Page 2 of Closing Bid

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I swallow as the van slows to a stop, trying to calm my racing heart. I’m actually here. I’m going to—

“You ready, babe?” Curtis asks, taking hold of my hand. His palm is clammy, and I suspect he may be more nervous than I am.

He only applied for the auction because I did. Because he is worried that it’s some sort of scam and that I will be sold to a sleazeball for more than one night. Now, if that happened, it would happen to both of us—or that is his reasoning.

Swallowing down my sudden anxiety, I turn to my best friend. Plastering a big smile on my face, I retort, “Are you?”

“I’m not sure. It feels like I have a V-8 engine where my heart should be,” he says, tightening his hold on my hand.

Pulling him close, I whisper, “Thank you for doing this with me. I promise nothing bad is going to happen. We’ll have a fun night to remember for the rest of our lives. Not to mention a fat bank account when we return to our closet tomorrow.” I wink, trying to lighten the mood by referring to our tiny apartment.

“You’re right, Elle. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance. What are we waiting for?” He lets go of my hand and leans forward to grab our backpacks from the floor. Taking mine, I slip my phone inside. Crouching so I don’t hit my head on the door frame, I follow the others to the van door and climb out.

The breeze is refreshing, and I take in a lungful of cool mountain air. I’m greeted by clear skies, and instead of heavy city traffic, I hear birdsong and the low murmurings of the twenty-two people waiting at the foot of the stairs leading toward the big-ass front door. Curtis and I stand at the back of the group and look around, wondering what we’re supposed to be doing. I don’t know if my heart is racing from nerves or excitement for tonight. I’ve been looking forward to this for months, but now I’m here, I’m a little scared.

While I’m wondering if I’m making the right decision, the sound of high heels on stone grabs my attention, and I look up to see two men and two women appear from the mansion. Like everything so far, they look professional and immaculate. Their clothes are tailored, not a hair out of place, and I feel frumpy in my faded jeans, Yale hoody, and sneakers.

A brunette woman steps forward and addresses the crowd. “Good morning, and welcome to Merriweather House. I trust that you are well-rested and ready for the day to begin. I am Triss, and these are my associates, Steve, Janet, and William. We are the curators for this year’s college auction, and we’re here to help you prepare for tonight.” She pauses and surveys the group before looking to her right, and one man and the other woman step forward. “Janet and William will accompany the virgins. Will the six inexperienced participants please follow them to your rooms.”

I gasp as Curtis turns to leave my side.He’s a virgin?That can’t be. I’ve seen him with loads of girls … unless Curtis is finally going to ...

I grab for his arm and catch his sleeve. “Hey, what’s going on?”

“I’m trying new things,” he says with a small smile and a wink.

“Text me!” I demand as he follows the others up the steps and disappears through the double doors.

“... the rest of you can follow me,” Triss says and turns her back on us, expecting us to follow her, leading our way to the front door.

Shit, I don’t know what’s happening. I wasn’t listening. I was too surprised at finding out that my best friend was being adventurous and giving in to his hidden fantasy of being with a man. Maybe that’s why he was so nervous?

Now it was only me, three guys, and twelve other girls outside, including Merissa, who was giving me the side-eye. Ever since we were in class together she’s been an utter bitch to me and Curtis. We’ve theorized that it’s because she asked Curtis to go out with her and he declined. She must not have liked being told no. Well, that’s the only reason we could come up with.

With one last deep breath, I fall in line, following Triss. Ready for the next step in this lucrative adventure.

* * *

Luxurious decadence. That’s how I would describe the interior of Merriweather House. Shiny wooden parquet flooring under elegant Persian carpets, and dark leather couches arranged in groupings, ready for socializing. Beautiful paintings of the surrounding mountains and rivers embellish the walls as we follow Triss up an elaborate staircase to the upper floor. We are each given a room and told to relax before lunch, after which we will head to the auction room and have a walk-through before we need to get dressed and ready for hair and makeup by five p.m.

I’m in room 214 at the end of the hall.

It’s not as opulent or stately as the downstairs reception hall, but it’s still far grander than any hotel room I have ever stayed in. A king-size bed dominates the room, the bedcover the same azure blue as the sky outside. The walls are a subtle gray color, with the windows and doors in glossy white trim.

A door to the left leads into an ensuite bathroom. In the corner is a jacuzzi bath, and I can’t wait to try it, let the jets help me relax after lunch, but before that, I need coffee and to find out what is happening with Curtis.

An old-school landline telephone is on the bedside table, and a small desk is in front of the window overlooking a meadow to the rear of the mansion. Next to it, there is a small, dark wood counter with a built-in mini-fridge and a small Nespresso coffee-pod machine.

Thank fuck!I quickly set about making myself a mug of coffee, and I sigh as the rich aroma fills the room.

After taking a sip, I feel my body relax. Caffeine has been my drug of choice since I had my first cup at sixteen. I move to the small sitting area close to the window and take out my phone from the backpack to text Curtis.

Elle:What’s your room number? Can I come over?

I wait and shoot off another message when I don’t see the dots dancing with his reply.

Elle:Are you okay? You haven’t been kidnapped already, have you?

I’m joking, but also, I’m not. I hadn’t realized how much I need my best friend by my side to stay centered and excited. Since I’m not having to calm Curtis’ nerves, my own are taking center stage in my brain. What if the man who buys me is ugly? What if he’s old enough to be my grandpa? I shiver at the thought—it doesn’t matter. It’s just one night.

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