tearstains streaked her cheeks. His gut pitched at the sight. He hadn’t been able to protect her from her friends’ abduction.

“Just after seven.” He laced his fingers together and rested his elbows on his knees. “Are you all right?”

“Bugger. Is there any update?”

“No. I’m sorry.” He watched her fight back a new wave of tears. “Hawk and Cueball are keeping tabs on the situation in Belfast. A couple brothers over there are attempting to find where Orla and Niall are being held.”

Isa sat up and gathered the blanket to her neck. In that moment, she looked so small and vulnerable. There was more wrong than just the kidnapping. He could sense it in the way she wouldn’t keep eye contact.

“We should talk about last night.”

“I don’t want to.”

He let out a frustrated huff. His woman was equally as stubborn as him. More so even. “Baby, look at me.”

She flicked her head up and glared. “There? You happy?”

The combination of her Irish accent and her fiery words only reiterated his thoughts. “If it’s about what we argued about… I’m in uncharted waters here.”

She rolled her eyes, and he fought back pressing that particular nuance of her personality. Pushing her too far too fast would only cause more pain.

“Princess, I’m not used to this.”

“Why don’t you just leave me alone?” she snapped. “You did your job. Congratulations, you fucked the woman you were tasked to protect. You can officially brag to the boys that you got the Irish virgin.” She sniffled. “Do you feel better now that I’ve completely fallen for you? Bloody wanker.”

Doc wasn’t sure which part of her rant to focus on first. He went with the obvious misunderstanding. “What do you mean? I don’t sleep with any woman under Macha protection.”

Her gray eyes might as well have been daggers to his heart. “Of course you do. Dolly told me all about it. I suppose it makes sense. Who better to fuck than a woman who’ll leave after the danger’s gone?”

He steepled his fingers over his nose. “Jesus Christ, Isa, it’s not like that and you know it.”

Anger flashed in her eyes. “Oh sure. It makes sense to lure women into your bed and say it’s for their protection.” She crossed her arms. “How many have there been? Two? Five? Twenty?”

Laughter erupted from him before he could stop it. He shook his head and let the situation play out in his mind. Isa glowered at him, and he wished he could show her how adorable she looked all flustered. His Irish princess was one hell of a jealous woman. Her sentiment warmed him. Half the time, his one-night stands didn’t give a fuck about him. That all changed with her.

“What’re you cackling about? This isn’t funny.”

He held up his hands. “It’s not to you, but to me, it really is.”

“Sure, laugh about how I caught you in your stupid little trick for all naïve women. Laugh it up, twat.”

“Baby, I don’t sleep with any women Macha protects. They’re off-limits.” He licked his bottom lip. “Swear on my mother’s grave. Crossing that line is unprofessional, and Macha could kick my ass out for doing it.”

Her rage slowly tapered. “Then Dolly was wrong?”
