Page 14 of Need S'More Time

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Colin sighed, and looked up as if searching for an answer. “Yeah, probably something like that.” June chewed on her lip and Colin’s eyes shot to her mouth again. “However,” he said, tightening his grip on her arm. “There are no rules against teachers visiting staff houses.” June let go of a breath she didn’t know she was holding.

“Really,” she said, raising her eyebrows.


It was on the tip of June’s tongue to ask where Colin lived, where he slept, but that brief moment where she feared rejection had sobered her up enough to take stock of the entire situation. What the fuck am I doing? The thought slammed through her. She needed this week to be relaxing, to take space from any entanglements to figure out what the hell she was doing with her life. Making out with the new camp director, no matter how cute he was, was not keeping this easy or giving her space.

“Oh, okay,” June said, filling in the silence. She didn’t know where to look - it was too much to look at Colin’s eyes, and looking at his face was dangerously close to looking at his lips, and June knew where that would lead her.

Colin huffed out a sigh, then gently slid a finger under her chin and tipped her neck up. “Hey June,” he said, a quiet whisper with deep soul, “I don’t know you that well yet, but I kind of get the sense that you’re freaking out a bit.” June remained silent, hoping that it would give her answer away. “I’m flying by the seat of my pants here, too, June. I just feel connected to you and when I saw you walk into my office this morning, all energy and curls, I immediately wanted to kiss you. Then I got to talk with you more today, more this evening, and I wanted to kiss you more, but I also wanted to spend time with you.”

June was sure she didn’t need a jacket anymore or, for that matter, any layers. Her skin had heated, her heart hammering as she processed what Colin was saying.

“Okay,” was all she could manage. She was sure she was making a confused face - what her students had referred to as the “Lehrer Grimace” that she often showed when students were using new slang she was trying to figure out.

“You’re even cuter when you’re confused,” Colin laughed, pressing a quick dry kiss to her lips. “All I mean is that I want to spend more time with you while you’re here this week. I’ll see you at breakfast tomorrow morning and we’ll figure it out.”

“Okay,” June repeated, still stunned.

“I hope that by the end of the week we can move that evaluation from “okay” to at least “good’,” Colin whispered, sneaking a kiss under June’s ear. June felt her kneecaps turn inside out, felt her stomach drop down to her toes with that small gesture. One short make out session and Colin already seemed to know how to find the tiny points on her body to pull big reactions out of her, and that wasn’t even considering the words that came from his mouth.

“Okay,” June said, then lightly smacked herself on the forehead. “I mean, yes. Great. I agree. Confirmed. Wonderful. Thesaurus entry for ‘great’.” She nodded, small shakes of her head, throughout the entire string of words. “It’s going to be okay - shit, there’s that word again - and everything is going to work out.”

“Oh, June,” Colin sighed, wrapping his arms around her waist, resting his forearms on her hips. June usually felt that her proportions were somehow off - too wide here, too thin here, too something - but something about the way Colin’s lanky body worked with hers. He was able to maneuver his limbs and torso so June, in her short time moving her body around his, felt that he was always providing a place for her to land. Like he was a shifting frame that could accommodate whatever shapes her body needed to fill. Colin’s arms tightened, pulling her just close enough that the fronts of their bodies pressed against one another, June’s small breasts pressed against his chest. At the same time Colin lowered his head, June rose up, and they shared a final kiss. Unlike the others, this one didn’t grow heated, wasn’t an attempt to learn the other's mouth or devour them whole. Just a smooth, content slide and slip of tongues and lips that hinted at a familiarity they had developed with each other over the past hour.

Using his teeth to gently tug at her lower lip as a sign off, Colin pulled away. June dreamily opened her eyes to see him staring down at her.

“I actually am leaving now,” he said, his voice indicating he felt the same mix of exhaustion and contentment that June had gotten from the kiss.

“Okay,” June said, then grimaced again. “I mean, good night, Colin.” He snuck a quick final kiss, just a brush of lips, then he turned and walked away from the teacher’s cabin, heading in the direction of the lake.

June watched Colin until he was out of view of the tiny light above her head, then slumped against the wall. “Fuck,” she said out loud, to the cool night air. This was certainly not how she had expected the first night at camp to go, though she couldn’t exactly complain because, Good Lord, could Colin kiss. She thought for a second, imagined what it would have been like if he had been able to come inside. Would they be naked yet? She had seen him use his hands on the climbing wall - what would they feel like on her skin? Would he have spent the night? June groaned and brought her thoughts back to the present. Did it even matter?

June quietly opened the door and slipped off her hiking boots and snuck to her bedroom as quietly as she could. She grabbed her water bottle, filled it up in the bathroom, then snuck back into her room. She laid down on her pillow, but was startled by a crinkling of a piece of paper. She pulled it out from under her head and clicked on her cell phone flashlight to read the note.

I hope he kept you from chasing a mountain goat. <3 - K.

June rolled her eyes again, but tucked the note into her novel that was by her bedside, laughing to herself. Kevin was such a schemer, but that was what she loved about him. Flicking off the bedside lamp, she stared up at the ceiling in the dark. June was usually freezing, slept in socks and pajama bottoms even in the summertime under a heavy comforter, but she found herself overheated. Sweat prickled on her skin, and the warmth and need between her legs was becoming oppressive. Was it unprofessional to masturbate while chaperoning? June asked herself, and then took stock of her situation, which was so incredibly different than she had anticipated. On the bus ride up she had been distracted and lonely, grumpy and resentful. June was still all of those things, but maybe a little less lonely and a lot more horny.

Her fingers had just begun to slip underneath her boxer shorts when she heard footsteps in the hallway and the shared bathroom door open. June yanked her hand out of her pants like she was 14 again and her mom was checking to see if she was asleep. I can NOT do this, she decided, as annoying as it would be to try to fall asleep without relief.

Pulling the blankets up to her chin, June closed her eyes, but could only remember how Colin’s lips had felt against her own, how his hands had felt on her body. Within the space of a few breaths, surprisingly, June had drifted off to sleep.

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