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“Take as long as you need, Lu. Tell me when you’re ready, and I’ll find someone, okay?”

Luke nodded and hugged me again, and I knew everything would be okay.



I couldn’t believe I’d almost ruined everything between me and Scott because of an argument. I didn’t want the dark thoughts to keep ruining everything for me; I wanted to get better. But every time I thought about seeing a therapist, my body froze up, and my heart started thundering in my chest. How could I go for therapy when even the thought of it was enough to give me a panic attack?

I packed up my stuff and waved to my coworkers as I headed for the elevator, ignoring my anxiety in favor of wondering what I’d make for dinner tonight. My phone buzzed just as I was stepping into the elevator, and I smiled when I saw Scott’s name on the screen.

Scott:Where r u?

Luke:Just leaving work, why?

Scott:Don’t make dinner & b ready. I’ll pick u up in 30.

Luke:Where are we going?

Scott:Surprise. It’s Date No. 2.


Scott:You’ll have fun, I promise.

The elevator pinged as it opened into the lobby, and I stepped out, stuffing my phone in my pocket. I used the bus ride home to puzzle out where he might take me. I’d told him last time that it’d be tough to top that date since I got an adorable kitten at the end of it, even though she hadn’t technically been a part of his plan. What did he have planned for tonight?

Once home, I showered and dressed in a pair of jeans, a black t-shirt, and my favorite gray hoodie. While I waited for Scott to arrive, I headed into the kitchen, Tressa trailing me with her usual limp. Every time I saw her limping around, I wanted to pick her up and carry her, but both Dr. Hannigan and Scott had reprimanded me repeatedly becauseshe needed to get used to walking like that.They said she couldn’t feel her bad leg, so it didn’t hurt her, but watching her limp around like that hurtme.

In order to stop myself from picking her up, I poured some kitten food into her bowl and grinned as she raced over to it, bad leg and all, and started gobbling it up. I chuckled to myself as the front door opened, and Scott walked in. I stepped out of the kitchen to greet him, and he smiled when he spotted me.

“Hey, Lu! Give me ten, and I’ll be showered and ready, okay?”

I gave him a thumbs up and he rushed off into his room. Fifteen minutes later, he was back, dressed in a pair of dark, fitting jeans and navy blue t-shirt that showed off his well-toned body. He walked over to me until he stood right before me and gave me his usual warm smile. “Hey.”

“Hi.” My voice was almost a whisper as I looked up at him, losing myself in those warm brown eyes of his.

“That hoodie looks amazing on you. Matches your eye color perfectly.”

I blushed as I always did when he complimented me and ducked my head, but he was quick to grip my chin and nudge it up to meet his eyes. He leaned forward and softly pressed his lips against mine, silently handing over the reins of the kiss to me. I curled my arms around him, my hands running across his back over his shirt as I kissed him, my tongue tracing his lips but not going any further. I knew Scott would never push me, but I also knew that if I reached for more, I’d try to push myself, and I wasn’t ready for that. So I caressed his lips softly with mine, my hands exploring his body over the safety of his clothes before we both separated, panting heavily as we tried to catch our breaths.

“Where are we going?”

“Uh, to the—” he started to say before stopping himself and glaring at me without heat. “Oh no, you’re not using that kiss to get information out of me.” He pressed a soft kiss to my forehead before grabbing my hand and tugging. “Let’s go.”

Tressa meowed at me, so I leaned down to pick her up and give her some kisses before carefully placing her on the couch, where she immediately curled up and fell asleep. Oh, to be a cat.

I took Scott’s hand and gave him a smile. “Now we can go.”

All through the drive, I quizzed him on where we might be going, but he wouldn’t tell me, no matter how much I sweet-talked or tried to bribe him with cookies. But in a way, I was glad he didn’t tell me because when I finally realized where we were headed, the excitement that overtook me had me shuffling in my seat in my eagerness to get there.

“We’re going to the carnival?” I was almost squealing as I asked, a giddy grin on my face.

“Yep. I found out today’s the last day they’re in town. I didn’t even know they were here, or we would’ve gone earlier.”

“Better late than never. God, I can’t even remember the last time I went to a carnival. Maybe when I was, like, six.”

Scott grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze as we reached the parking lot that was almost full of cars and minivans. We got out, and Scott extended his hand, a question in his eyes, letting me choose what I wanted to do. I smiled at him before taking his hand in mine and twining our fingers. I probably wouldn’t have done that with anyone else, but Scott always made me feel safe. He made me brave enough to want to be myself without fear of others.
