Page 31 of Steel Wolf

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I’d sleep better in my bed. And why shouldn’t I? I felt fine. I couldn’t believe the nurse didn’t believe me and insisted that I take a nap. What I wanted was more food. It took some cajoling to get the nurse to agree.

By the time it arrived, I’d fallen asleep.


I sleptthe whole night through, not even a single dream. I woke hungry. Then disappointed. Breakfast sucked. The shower the nurse arranged did much for my morale, though. Around lunchtime, the hospital agreed to release me. To my surprise and delight, Brayden brought me home from the hospital, having illegally parked in front of the main doors. Being OPP had its uses.

He drove and told me how he’d become pals with Blade, who avoided ditches on their latest walk, but did ensure that he stepped in fresh shit.

“My shoe is ruined. Which sucks. I suffered a blister getting those heels broken in.”

I understood his pain. “He’s an asshole. Good thing he’s cute.”

“Good thing.” Brayden snorted.

He left me tucked on the couch, literally. He grabbed a blanket from the closet and wrapped it around me, leaving with a promise to return for dinner.

I napped the moment he left. When I woke, I ate and then slept again with my dog—best day ever for him. I awoke again later feeling refreshed, especially after my shower, where I spent time updating my shaved bits.

My legs and pits had reached the bristly point. My pubes, however, were short enough that I wasn’t risking a rash.

Brayden arrived before six, bearing two souvlaki platters consisting of seasoned meat on a stick, salad, and rice. Delicious. He also tossed in a movie, some alien cop drama that tried to be funny but failed. And the only reason I could state the horrid execution with certainty? I watched it rather than having the sex I wanted.

Important to note that it wasn’t because of a lack of desire on either of our parts. The chemistry between us was off the charts. Last time, his phone had cock-blocked him. Whereas, this time, my cunt—and I meant that in the most derogatory way—ensured I wasn’t getting any.

Forget menopause. Apparently, my periods weren’t done with me yet. Six months of dryness and it chose to hit me now, the horrifying and very red Crotch Falls. Within minutes of our kissing, the cramps hit, and I had to excuse myself.

In the bathroom, I dropped my track pants—my cleanest, nicest pair that had plenty of room for him to shove his hand in. Quick to remove, as well. They hit the floor, and so did the underwear that appeared as if Dexter used it as a drop cloth. A good thing I kept clean pairs in the bathroom. I’d had too many episodes of night sweats tonotkeep extra clothes in here.

I had to dig in the cupboard for a tampon. Six months of liberty ruined! I should have been done with it. Given the roiling of my lower belly, I added a pad. Layered up, I grimaced. So much for making out and a movie.

Once I emerged, I hit the kitchen to serve up some popcorn. The bowl set between us gave me space. I expected him to ask me what was wrong. To try and kiss me.

The fucker didn’t push at all.

So, I mauled him, tasting the butter on his lips as his hands settled on my hips.

Mmm. My pussy flexed. The wetness I felt didn’t come from desire.

“I’ll be right back.” I vacillated between frustration and annoyance. I was probably being paranoid. No way I’d gone through a tampon already. It had been like half an hour, maybe forty-five minutes.

Despite my precautions, my underpants got murdered again. The pad fought valiantly to contain the flow and failed—bloody literal hell.

It took me a few minutes to clean up, put in the dusty menstrual cup—relax, I rinsed it first—then yank on new clean undies layered with a thick pad. Then, over that, a less reputable pair of dark track pants. When I emerged, I reminded myself there was nothing wrong with my body. Menses was a natural part of life.

My date waited on the couch, one arm over the back, his expression smoldering as he watched my return.

So unfair. I wanted nothing more than to jump his bones. Alas, I bluntly put an end to it. “So…bad news. Aunt Flo is visiting.”

“You have company? Since when?” He appeared genuinely puzzled.

How could a guy exist who didn’t know what that meant? “Aunt Flo is code speak for my period. As in my time of the month. When the cavern of sensual delights bleeds for several days. Understand? Or do we need to go into the whole narrative about how a uterus works?” My embarrassment in having to explain it all made me harsher than intended.

Poor guy blushed. “I understand.”

Adorable, but I forged on, lest he not think me so cute if he caught a horrifying glimpse of what was coming out of me.

“While Flo is visiting, there will be no touching below my waist, and before you say you’re okay with a little bit of blood, I’m not. It’s gross.”

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