Page 44 of Steel Wolf

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Mahoney knocked it from my hand. “It’s late.”

“And? Even if he’s sleeping, he’ll see it in the morning.”

“He who?” Mahoney rumbled, acting all macho.

“My boyfriend.” I popped the hard syllables.

“Not your boyfriend. You said it yourself not so long ago. Not to mention, he still hasn’t fucked you.”

“I’ll have you know he fucked me hard.”


“He’s an accomplished lover.” I dug myself in deeper.

“Now, you’re really piling on the bullshit.” He dragged me against him.

“What are you doing?”

“I gave your loser detective a chance to claim you. Now, it’s my turn.”

Alpha-male logic at its finest. It shouldn’t have titillated. Was this what my subconscious thought I wanted? “Excuse me, but that’s not up to you. I decide who I sleep with.”

“We’ll fuck,” he stated with assurance. “And once we do, I’ll ruin you for anyone else.”

“Hate to break it to you,” I whispered, “but I’ll always take sex with a real guy over that of a ghost.”

“I’m not a ghost,” he hotly retorted.

“What year is it?”

“I don’t see what—”

“It’s not a hard question. What year is it? Which team won last year’s football championship? Or would you be more familiar with hockey?”

“Argh, why must you be so difficult?” he bellowed and shot straight up through my bedroom ceiling.

Freaky, and the following roar that shook my house was kind of sexy because that was the cry of a man in the thralls of sexual frustration. Even if I imagined the whole thing, I enjoyed it.

I slept like my dog after shaking for a full day because of five minutes of audible fireworks. That was to say soundly, probably snoring loudly and definitely drooling on my pillow. Until the doorbell woke me.

I rolled and groaned. “Go away.” I wanted to snuggle my pillow longer. It was much too early to get up.

Ding. Dong.

Only as I blinked open an eyelid did I realize that I’d slept past dawn. Shit, I’d gotten a full night’s sleep, and if my clock could be believed, hit the unbelievable hour of 7:07 a.m.

The pounding at my front door roused my dog’s head. He cracked his jaw, yawning, his expression not happy at being disturbed.

“I agree,” I muttered. “Someone needs to cool their jets.”

“Allie! Are you in there?”

Hearing Brayden’s voice perked me up immensely. I rolled out of bed to find myself in only panties. What the fuck? I’d thought I’d gone to bed in a T-shirt. Must have had a hot flash in the middle of the night and stripped. In good news, I’d forgotten to put in a pad but appeared to be crimson-tide-free!

Bang. Bang.

“Hold on a second,” I hollered. Where had I put my shirt? Pants? As I fished around for clothing, I caught a peek of red in the closet. Opening it revealed my red sweater shoved to the side on the floor. I didn’t remember kicking it in there. Nor the dark stain on it.

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