Page 47 of Need S'More Time

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“I’d support you, you know that.”

“I can support myself.”

“I never said you couldn’t.” Colin slipped his body around hers, spooning her and enveloping her with his warmth and comfort. “I just want to help you and, selfishly, I’m not ready to let you go.”

“We knew what this was, Colin,” June said, still refusing to turn around and look him in the eye. She felt his breathing skitter and start behind her, felt the telltale burn at the corner of her eye that signaled that tears were beginning to come. “We knew I had to go back at the end of the week.”

“I didn’t want to know,” he admitted. He pressed soft kisses to her hair, her temple.

“Me either,” she whispered, and by this time, tears were softly falling from her eyes, staining the pillow.

“Don’t cry, June,” he said thickly, noticing her tears.

“Easy enough for you to say,” June replied before feeling one of Colin’s hot tears splash on her neck. She swiveled her body, turned around so she was facing him again and, sure enough, his eyes were glistening and rimmed in red.

“I understand,” he said finally, pressing a kiss to the bump on June’s nose. “I know you have to do your own thing and figure it all out.” Kiss. Sniffle. “That doesn’t mean I like it.”

“Thank you, and I’m sorry,” was all June could say.

“Thank you,” his hand slid into her curls, pulling her face close.

“I’m sorry,” their mouths collided.

“Thank you,” their tongues slid together, breath gasping.

“I’m sorry,” he rolled on a condom.

“Thank you,” he slid into her, their mouths inches away from each other, nipping and tasting.

“I’m sorry,” her nails dug into his back, pressing half moons into his skin.

“Thank you,” sensation crested and broke over her, through her body, to the tips of her fingers and toes.

“I’m sorry,” he had begun to grunt, grasping at her breast.

“Thank you,” they pulled each other close, kisses and tears and sweat mingling between their faces and bodies.

“I’m sorry,” as he cleaned up, wiped a final tear from her eye, and held her to his chest as they fell asleep.

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