Page 20 of One-Night Stand

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Minutes passed, and Daria started feeling restless. She couldn’t figure out why until she shifted, her legs parting and causing Nik’s fully erect cock to rub against her belly. Her eyes flew up to him in shock, realizing that her restlessness was actually arousal. She asked weakly, “I thought men needed more time to recover?” He answered only by rubbing his cock more insistently against her folds, and she heard herself mumble, “I guess you’re not most men.”

This time, he answered her with a smirk, and curse it, the sight aroused her even more, her breasts aching, her nipples tightening, and her toes curling. Before she could decide whether it was time to deflate his ego a little, Nik had conquered her mouth with his, and there was once again no time to think.


IT WAS CLOSE TO NOONby the time Nik finally found the strength to pull himself away from Daria’s tempting curves. They both had come in each other’s arms thrice already, and only the knowledge that it was her first time stopped him from drowning himself in the pleasures of her body for another round.

Stepping out of the shower, he dressed himself quickly, intending to leave before Daria woke up. But at the very last moment, he found himself looking back at her—-

It was like being magnetized, and there was no way for him to resist the pull towards her. He found himself sitting on the edge of the bed, staring down at the woman who had somehow managed to shatter his every defense without even trying.

Ever since Beth Lewis had betrayed him, he had never allowed himself to be this close to anyone, and especially not a woman. And yet Daria had managed to get under his skin just by throwing a bottle at his head. If this wasn’t about him, Nik might have seen the humorous irony in it and laughed.

But since it was...

He should make a clean break of it now, Nik thought. He could fly out of the island and leave her with a parting gift. That was what he should do, but somehow the thought of discarding her so ruthlessly did not sit well with him at all. In fact, it disturbed him, and that, too, was disturbing on its own.

Before he could make up his mind, Daria had started to stir, her eyes fluttering open. Their gazes met and she yawned, the artless gesture fascinating him. Could she really be as genuine as she appeared?

His brain rejected the idea, but his cock wanted to think it was so.

Daria rubbed her eyes. “What time is it?” Then she noticed that he was already fully dressed.

He tensed, knowing that the usual accusations would follow. He had never been involved in such a scene, but even so, it was only logical for her to think he was dumping her.

But instead of flinging insults and pushing him off the bed, Daria only raised a brow at him. “You’re leaving?”

He answered levelly, “That’s the plan, yes.”

She pouted. “Why?”

The question was unexpected, and so was the pout, which was making his cock stir to life under his pants. “Because...I have work to do.”

“Uh huh...” She pushed herself up, clutching the covers to her breasts as she did.

Before he realized what he was doing, he had already tugged the covers off her body. Another second, and he had her flat on her back, caged between his arms while he loomed over her. “Don’t cover yourself when you’re with me.” The possessive note in his voice felt strange and right at the same time, as if it only came natural where she was concerned.

“Why?” Daria had wanted the word to come out tough. She wasn’t an idiot. She had taken one look at her Greek lover’s face and knew he had been planning to dump her. However, the word rolled past her lips like a breathless taunt, which she regretted – until she saw that it had made heat flare in Nik’s gaze.


Well, in that case, she would just speak like she was always lacking in oxygen. An idea occurred to her. If this little could affect him, then what if—-

She impulsively tested her idea, wriggling under him, causing her naked breasts to shake.

Nik’s breath hissed out.


The way her eyes gleamed with wicked satisfaction made Nik shake his head. “Vixen.” In response, she pouted and shook her breasts some more, causing Nik to swallow back a groan.

With his eyes still glued to her breasts, he heard her say, “You were leaving me. Did you really think I wouldn’t do anything to stop you?”

The last words managed to make him lift his gaze to her face, and he cursed under his breath when he saw that even though she sounded as provocative as ever, it was still mostly an act. There was uncertainty in her eyes, and the knowledge that he was the reason for it didn’t please him at all.

“I don’t do this,” he bit out.

“I don’t do this either,” she protested.
