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She turns to me and her lips twitch upwards into a mischievous grin.

I think I can get used to this.



I stare at the mess in front of me. Snow lingers by the windowsill while the chill air frosts the sides, making it difficult to even see out the tiny window and look for Lucas and his car. I can’t believe the semester is already over. What I originally thought was going to be complete and utter torture actually turned out to be amazing.

And I really hate to leave it all behind.

Not for long,I tell myself.It’s only for the holidays. I’ll be back for next term.

In the same house.

I smile while folding a sweater and stuffing it into my already over stuffed suitcase. Some of the stuff I am bringing back to New York to leave, since there are clothes I never use. Since running with Seth and working at the running store, I find myself pretty much in jeans and yoga pants. The nice stuff I only wear for going out, which isn’t every day. I nearly laugh, thinking about what Seth is going to say when he sees this giant suitcase.

He definitely won’t be happy. He’ll probably go on and on and on about how I need to pack lighter. It's not necessarily my fault. I don’t know where the closest Goodwill is and none of my friends wanted them.

I did offer it to Charlie, but unfortunately we have different styles.

I grimace, remembering Josh in all this. After the whole event, I still had to deal with him being in my photography class. Thankfully, he stayed away from me and I stayed away from him. But I didn’t have the guts to tell Charlie and Lauren about the whole event. I haven’t told anyone. Not the police. Not my mom.

I’m still wondering if I should.

At least I got an A on my photography project. I honestly could not believe it. It makes me wonder what else I can achieve if I just put my mind to it and I’m excited to see what I can create with my newfound talents.

“There,” I mutter to myself, having finished with the packing. I frown at the lid, noticing how it’s definitely going to be a pain in the butt to close. I sigh and sit on it before pulling on the zipper.I really, really hope it doesn’t break,I think while tugging on it.

“Let’s go!” Seth calls from the living room.

“Give me a minute!” I shout back. The zipper is halfway there. It just needs to get through the difficult bit and then it should be ok.


“If you don’t leave now you are going to be late!” I hear Seth.

“Perfect,” says Hunter and I chock back a laugh. Out of all the bros, Hunter has definitely vocalized his disdain at my leaving for the holidays.He even asked Lucas to have his parents fly my family out here.I chuckled at the memory.“People go home for the holidays,” Seth had said, although he also seemed pretty bummed. Although, Lucas did seem pretty keen on the idea. He probably would’ve went through it if Seth hadn’t stopped him.I sighed. I really am going to miss them.

All of them.

With one last tug, my suitcase closes. I wipe the imaginary sweat from my forehead and stand.

“Done!” I look down at the gigantic thing. “Can someone please help me?”

Seth comes to my bedroom door, standing in the threshold with his hands on his hips. He looks down at my suitcase and makes a face. “You must be kidding me?”

I hold back my giggles, knowing it’s just going to upset him more.

“I thought I told you to pack lightly.”

I shrug. “Too late to repack now,” I say. He opens his mouth and I quickly add, “Just a moment ago you said we were running late.”

A horn beeps behind us, only emphasizing my point. It’s most likely Lucas with the car, I assume. Seth goes to my window, opening it and looking outside with a scowl.

“Lucas?” I ask.

Seth slams the window shut and stomps towards me. “You do realize you won’t have any of us there at transfer to help you lug this thing around the airport, right?”

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