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The voice came again. What the fuck is wrong with you? That wedding certificate isn’t even worth the paper it’s printed on. So what the fuck?

But my heart wouldn’t listen to the words in my head. Because oh shit, I was getting married to the sweetest, most beautiful woman I know. Kitty was gonna be here in just a sec, and I couldn’t wait to see her curves, to gaze into those beautiful brown eyes as we said, “I do.”

And as the door opened, the air whooshed out of my chest. Because Kitty stood there, framed in the doorway and oh shit, but she was everything I’d dreamed of. The girl was so fucking gorgeous, unbelievably innocent yet sensuous, a smile wreathing her lips, eyes looking straight into mine. And oh shit, but that material clung to her curves, outlining those sassy tits, the way her hips swung like a sexy pendulum.

She shot a secret smile my way, making my blood boil, but there was nothing I could do because the wedding march began to play. And on cue, the girl stepped forward, one petite white shoe trailing the other.

But immediately a growl rose in my chest because yeah, the female was walking with a limp. It wasn’t obvious or anything, someone who didn’t know her wouldn’t be able to tell.

But I fucking knew. I knew from the way her hips swayed that she had a deep pussy ache, her cunt sore from the regular poundings of my dick. And oh fuck yeah, as she limped a little more towards me, her ass twisted weirdly too, making me grin like a motherfucker. Because I’m a two-hole man and I go at that delicious rump like there’s no tomorrow, like I’ll never get enough.

So fuck yeah, a wash of pure masculine satisfaction rolled over me as the woman approached. She was the female of my dreams, sore in both special places because of my hard work, and it was so fucking awesome. But this was literally our marriage ceremony, and not the time to be ravaging a sweet princess.

“Hi,” she whispered, stepping next to me and taking my hand. “Hi.”

I looked deep into those caramel eyes, limpid pools of sweetness.

“Hi yourself,” I ground out, gripping her small hand tight. “How are you, Mrs. Channing?”

She giggled slightly, about to say something, but then the minister began.

“Dearly beloved,” he intoned. “We are gathered here today …”

Of course, only my mom was here as a witness, so the “we” was a little exaggerated. But still, who the fuck cares? The fact is that I was getting married to a nymphet, the girl of my dreams, and it was gonna be legit in the eyes of man, god, and the law of the land. Nothing was gonna tear us apart.

Emotions whirled, my chest tight. Who would have thought it’d feel this good to tie the knot? I’ve always seen it as an evil. Not even a necessary evil, just pure evil. Because why would you put yourself through something like marriage? There’s a shit ton of pussy to fuck, why restrict yourself to one? There’s a world of cunt juice to sample, so why stick with only one flavor?

But looking down at Kitty, the reasons were crystal clear. Because this female is unlike any other. She’s curvy, sweet and ripe, without a mean bone in her body. She’d give her coat to a homeless person on a cold day, she’d give her last quarter to a child going hungry.

And all that should have turned me off. After all, I’m a business magnate, I run homeless people off my property and children going hungry? There’s no time for shit like that when my casino is practically minting money.

But somehow Kitty’s shown me another way, and I love the goodness that radiates from that curvy form, how she has a smile for everyone. I love the fact that she’s soft to my hard, the sweet to my sour, gentle and giving one hundred percent.

So yeah, here I was beaming at my bride, chest puffed out like a fucking penguin. And when the minster intoned, “You may kiss the bride,” there was zero hesitation. I enveloped that curvy form with arms like steel bands and ravished her mouth, the world fading to a blur around us.

“Umm, Gray,” she murmured, breasts heaving against my chest. “Mmmm.”

Fuck, it was such a fucking turn-on, her lips so sweet, breath like perfume. So I went in for another deep kiss, this time one hand going up to squeeze a big breast, to feel that heavy weight in my palm. Fuck yeah, I was gonna fuck these titties, they belonged to me now.

But the minister coughed politely and we broke off, panting. If my mom hadn’t been here, I would have fucked into Kitty right here, torn that dress off and let her pussy get the ride of its life.
