Page 11 of Ranger

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“How are you doing, Toni?” Ranger asked as he approached her.

“It could be better. There is an air of secrecy and expectation that makes me nervous.”

“That is often the way things are at a casino. We have what they call a whale here and everything is paid for him. We're waiting to see how that works out. He may win all our money and then leave. So far, I must admit that we're ahead on the income we've been making on him but one roll of the dice and that might not be true anymore. The hope is that regardless of how things work out he will tell people what a wonderful time he had and mention some of the things he was able to do here.”

OK, she had to admit that made sense. They were trying something they had never tried before, and they were afraid of which way it would go. But that wasn't the kind of concern she thought she was sensing. The guards gave the impression that they were concerned an attack might take place. Losing some money was not their concern but being overwhelmed was. Allowing someone to get hurt unnecessarily could also cost them their job. He wasn't being honest with her and maybe it was a company secret, and she couldn't be told but it still bothered her.

Toni spaced out and Ranger had shook her shoulder lightly. Her eyes went up to his. “I wondered how our park project was going. I'm afraid something else has been pushed on me and it needs to come first. Of course, you have me if you need approval or advice on anything.”

She had thought he'd lost interest in her since the meals they shared cut in half. Toni knew that could happen when a job was overwhelming. Ranger was waiting for some kind of response, so she nodded then he looked at his clock seeing that he apparently was late for an appointment, and he took off practically at a dead run. There was an attractive lady waiting at the elevator and they got in together and were talking.

Had she put him off too long? There was no way to blame him, men had needs. Maybe nothing would ever workout for her. It was time for her to do something worthwhile so she went upstairs to see if she could find her brother. He had matured greatly in the short time they had known Ranger. That man had done no end of good things for her, and she needed to decide soon whether she was going to keep him or let him go.

“David, are you in there?”

Someone came to the door, but it wasn't him so who was it?

“Who are you?” Toni asked.

“Someone you don't wanna mess with little girl.” He said as he pulled her into the apartment, and she saw that her brother was tied up and about to be put in a trunk.

“You need to let him go.” She pushed the panic button and now realized that Ranger and the company had known the danger was present.

“No, we need to get you in another trunk and get you two out of here. You're probably the better hostage anyway.”

She knew the panic button also had a tracker on it because the use of it had been explained to her and it would not be easy for them to find. If they delayed in an attempt to search her someone might be here before they were even through. If they didn't then they could follow them wherever they went. Not that she wanted to be stuck in a trunk or have her brother in one but what occurred would not be her choice, but it looked like it would work either way.

Her brother had looked scared but now he was passed out. She was sure they had given him something so that he wouldn't make any noise as they wheeled him away. now the other guy was coming toward her with a needle in his hand. Toni didn't like needles and she grabbed up a heavy vase and threw it at him. now the other guy approached her, and she picked up a bronze statue and when he got closer threw it at him. Where the hell was the help that she expected?

Moving toward the door she opened it and screamed. The elevator opened and a group of guards came in and began to fight with the guys that had tried to capture her brother and her. She was out of breath and half-crazy from this terrible experience. At least those guys were busy fighting with the guards and not in any position to hurt her brother. She moved back into the room and tried to get to the trunk that her brother was in. It wasn't difficult to do because even though the bad guys were still struggling to get loose, the guards had pretty much subdued them.

Removing the tape that covered his mouth and cutting loose the ties that they had bound him with didn't really help because he was still out, and she could not lift him to the couch. As soon as the other guys were bound, two guys came over and lifted David and put him on the couch. Toni had a notion that these guys were with the same group that David had once been involved with. Would they never escape them?

David was settled on the couch hopefully sleeping off whatever he had been given, she had evaded capture, and the guards were leaving with their prisoners. They weren't gone long when Ranger came up and pulled her in his arms kissing her and making sure she was alright.

“What happened, do you know?” He asked.

“I believe these are the same bad guys I had to deal with before. You knew and didn't tell me.” She accused.

He looked guilty as he well should. “We weren't sure that any of them were here because Zaya was sent in as a scout. No one thought that they would go after anyone until they got more information.”

“And you couldn't have told me that, so I'd be better prepared?” Toni wondered.

“We discussed it and decided there was no point right now in alarming anyone.”

“Sounds like the answer of a politician.”

Ranger flinched. Apparently, he recognized an insult when he heard one. “That's unfair. If we were sure of anything we would have told you.”

“What are we going to do with David? We have no idea what they gave him.”

“We have a doctor on staff. I'll call him and have him come up here.” Ranger assured.

He pulled out his phone and made the call. She could only hear his side of the conversation. “The doctor is coming right away.”

“Thank you.” Toni said.

Five minutes later the doctor was there with his bag. He leaned in and smelled her brother’s breath. ”This is a commonly used medicine for people about to be operated on. They gave him an average dose and he should be waking up in a couple hours. Once he does give him some water to drink to help flush out any residual medicine. He should be fine as long as he doesn't have any allergic reactions. I believe if he was going to, he already would have.” The doctor explained.

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