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“Patricia? Is that you?”

Eleanor was walking through the foyer. She stopped, staring at her friend. Slowly, she walked towards the door, her eyes wide.

“My dear,” she said slowly. “Whatever is the matter?”

Patricia couldn’t help it. She burst into tears.

“Oh, Eleanor,” she wailed. “It has all gone terribly wrong. And you are the only person I could think who might be able to help me.”

* * *

“Do you think you can find him, Nathan?” asked Eleanor, looking worried.

Patricia gazed fearfully at Eleanor’s husband. Her dear friend had called him into the parlour to help after she had tearfully spilled out the entire sorry story. She had told the Reynold’s that Jackson had wandered down Bond Street, deeply in his cups, and that now she had been told he had been snatched off the streets by the magistrate as well as her mother. Mr. Brown had let her know that Watchmen were tracing the streets looking for her husband but the eyewitness had disappeared after giving the tip. They had no more information on Jackson’s whereabouts yet. She could tell by the grave look on both Eleanor and her husband’s face that they were as worried about Jackson as she was. Lord Reynolds had assured her he would try to find him.

He glanced at his wife. “I will try. But I might enlist some assistance. Two pairs of eyes are better than one, and if there is trouble so are two pairs of fists.”

Patricia jumped. “Oh, no. It shall not come to that, shall it?”

Lord Reynolds shrugged. “I simply cannot say. But best to be prepared in the event.”

“Who are you intending to enlist for help?” asked Eleanor.

Lord Reynolds stood up. “I shall ask Simon. He is always up for an adventure.” He smiled at Patricia kindly. “Do not worry, my dear. We shall find him, even if it takes us all night to do so.”

Patricia gazed up at him gratefully. Simon was the husband of Marion, Eleanor’s dear friend. “The Earl of Reading truly will not mind being enlisted for help?”

His smile widened. “No, indeed. We are old friends who can turn to each other when we require it.” He took a deep breath, gazing at her carefully. “You must try to put it out of your mind. Worrying does nothing. Stay here with Eleanor. You should not return to that empty house by yourself. Did you tell the servants where you were going?”

Patricia nodded. “I told our housekeeper.”

“Good,” said Lord Reynolds, nodding. “Eleanor shall take care of you. Leave the rest to us.”

Suddenly, Patricia stood up. “I cannot sit here waiting,” she said quickly. “That would not do at all. I shall come with you both and assist where I may…”

Lord Reynolds looked amazed. “My dear, that is not a good plan. You are a lady, and we might be searching for hours. You would be far more comfortable staying here. You have my word that we shall do everything in our power to find him.”

“What Nathan says is true, Patricia,” said Eleanor, frowning deeply. “You cannot be careering off into the night in such a way. It might be dangerous…”

Patricia took a deep breath, staring at them both. She was very grateful for their assistance and knew they meant well. They were only trying to look out for her after all. But she simply could not stand the thought of sitting in this parlour all night, waiting for word. Even if Eleanor was by her side.

“It is my fault he is in danger,” she said slowly, raising her chin. “He is my husband. I shall go. I promise that I shall take every precaution and listen to what you say, Lord Reynolds.”

They both stared at her, gobsmacked. Patricia raised her chin higher. She knew they were thinking she was just being stupidly stubborn on the matter, but she would not capitulate. She couldn’t.

For there was another reason, of course, for her obstinance on the matter. If they found Jackson, she needed to speak to him straight away. If she wasn’t there he might refuse to come home at all. She needed to tell him the truth; he needed to hear it from her lips. Thewholetruth; not just what was written in that awful scandal sheet.

Her heart twisted. She had caused him so much pain. And she was the only one who could fix it.

Lord Reynolds sighed deeply, looking uncomfortable. “Very well. But you must listen to what the Earl and I say, my dear. We cannot have you scurrying off on wild goose chases while our backs are turned. Am I quite clear?”

Patricia nodded slowly. Lord Reynolds had an air of natural authority about him. He was also a very handsome man. She could see clearly why her dear friend had fallen head over heels in love with him.

Eleanor slowly walked towards her, taking her hands. “Be careful, Patricia.” Her eyes moistened. “And when you find that husband of yours, make sure that you tell him all that we discussed today. He dearly needs to hear it.”

Patricia embraced her friend tightly. Her heart twisted. She only hoped that she would get the chance to tell Jackson immediately and that he would be willing to listen to her. That it wasn’t too late for them. That their marriage may still have a chance to blossom in the way that she knew now it had always been meant to.

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