Page 11 of Royal Wolf's Bride

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Concern and worry washed over Mikhail’s face, and he gently captured her arm and had her sit in one of the plush chairs. “You’re pale,” he told her quietly.

“How bad are the shifters coming to Las Vegas?” Xavier asked. There was no denying he was displeased.

Luke sighed and shook his head. “The worst of wolf shifters. They have killed others not only outside their pack but members of their clan. They are deadly to anyone who stands in the way of what they want.”

“And their sister?” Nicco asked with trepidation.

“Is lovely at first sight then when she speaks, its venom, and she becomes uglier with every word spoken,” Mikhail told them coldly. “She only wants to marry well, and nothing better than a prince. She doesn’t love me, and now I fear for Kimber’s safety.” Mikhail knelt by her and smiled, though the gesture didn’t quite reach his gorgeous eyes. “I will fight for you,” he assured, then studied her.

“What is it?” she asked with hesitation.

“You look good, but there is something different about you,” he explained.

Hailey cleared her throat.

Mikhail glanced at Kimber’s best friend then returned his attention to Kimber. “Tell me, il mio cuore, what is it you were going to tell me?”

She wasn’t sure what to think of the situation. However, the hottie wolf prince had conveyed sincerity. Mingling with his high-end cologne was a concern. “I’m pregnant,” she revealed in a tone not much more than a whisper.

Surprise washed over Mikhail’s face.

Kimber hadn’t meant to blurt it out. “Before you ask, it’s yours. I’ll take whatever test you want to prove it,” she added, bordering on catatonic.

“There won’t be any need for that,” he told her with a soothing tone, then tucked a strand of hair behind her. “I believe you, and I want you, Kimber. However, now I’m twice as concerned for your safety and our child’s.” Mikhail curled his fingers around her hand. “We’ll figure this out, I promise.”

“You know I’ll protect her,” Luke stated in all seriousness. “Just as I would you.”

Xavier sighed. “What can we do to help?”

Jagger smiled and nodded. “We have experience with women in jeopardy.” He debated and glanced at Hailey before meeting Mikhail’s gaze. “I never thought Kimber would be one of them. She fought for Cammie, Rourke’s future wife as well as Hailey.”

“How many rooms are on your floor of the hotel?”

Mikhail turned to Rourke. “Two. One at each end. Why?”

“I’ll call the hotel and make sure the second room is vacated,” Jagger stated. “We’ll use that as a base. Since I’m sure, you’re going to want some time alone with my sister. We’ll be close, but not invasive unless we need to be.”

“I like this idea,” Luke told them. “If the room is booked. Mikhail will pay for any upgrades or show tickets or whatever is required.”

Kimber processed the conversation around her then turned to Hailey. “How did you do it?” she asked her friend quietly. “You didn’t have an animal beneath? I do, and I’m scared.”

“You’re human?” Mikhail asked Kimber’s friend in surprise.

Hailey’s back stiffened, then nodded; however, sadness touched her features. “Yes,” she replied quietly.

“You’re lovely, smart, and demonstrate empathy,” Mikhail told her. “In Barrastu, my country, mixed marriages are common. I have two remarkable aunts who are human, and both are a force to be reckoned with.”

“My mother is human,” Luke informed the room.

“Hailey still gets a little unsure of herself,” Kimber explained. “Xavier and Nicco’s mates are human, so it helps, but she is still a bit sensitive in some circles.”

“Please, not around Luke or I,” Mikhail encouraged. He glanced at Kimber. “If I had my way, I would ship you off to someplace remote.”

“If I need, I can go to my aunt’s or Haley’s parents in California,” Kimber stated as nerves fluttered in her stomach and made her nauseous. “However, I’m pregnant, not dead, and I didn’t know if I would see you again. Now that you’re here, I’m not leaving you.”

Mikhail’s long dark lashes fluttered, and he blinked at her. A wry smile worked across his lips. The same mouth Kimber longed to kiss. He then turned to Jagger. “Is she always this stubborn?”

Her brother laughed. “No, she can be much worse.”

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