Page 33 of One-Night Stand

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In front of Nik, he saw the boys shift on their feet, visibly affected by the sound of Daria’s words.

God. Damn. It.

“Then come.” Nik gave it everything he got, no longer thinking of prolonging their pleasure. He withdrew his cock to the fullest before sinking it back into her aching depths. “Come now.” He did the same thing again with his cock but this time, he also tugged at her clit.

Thrust, tug, thrust, tug—-

Daria’s eyes rolled back.

Thruuuuuuuust. Tuuuuuuuuuug.

Daria came with a scream, her fingers scraping against his back. Her entire body shuddered and then her hips were moving wildly, triggering Nik’s own release. His own hips slammed down on her, and his movements became frenzied as well. Even as a part of him kept watch at the other men who were eyeing him with a mixture of envy and shamed fascination, Nik couldn’t help losing himself in Daria’s body, couldn’t help surrendering to the power of the orgasm that threatened to sweep them both away.

When it was all over, Nik kept Daria in his arms, allowing her the time to get her breathing back to normal and her body to recover. Only when he was sure that she was properly rested did he slowly let her slide down to her feet. He gave her back her bikini bottom and helped her right her dress. When they were done, he glanced at her face and found Daria’s eyes shining and her cheeks flushed with pleasure. She looked like she had just won the lottery.

Another thought intruded, a sly voice saying it was either that...or she looked like a glowing bride. Nik clamped down on the thought. It was goddamn stupid, and he had no idea where it even came from.

Small fingers locked with his, making Nik blink when he realized Daria had held on to his hand again. He waited for his body to reject the contact, waited for his mind to warn him about how this would lead him to believing in stupid things.

But nothing happened.

And that wasn’t good.

Daria felt near to bursting in pleasure when Nik didn’t pull away from her touch. Slowly but surely, she told herself. She was going to get rid of whatever commitment-phobic concerns he had one at a time.

Still holding his hand, she stepped round the corner first and promptly stopped dead when she saw the group of younger men on the opposite side of the alley.

Nik joined her, his arm curling around her waist possessively. His voice was utterly casual when he asked, “Enjoyed your show, boys?” The last one was spoken with a curl in his upper lip, and Daria found herself fascinated. For someone who seemed to be an average Joe, Nik sure did a good job at being snobby and intimidating.

The younger men could only cough and stammer incoherently in response, none of them able to meet Nik’s eyes. But even as they walked away in a hurry, Daria overheard one of them mumbling, “It was a hot show, though.”

His friend nodded. “I nearly came—-”

An ominous growl escaped Nik’s throat.

Daria’s jaw dropped. “Did they just—-”

Nik cursed in Greek, and hearing it, the two boys she overheard talking whitened and ran ahead of their friends. Seeing it, their companions broke into a run as well.

She crossed her arms over her chest, asking, “So they heard us making love?”

Fucking, he corrected her in his mind, but he didn’t say it out loud. He told himself it was because he needed her to be in love with him and not because he didn’t want to hurt her. Beautiful liars like Daria Everest didn’t get hurt.

Meeting Daria’s gaze, he said levelly, “Yes. They did. Does it bother you?”

“Mm...I don’t know.” Her voice turned thoughtful, her gaze watchful as she asked him, “Did it bother you?”

He only shrugged, unwilling to touch the question even with a ten-foot pole.

A coquettish smile flitted over her lips. “It made you jealous, didn’t it?”

Nik answered it with a stoic look.

Looking at him, Daria knew it was all the answer she would get, but it didn’t matter. She could feel his real answer, and it was more than enough for her.

Moving back to his side, she twined her fingers with his. She held her breath all the while, a part of her expecting him to pull away.

But he didn’t.
