Page 32 of Steel Wolf

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The ruddiness in his cheeks deepened. “I would never dream of asking.”

“Why not? Don’t you like me?” I was suddenly PMS-ing hard and needed to know.

His lips twitched. “I like you very much. Enough to know when the time is right, it will happen.”

Would it? Because I swear, it was as if fate conspired against us. Would we ever have sex? I hoped so because if the foreplay kept up, a slight breeze might just make me come.

I needed distraction, and the shitty movie didn’t offer it. The terrible dialogue couldn’t hold a candle to the hot dude sitting beside me. The feel of his leg under my hand—because look at that, after all my fine words, I gropedhim. The problem being, while I could totally jerk him to climax, it would lead to frustration for me.

I snatched back my hand and glanced away in time to see an alien on screen swallowing someone whole. “How’s the case going? Any more dead bodies?”

“No.”Buzz.His phone went off, and I swore I must have had a premonition because I knew what he’d say next.

“Fuck me. They think they found another one. I have to go.”

Another? “Of course, you do. You need to get there while the crime scene is still fresh for clues.” Clues he’d hopefully share with me.

“Are you sure? Will you be okay?” His concern warmed me.

“Yes, I’ll be fine. Go,” I shooed him. “If you’re not here, then I can stop wearing pants and stuff my face with salty chips.”

“You could have taken your pants off anytime,” he said with a wink. “And I like chips.”

“I don’t share when I PMS.” Get between me and the salt, and you’d get stabbed with whatever I had handy.

The Jerk had gotten tined by a fork a week after he’d asked me for a divorce and thought he could touch my chips. Mocking him soundly for whining meant he didn’t call the cops. To this day, I still didn’t feel bad.

I’d been more careful to control myself after that. My unrequited rage issues needed a tight leash.

Brayden leaned in for a kiss. “If you’re sure.”

“I’m sure,” I murmured against his mouth.

He gave me a squeeze and then stepped away, saying, “I’ll be by tomorrow if I can.”

“Bring donuts if it’s before dinner. At least a half-dozen.”

“As my lady commands.” He chuckled as he left.

What an adorable man. I hated my plumbing for ruining what should have been an orgasmic date.

It still being early, I tried watching television. Nothing held my interest. I tackled Blade and took care of his burrs, which led to him sighing.

“Next time, don’t run through the prickly shit,” I chided as I pulled out the fourth one.

I thought about going to bed. That would never work with the amount of nervous energy filling my limbs. Too much napping today, and it had begun to filter through that I’d almost died.

Propane gas leak. How had I not noticed? Propane had an additive that gave it a putrid smell, a warning for people to avoid poisoning. I should have noticed unless I’d been sleeping so soundly that it’d never registered.

Since when did I fall asleep in the garage, though? I’d always made it back to bed before. The last thing I recalled was working on the bike while my dog slept in the chair. Yet the detective had claimed that Blade was in the house.

Had my dog left the garage? How, with the door closed? And his doggy one at the house had been left sealed, as well. It made no sense unless I hadn’t brought Blade. Maybe I’d justthoughtI had. The same way I kept thinking that I was talking to Mahoney.

As if thinking of him conjured his voice, I heard him say:That leak wasn’t an accident.


I whirled and blinked. I was alone but for my dog. He stretched on the couch and let one rip. Having been through the gagging before, I immediately lifted the collar of my shirt over my mouth and headed for the front door.

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