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I sigh. “Yeah, me too.”

Matt used to have the new girl’s bedroom. He was one of the team: Hunter, Matt, Seth, Lucas. Basically the dream team. He’d ended up getting feelings for one of the girls we were passing around: he’d fucked us all over with the rent for this place, and more importantly fucked over the bro code for the house.

When we all moved in, all sports guys, we’d ended up fighting a lot over the same girls. Matt had come up with a bro code for the house: every girl we fucked, we’d send her number to the other guys afterwards. There’s no fighting over a girl when we’re all getting a piece. Hell, after a while we even started leaving reviews for the other guys to know who was worth it or not. Gymnast girl, Mitzi or Millie or whatever, had gotten five out of five.

Then Matt had gone and kept one for himself and he was living with her like a happy fuckin’ family. And now instead of it being a bro house we have to live with some weirdo bitch.

More sounds in the corridor: it’s Mitzi, or Millie. Flexible girl. She’s wearing a dress she wasn’t wearing yesterday. I lean forward and watch her as she leaves. The fabric’s low-cut: her boobs look great. She glances over at the kitchen as she closes the door: sees me, does a half-salute, and closes the door behind her. Class act. Some girls get weird about the bro code.

Lucas has been watching too. He raises an appreciative eyebrow.

“That’sMillie,” he says.


“Psycho roommate has a better ass,”Lucas decides,“But Millie has the better tits.”

“You’re crazy,” I say. I think back to psycho roommate. Had I checked out her ass? Maybe I should, just to get something out of the experience. She wasn’t bad to look at, in general. The freckles were cute enough.

“What’s psycho’s name, anyway?”


“Huh,” Lucas says. He’s looked back to ESPN, but he’s clearly not giving an opinion on the football. I turn to face him properly.


Lucas’ mouth twitches up, just a little. “Nah, it’s just… you don’tusuallyremember their names.”

For some reason, this really gets me riled. I glare at him. “Well, yea-a-h! I’ve been the one emailing the bitch all week about the fucking rent agreements! Bills!” This does nothing to make Lucas’ infuriating smirk lessen, and I up the ante. “Money, Lucas! Not that you give a shit, leaving your sneakers on the counter, kayak on thevery expensiveTV! Moneyed rowing asshole!” I flop back a little into the couch, anger dissipating. I’m not sure why that got me so mad.

Lucas leaves his plate on the couch as he stands up and wanders around the kitchen, looking for, presumably, a cup that isn’t full of swamp water.

“I bought the TV,” Lucas says. “And I bought the kayak. I like keeping my stuff together.”

“That’s a new one,” I comment as I watch him now hunt around the room for two matching shoes. Lucas is just careless with all of his stuff. He doesn’t worry about anything that isn’t the next conquest. Get on his wrong side, and he can be scary, but anything that doesn’t stand between him and his next rowing match, or his next girl, he’s the Dalai Lama about it.

Lucas finds two shoes that match and hops around the floor pulling them on. Lanky fuck. I’m not short, I’m 5’10”, which isstatistically average, thank you, but Lucas is 6’6” and his hair, when he gels it up, is practically an extra two. I know you need to be tall for rowing, but he’s being excessive about it.

“You gonna lie around here and act like a bitch all morning?” Lucas asks, smirking over at me. “You didn’t even go out last night.”

“I just ran a 5K! What haveyoudone this morning?”

“Gotten somesleep, Seth, try it sometime.” Lucas seems uncharacteristically bothered about something when he looks over at me. “How early were you up?”

“Five,” I say, and I follow it up quickly because I know he’s about to point out that I was still awake when they left the house at two in the morning. “What do you care how my sleep schedule is? Are you my coach now?”

“I just think you’d be less of an asshole if you slept consistently. It’s like the first rule of college athletics,” Lucas says, before pausing and gesturing at himself. “Look at me.”

I sputter. “You’renotan asshole? Was that ajoke,Lukie? Did you just make ajoke?”

Hunter comes into the kitchen just too late to have witnessed, effectively, a miracle. I point wildly at Lucas.

“Hunter! He made a joke! He’s finally done it!”

Hunter, who’s to his credit funnier than I am, immediately grabs Lucas and slaps him on the back. “You did it! Your parents are gonna be so proud, bro,soproud!”

Lucas pushes Hunter away, rolling his eyes, and walks for the front door. He yells over his shoulder as he picks up the backpack he’d left there. “I have class, you do too, go do something productive!”

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