Page 36 of Doc T (Macha MC 1)

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Dolly kept chattering about Macha’s take on marriage and relationships, but she wasn’t listening anymore.I wonder if Doc wants an open relationship or if he’d be satisfied with just one woman.

She chewed her bottom lip and watched a prospect turn on the jukebox in the corner. A rock and roll song filled the bar, and two nymphs hopped on a tabletop and started grinding on each other. The two prospects stopped what they were doing and watched the girls dance. Brewer smacked them on the back of their heads when he caught them gawking, and the two scrambled to busy themselves.

Isa smirked at Brewer, and he offered her a wink. Out of all the bikers, he was the least intimidating. With a full head of red hair, he didn’t have the typical biker look.Well, at least here.She’d seen plenty of redheaded bikers on the isle.She watched him hurry behind the bar. He was the sweetest too. Never talked down to anyone. That she saw, anyway.

“He went to jail, you know,” Dolly said, cutting into Isa’s thoughts.

She turned toward her. “Brewer?”


“When? Why?”

“When we were teenagers, Brewer used to sneak out at night and race motorcycles.” Dolly smiled, her memories clearly flooding her mind. “Sometimes, I’d go too just to egg him on and check out the competition.”

“Sounds innocent enough. What happened?” Isa finished off her drink and squinted at the new glass full of whiskey waiting for her.A prospect must’ve dropped it off.She shrugged and took a drink.

“He and another guy got into it. Brewer said he cheated on the last lap, and with no one to doubt him, they started scuffling. The cops showed up and tossed him in jail for the night.” Dolly gathered her hair into a ponytail. “The next morning, our dad whooped his ass so bad he couldn’t sit for a week. It was kinda funny.”

“Who was the other guy?” She held her breath, somehow already knowing the answer.


“Lovely.” Isa threw back the shot of whiskey. “Can’t say I’m surprised. He seems like the type to get into fights.”

“Only when it matters.” She waved at a prospect, and he brought a bottle of whiskey to the table.

“I shouldn’t,” Isa protested when the glass was filled to the top.

“But you will.” Dolly tossed back the drink and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “Drink, then we’ll dance. I think I can teach you a few things that’d help you snare your Macha man.”

* * *

The dim lightsof the bar seemed brighter after two more shots. Locals started pouring into the room, and lively music drowned out her better sense. Dolly tried and failed to teach her about dirty dancing. Evidently, the old movie wasn’t sodirtyby today’s standards, which meant she was royally flushed.

“Hey, beautiful, what’re you up to?”

His voice washed down her back, his chest against her hair. A shiver shot straight to the spot between her legs, and she slowly craned her neck to meet Doc’s stunning blue eyes. They were even more glorious after a few drinks.

“Taking a breather after Dolly gave me a dancing lesson.” She cocked her head. “How was church?”

Doc rested his left hand on the bar and positioned his body between her and the next barstool. “Same shit. I should be grateful. Better than new shit.” He nodded his thanks to Brewer when he set a beer in front of him. “So dancing, huh?” he asked after taking a drink of the dark Guinness. “Didn’t you get enough of that the other week?”

Isa thought back to her second night in Colorado. She’d managed to slip away from Queenie and down several very needed drinks. “That was to let off steam.” She stood and grabbed his hand. “But this was for fun. Want to see my new moves?”

He glanced around the bar, uncertainty painted on his face. “Princess, you nearly caused a riot the last time you shook your ass.” He pointed to her jeans. “And in those, you just might tonight.”

“The only riot I want is with you,” she said under her breath. Doc’s gaze snapped to her and she giggled, pulling him toward the dance floor. If he’d heard, he didn’t let on.

Her anxiety momentarily subsided. She wasn’t a flirt. At least not a good one.

A popular country tune blared through the speakers, and she wasted no time summoning her eighties-themed moves. Swaying her hips to the tempo, she rested her arms on his shoulders. Doc’s eyes darted to their audience, and she gritted her teeth. He was more concerned for her safety. She should have been glad he was so attentive. Instead, all she craved was his attention to her body.

Looping her arms around his neck, Isa forced his eyes to return to her. “Don’t you dance, Doc?”

“Not if I can help it.”

She turned around and grinded her arse against his jeans. Already, she felt his cock come alive beneath the denim. A shot of desire ran up her spine, and she locked her hands behind his head, deepening the connection.
