Page 15 of Need S'More Time

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Junewokeupto the jingling of her phone alarm, groaned, and threw it on the floor. Her head pounded and her mouth was dry, a combination of not drinking enough water at altitude followed by the beers last night at the Tavern.

The Tavern.

Fuck. She had made out with Colin. And then invited him into a cabin shared with five other teachers. Her coworkers. June groaned again and slapped a hand over her face.

“Knock, knock,” Kevin said at her door before barging in and plopping down on the foot of her twin bed. Somewhere in the night, she had kicked most of the covers off and she momentarily panicked, looking down to make sure that she had slept with some clothing on.

“Aren’t you supposed to wait until someone says ‘come inside’ before you barge in on them?” June muttered, putting a pillow over her face.

“Are you hungover?” Kevin said, shaking her gently.

“No, just tired. And dehydrated.” And confused. And still annoyingly turned on.

“How was the rest of your night?” Kevin asked, keeping his tone suspiciously light. June narrowed her eyes at him, but didn’t reply. Let him suffer in silence for asking suspicious questions that she assumed he could guess the answer to. He raised his eyebrows. June rolled her eyes. They engaged in this type of silent conversation all the time - across the hallway when kids were being foolish, at a bar when Kevin thought June should pick up a cute boy.

“It was fine,” June said shortly, sitting up and pulling her blankets to her chin.

“Fine.” Kevin said, skepticism dripping from his voice.


“I take it you got home safe?”

“Yes, I am here and I have not been eaten by a bear, so I am fine,” June huffed. She reached over to the bedside and felt around for her water bottle and realized she had knocked it off the table at some point during the night. “Can you get my water bottle for me?” She whined to him. He rolled his eyes and reached down and tossed the steel bottle to her.

“Something happened,” Kevin said, accusingly. June continued to sip her water, pointedly not responding to what he had said.

“Yes. I had beers. I talked with Colin. We walked home. I am here.”

“Those were all three word sentences. That’s suspicious.”

“Ugh,” June flopped down in bed and pulled the blankets over her head. “Fine. We made out. A lot.”

“I knew it!” Kevin cried, pumping his fist in the air. “I saw the way he looked at you at the climbing wall after you invited him out for drinks with us.”

“What are you talking about?” June said, still under blankets.

“Uhm, his eyes got all wide and he couldn’t stop staring at you,” Kevin slowly explained like he was talking to his class on the first day of school. “Usually, that means that he is attracted to you.” June continued to groan under the blankets, kicking her feet like a petulant six year old.

“Are you gonna fuck him?” Kevin asked, pulling the blankets down so he could see June’s face.

“Jesus Christ, Kevin,” June groaned. “I doubt it. I invited him in last night and he talked about how it wasn’t policy to go into teacher housing and then we had an awkward goodbye, so probably not. I’m sure it’s going nowhere.”

“Whatever you say,” Kevin said. “Now get out of bed and shower before Brian gets in there and takes a huge shit and ruins the bathroom.”

“This is supposed to be a week to relax and that imagery is giving me a migraine.”

“I know, right?” Kevin grinned and stuck his tongue out at her as he walked out of the room. He took a moment at the doorway and turned around to add a final comment: “Plus, I want to see the first interaction between the two of you this morning.”

June threw a pillow at his back as he left.

June quickly showered and brushed her teeth. She stood at the mirror in her towel, looking at her damp curls hanging limply on her shoulders. She picked up on curl, scrunched it, and then sighed. She had brought limited makeup, half of her hair products, nothing other than a hair tie, a toothbrush, and sunscreen. For the first time in a long chunk of time, June wished she had brought more items for her appearance. Did that make sense to wear makeup at camp? She didn’t even think about what t-shirts she grabbed from her drawer when she packed.


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